True Love- Chapter 5

"Ready Meg? JC! Get outa the front!" Justin yelled as he helped Meg into the car. "Now don't be expecting too much from my house. It'll be pretty messy. And as long as Flo isn't staying overnight, you can have the guest room next to mine. Ok?" Justin glanced over at Meg.
"That's great! Wow. Thanks Justin." Meg smiled.
"Oh crap. Flo! I was supposed to wait at home for her! Oops! Not good," JC exclaimed.
"Oh good Meg. You get to see what we go through after JC and Flo fight," Lance said.
Justin pulled into Joey's driveway.
"Bye guys! Bye Meg! See-ya tomorrow?" Joey asked.
"Um, sure! Bye!" Meg replied. Both Lance and Joey got out of the car. Lance was staying at Joey's house. Justin drove about a block and pulled into his driveway.
"Wow!! This is so nice!" Meg said about the large cream colored house.
"I never really noticed." Chris laughed. Justin, Meg, JC, and Chris got out of the Mercedes M Class.
"Hey Mom! I'm home!" Justin called.
"Justin!" A little voice called from upstairs. A little boy with brown hair and big green eyes ran down the stairs.
"Jon! What's up?" Justin said to his half brother. Jon ran to Justin and he picked Jon up.
"Hi! How was the flight?"
"Good! Mommy had to go somewhere so she came too. But she's not here," Jon replied.
"Jon, this is Meg. I just met her," Justin said.
"Hello Meg!" Jon got down and shook her hand. "Power Rangers are on so I gotta go!"
"Bye Jon!" Meg said. "He's so cute!"
"I gotta go find Flo. See-ya." JC left the room.
"Busta needs me!" Chris ran upstairs.
"Wanna go for a boat ride?" Justin asked.
"Sure! Sounds like fun!" ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
"Hey JC, how was the press conference?" Flo asked.
"You're not mad?" JC questioned.
"No, I was mad at first but I can't stay mad for long. It's too hard." Flo laughed.
"I love you." JC leaned down to kiss Flo.
"I love you too," Flo replied relaxing into the passionate kiss. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
"Mom, I'm at Justin Timberlake's house! I know! He's great. But I gotta go. Bye." Meg hung up her cell phone and looked at Justin untying the boat.
"Ready Meg?" Justin said. He stepped into the boat. "So, what does Meg stand for?"
"My whole name is Megara Aurora Yzerman. Steve Yzerman's daughter," Meg said.
"The hockey guy? That's cool!" Justin said. "Meg.. You may not believe this but I like you. I think it took a lot to stand up and ask me out." Justin smiled.
"I really like you too Justin." They leaned closer and closer until their lips touched. They began to kiss. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
"Who's your favorite Power Ranger JC? Mine's the black one," Jon asked.
"I don't know Jon. Maybe Scary Spice?" JC said. Chris, JC, Justin, Jon, Steven, Lynn Harless, Flo, and Meg were sitting in the living room watching a movie. Flo had her head in JC's lap with Steven asleep on her stomach. Justin had his arm around Meg who was sleeping on his shoulder.
"No silly! That's a Spice Girl! Yucky!" Jon replied.
"Do you want me to take Steven?" Lynn asked.
"No. IT might wake him up. Besides, he's warm." Flo smiled up at JC. He gave her a kiss on the cheek. Then Steven started to cry.
"JC, come with me to the kitchen." Flo sat up and walked out. JC came after her.
"Can't you just imagine us having kids?" JC asked.
"Yeah.. I can see it! Can you grab a bottle for me hon'?"Flo asked.
"Sure!" JC danced over to the cupboards.
"Why are you so happy?" Flo said.
"You'll see." JC smiled.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Flo said. She took the bottle and gave it to Steven.
"Just you'll see." JC gave Flo a kiss and danced out of the kitchen.

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