"Flo! C'mon!" JC ran down the hall.
"JC, stay here. I'll go calm her down," Emma said firmly.
"Are you sure?" JC questioned.
"Yes, just let me calm her down. Everything will be ok," Emma placed a hand on JC's shoulder,"Trust me." Emma walked into the small room where she heard sobs coming from. "Flo? It's me, Emma."
"Oh Em'... I can't believe it. Just when I thought we were getting a step closer, he blows our relationship of like it was a pile of.. oh I don't know! Does he hate me Em'? Have I done something wrong?" Flo said through her hands.
"Flo. Honey, look at me. JC loves you so much. He wasn't thinking. He probably didn't think that it would affect you that much. But you guys aren't married, right?" Emma said putting her arm around Flo.
"No, but I want it like it was a million dollars! All it seems like these days is fight after fight! Over stupid things too! I hate this!" Flo sobbed harder.
"Florette Gabriella-Ann Mills! Fights don't matter! JC loves you! A zillion other girls would LOVE to have him. But look at you! You snagged him. It's like Barney, you love him and he loves you! Now, I'll go get JC and you guys can talk it out. Stay here." Emma left the room. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
"What kind of things will you guys be doing this summer?" Carson asked.
"Well, we have the second part of our tour and we're working at the next album," JC replied. "JC, thanks for being here, you and the guys can stop by anytime," Todd said.
"Hey, it was great! Bye Orlando!" JC stood up.
"That's it for the morning show, for Flo and Todd, we'll see ya'll tomorrow! I'm sending you out with Ricky Martin's 'Livin la Vida Loca! Bye now!" Carson said. Emma stepped into the room.
"JC, Flo wants you. In conference room #7," Emma said.
"Oh man, good luck JC!" Todd said laughing.
"I think I'll need it. Bye guys!" JC said. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
JC walked slowly down the hall trying to prepare himself for what was about to come. Finally he reached the conference room. Taking a deep breath, JC opened the door and went in. It took a minute before his eyes adjusted to the dark room. Flo was sitting in one of the maroon chairs.
"Hey," JC said quietly. Flo lifted her head up from her hands. Suddenly she stood up and ran to JC crying.
"I'm so sorry! JC I love you so much and I don't want to lose you. It doesn't matter if we get married! I'll love you just the same!" Flo cried into JC's shoulder. JC just stood there with his arms around her.
"Sh.. Sh.. I know Flo. It's not your fault. I shouldn't have said that without thinking. I need you and love you! It was so stupid of me. Losing you would be like losing half of me," JC said quietly.
"Oh JC. It means so much that you would say that. I thought you were going to break up with me today," Flo replied.
"Don't worry about it. We're together now and that's all that matters," JC said as he smoothed her curly hair.

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