True Love- Chapter 6

"Night guys!" Justin said as he followed Meg up the stairs. Flo had fallen asleep on the couch with JC's arms wrapped around her.
"Night J, Meg,"JC whispered. He settled into the couch. "I love you Flo." JC kissed her forehead. Flo's eyes opened.
"I love you JC." Flo returned the kiss and fell asleep. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
"Justin! Hey Justin!" Jon climbed onto Justin's bed.
"Hmm.. What? Oh hi Johnny. What's wrong?" Justin asked.
"Steven's crying and I don't want to wake Lynn up. Can you get him? I think he wants you," Jon replied. Justin laughed.
"Ok, let me get up." Justin pulled off his baby blue comforter and adjusted his plaid boxers. Justin walked into the extra room where Steven and Jon were sleeping. Steven had pulled himself up to look over the side of the crib.
"Hey buddy! Ready to get up?" Justin grabbed Steven and went downstairs. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
"Mom, Meg, Jon, Steven, and I are going to the zoo. Chris went.. Well I don't know where Chris went. Sure you guys don't wanna come?" Justin said putting on his green tinted sunglasses.
"No, I've got something to do with Flo but thanks for asking," JC yelled down the stairs.
"Ok! Bye!" Meg called back. A door slammed. JC pulled on a pair of khaki shorts and a white tank top. Then he put a red checked shirt over the tank top.
"Now, to get everything ready before Flo gets out of the shower. Oh wait, I gotta brush my hair." JC ran to the bathroom. He pulled a comb through his semi-curly hair. He ran down the stairs, grabbed his sandals, and went outside. "Ok, blanket goes here," JC said placing a blanket near the water. He went back inside and grabbed a picnic basket filled with everything he needed. "One more thing," JC said as he grabbed a small black box. He started to set up the picnic. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
"See the bears Steven?" Justin said as he held up Steven. He glanced over at Meg who was holding Jon's hand. Lynn was walking near by pushing the stroller.
"Justin! Oh my god!" A girl ran over to them. "Can I have your autograph? And a picture?" She asked.
"Sure! Got a pen and a camera?" Justin said. The girl handed him a picture and then they took a picture together.
"Bye! Thanks!" The girl ran off. Justin turned to look for his family. He saw Meg holding Steven, who was asleep, sitting on a bench.
"Where'd Mom go?" Justin asked sitting down.
"She took Jon to get a drink. Got a new girlfriend, Justin?" Meg said laughing.
"Yeah, 10 year olds are my type!" Justin leaned over and gave Meg a kiss.

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