True Love- Chapter 4

"Press conference at six. Dinner at seven thirty. Then whatever," Justin yelled to his mom in the kitchen.
"Why dinner at seven-thirty? Can you guys just come home? Jon and Steven are going to come in are going to come in and I'm sure they'd like to see you," Lynn Harless called back.
*N Sync was at Justin, JC, and Chris's house watching some movies. Flo went home so she and JC could have some time apart from each other.
"Moooooommmmmm! JC, Chris, and I are all comin' home. We'll have plenty of time to see Jon and Steven! I wanna go clubbin'!" Justin whined. Lynn stepped into the room.
"Justin. Don't whine. Come home, go clubbing, and tomorrow you can spend time with them. Ok honey?" Lynn said.
"Yes Mom!" They all called back. JC was starting to doze off on the couch.
"JC, dude. It's only 5:30. Not time for naps!' Chris exclaimed.
"Whoa.. Sorry. I had some problems today and I decided I'd better sleep them off." JC yawned.
"No more time for that! Time for the press conference. Do you need me to take you there?" Lynn asked. Ring-Ring! The phone interrupted Lynn.
"I got it," JC said getting up. "Hello?"
"JC? Hi," Flo said.
"Hey girly! How ya' doin?" JC said.
"We need to talk. Can I come over? I'll be there in like two minutes. Bye," Flo said.
"What? Why? Flo, what's up?" JC said.
"JC, oh I don't know why I called. I'll be there. Bye." Flo hung up.
"Girls! They're sure screwy!" JC said.
"Ready Lover-Boy?" Justin asked. " I'm driving Mom!" The five guys headed out the door. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
"Hello Lynn. Is JC around?" Flo asked.
"No, you just missed him. Come in?" Lynn said.
"He said.. Oh who am I kidding? I should have dumped him on the phone!" Flo walked in. "I can't deal with this anymore! I want to be normal again."
"No dear. It's not that bad is it? How about we just have some coffee and wait for JC?" Lynn got up to go to the kitchen. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
"Hey what's up everybody?" Justin said into a microphone. The were at a press conference where people, in college journalism programs, asked the questions.
"Who has the first question for us?" Joey asked.
"Hi, my name is Meg and I'm 18. I was wondering if Justin was single and would go out with me?" A pretty girl asked.
"Why yes I am! Meet me outside and you can come over and visit Jon and Steven. Wait! Come up here so I'm sure I don't lose you,"Justin responded.
"Are you serious?" Meg asked.
"Yup! C'mere Meg." Justin held out his hand. Meg scooted past some people and walked to the table.
"Ok, next up?" Lance said. A beautiful girl with blond hair stood up.
"Hello, my name is Lilac. Now you guys have been on tour for quite awhile, right?" Lilac said.
"Yep," JC said smiling.
"What would happen if one of you got married? Would you like stop the tour for it?" Lilac asked.
"Well, only JC has a girlfriend. But, I think we would take time of and then continue with the tour. Or we would wait till there was a break and then have the wedding. Maybe even the wife would come along. Who knows?" Joey replied.
"Yeah, I think the wife would come. We've got Busta so why not?" Chris said. Lilac laughed.

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