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"Looking cute, sugar!" "N Sync's Chris Kirkpatrick whoops. "Does your momma let you walk around like that? Looking ghetto fabulous!"

Kirkpatrick's you-go-girl routine is directed at Lance Bass, who's livening up some pre-photo shoot downtime by strutting around in bad-boy threads: first a pair of spangled, ripped, derriere-revealing denims, then a cowboy hat and brown chaps ensemble that's part "Midnight Cowboy" and part Calvin Klein ad.

"You should just wear the chaps," says Joey Fatone, leaning his head back so a stylist can remove the stubble that's sprouted up around his trademark goatee. "They may say we're clean-cut boys," Fatone says, smirking, "but not clean-shaven."

And not always pure of mind, either: One chair over from Fatone, Justin Timberlake may or may not be enjoying his red leather trousers, which are a lesson in style over comfort. "These pants are so tight," the curly-haired heartthrob cracks, "it's like I'm having sex with myself." Yes, the guys of 'N Sync are definitely fun to be around-even when they should be dog-tired. After all, the Orlando-based singing group-Timberlake, 19; Bass, 21; Fatone, 23; JC Chasez, 24; and Kirkpatrick, 28-is at the tail end of a 52-city North American tour. Last night they performed before a 40,000-plus audience at Foxboro Stadium outside Boston, and in just a few hours, they're going to do it all over again. More than one million people have caught the show, putting an exclamation point on a run of success that began in March when No Strings Attached, 'N Sync's second CD, smashed records for both first-day (approximately one million) and first-week (2.4 million) sales. Six months ago, 'N Sync were merely stars; now they can lay claim to the title of biggest pop group in the country.

Success, of coarse, breeds activity. This fall the band will continue its North American tour, release an IMAX concert film and start work on a new record, with all five members taking a more active part in songwriting and producing.

'N Sync is also working on a movie, but before any critics start digging up their reviews of "Spiceworld" for possible recycling, consider this: The band will not be playing themselves, and the film won't necessarily feature any music. "We're actually going to make a real movie," Bass says. "We want to challenge ourselves to do something different."

Somewhere in there the boys are due to get a week's vacation, too. But first comes the 2000 MTV Video Music Awards. 'N Sync got six nominations, including Best Video of the Year and Viewer's Choice for their "Bye, Bye, Bye" video. They Will also perform on the show, which means the pressure is on to top last year's appearance with Britney Spears.

"It was definitely fun performing with Britney," says Timberlake, who is reportedly dating Spears. "I'd do it again."

As in Oops!...I'd Do It Again? Don't get your hopes up. "I wouldn't expect Britney to turn up again," Bass says. "But maybe Eminem-you never know."

Ah, yes. Eminem's "The Real Slim Shady"-which includes 'N Sync among the many, many thing that annoy him- has also been nominated for six awards. Still, all the members of 'N Sync are huge Eminem fans. "Love him," Timberlake says. "He's a supertalented artist."

While Eminem would like to think that he and 'N Sync are operating in different cultural worlds, the truth is that they're hitting much the same audience. "That's the cool thing about music right now," Chasez says. "People are a lot more open-minded. People are listening to rap, rock-it's just not trends anymore. Hopefully, that makes way for a longer career for us."

Tom Calderone, MTV's senior vice president of music programming and talent, thinks 'N Sync's longevity "is going to be attained by how relevant they stay with their fan base. Right now, they can do no wrong."

Maybe not, but should No Strings Attached end up selling 10, 12 or even 14 million records, statistically speaking, there's nowhere to go but down. "At this point in our career," says Timberlake, "we just want to evolve with our core audience. That's what the Stones did. That's what a lot of legends do."

The 19-year-old pauses, perhaps imagining himself at Mick Jagger's age. "By then," he says, "we probobly won't be dancing as much."

AOL CHAT #1 (1/20/00) (more to come soon)

Q: "I know you have a lot of women after you. What do you look for a in a girl?"

Justin Timberlake: I think all of us look for, probably, self-confidence. If you don't have -- if you lack that self-confidence, it's hard for other people to be confident in you.

OnlineHost: Be sure to go to Keyword: *NSYNC to hear their new single, "Bye, Bye, Bye." And don't forget, the new *NSYNC album, "No Strings Attached," will be in stores March 21st!

Host: Send in your questions for *NSYNC!! Right now four of the five are here. Chris is on his way!!

Host: Keep sending in your questions!! We are about to start!!

Host: Well, hello. Welcome to the studio. We're very excited to be joined by *NSYNC. We brought out a special chair, but it looks like we brought out too many, or someone's missing. What's going on here?

*NSYNC: Chris is a little late. He got stuck in traffic. He'll be here momentarily.

Host: We should start without him, because we've got tons of people out there. This is probably the biggest event of AOL since the new millennium, so you should be very excited. First question's from m lopez 97. "How is 'No Strings Attached' different from the first album?"

JC: This album's a little more personal to us, because we pretty much executive-produced this album. Every song was handpicked by us, whether we wrote it and produced it or whether we chose the person to do it. Everything was very hands-on with us on this album, and we did everything ourselves. So it's a very personal album, and it's a very liberating album. That's it.

Host: OK. Well, is there a different -- like, what were the personal things you guys wanted to bring up on this album? Because it was more personal, you had more hands-on control?

Lance: This is way more personal, because we independently did this one last summer. Do you want me to talk slower?

Host: It's on the computer.

Lance: And we just feel that -- you know, this is the next level for us. JC's written, what, four songs for this next album? So half the album's going to be written by us. Justin has one on there, too. And [we're] the executive producers of it. So, I mean, it just feels like our first real album.

Host: Right. From the heart?

*NSYNC: Right.

Host: Cool. Next question is from hflla 27764. "How does it feel -- fans like me have been so patient -- with the new album? I reserved mine September 11 at 5:54PM."

*NSYNC: Wow. Thank you very much! It's very exciting. We've been -- we've been very excited, you know, for the past month or so, because people know we've had legal issues. Now that it's cleared away, we're excited. We want it to be out tomorrow, if we could, but it's -- you know, it's going to --

Host: Build momentum?

*NSYNC: Exactly. We originally wanted to release it in November or October, but because of all the legal stuff, we had to push it back and push it back. Then we just had to start over [at one] point in the year and redo the whole album. But we weren't going to release it until it was ready. We wanted to make sure it was perfect. March 21, it will be perfect.

*NSYNC: It will.

Host: You're going to have tons of people buying it up.

*NSYNC: Keep ordering!

Host: Kiss 92 parties wants to know, "What would you do for an entire day if you didn't have to sing and no one recognized you?" I think it says.

*NSYNC: I wouldn't have to worry about anyone recognizing me, because I wouldn't leave my room. I'd sleep all day.

*NSYNC: I'd go horseback riding. By myself, on a beach or something. Riding. All day.

*NSYNC: I'll go to the movies, shopping, or something that you could just go out.

*NSYNC: I'd sleep all day.

Host: These are the things I assume you miss in your day-to-day lives?

*NSYNC: A little bit. You don't get to do the day-to-day thing anymore, you know, like a normal person would. But everybody makes sacrifices to do what they love to do. We definitely love what we're doing. So, you know, you make little sacrifices -- and it's definitely a little one, you know, that we've made. Sometimes we don't get a lot of free time, you know, our schedules are so busy. Whenever you go outside of your hotel room or house, you know, you get recognized and, you know, sometimes it's hard to get from point A to point B.

Host: Right.

*NSYNC: We love our fans and the support they've given us, even with everything that's happened over the past year. So you couldn't ask for anything more.

Host: If you guys are just joining us, we are live with *NSYNC. Not all the members are here. Chris is a little late, but we're waiting patiently for him. While we wait, we're taking questions. If you guys could just talk a little slower, identify yourselves, and try not to talk over each other. I know you're used to singing with each other. We're going to be individual today.

Host: Cow girl 992 says, "Yee-haw! What are all of your plans for Valentine's Day?" Down the line.

*NSYNC: I have not made plans yet for Valentine's Day. I believe we're in Europe, though.

*NSYNC: We're in France.

*NSYNC: I think we're in France for Valentine's Day. Which wouldn't be bad. We might meet some girl on the Eiffel Tower.

*NSYNC: That sounds good to me. I'd like to meet some French girl. Sure. I have the anti-Valentine's coming up.

*NSYNC: I have no clue. We'll be in France. I know that.

*NSYNC: That's true. But watch, I guess, a heart-warming movie, something that has to do with Valentine's Day, like "You've Got Mail."

*NSYNC: Or we could watch --

Host: Welcome. What kept you, sir? What was that all about?

Chris: I had bad directions.

Host: Chris just arrived. You usually travel separately or together?

*NSYNC: Together.

Host: This is a rare occurrence?

*NSYNC: He was just asking what we do for Valentine's Day.

Chris: We're in France.

Justin: If you're watching this, we're lonely, lonely right now. We need valentines.

Host: Oh! tweety 6545 would like to know, "When will your next video come out, for 'Bye, Bye, Bye'?"

Lance: We just saw the rough edit about an hour ago. We filmed it last week, and it's coming out Monday on MTV. We're doing the show "Making of the Video," and they premiere it there. But then the actual premiere is Wednesday.

*NSYNC: So go to "TRL."

*NSYNC: It's a really cool video. It kind of has a "Mission: Impossible" theme.

Host: Cool. When did you shoot that?

*NSYNC: Tuesday and Wednesday of last week.

Host: So videos happen pretty quick?

*NSYNC: Yeah. It usually doesn't happen that way.

Host: Ninny -- they would like to know, "What kind of music do you groove to alone when no one is watching you, like when you are alone in your room?"

Lance: I listen -- this is Lance. Cher, I listen to when I'm alone.

Justin: I think I listen to hip-hop, you know, acid jazz. I don't know. But definitely got to get some Stevie Wonder in there. Love Stevie Wonder.

Joey: This is Joey. Anything in my CD player or on the radio, I turn it on, just listen to it, just to get my head free.

Host: Triple-g says, "Hey, my name is Aaron, and today is my best friend's birthday. Her name is Christine, and she's 16. I was wondering if you could wish her a happy birthday. She would totally freak out if you did it."

*NSYNC: Happy birthday, Christine! We love Christine.

Host: They all said it!!

*NSYNC: Sweet 16. Another shameless plug. For her birthday, guys, get her an *NSYNC CD, "No Strings Attached," on March 21.

Joey: That was a shameless plug. It will go very well with her new CD player in the new car.

Host: There you go. Shop girl mcd says, "How old were you guys when you first started?"

JC: As a group or individually? I guess we'll say as a group -- we started about 4 1/2 years ago.

Host: And individually? How old were you guys when you first knew that you wanted to sing and this was what you wanted to do?

JC: I was probably 12.

*NSYNC: I knew it when they called me 4 1/2 years ago. I was like, OK, sure, I'll do that.

Joey: Probably around 8 or 9. I started singing my dad's old tunes, 1950s doo-wop music.

*NSYNC: I sing all my life. I grew up in church singing. I mean, I just always knew. It was so long ago, I don't even remember how young I was. What about you, Chris?

Chris: I'm very fascinated by this camera stuff. Is this new technology? I started when I was young, too.

*NSYNC: Did you say your name?

Chris: Chris. When I was very young, I sang in church choirs and music and school and stuff. Yeah, yeah.

Host: The next question is from Jay S. wing, I think. "What is the biggest misconception people have about you? Shoutouts to J.J. bord." What's the biggest misconception?

Lance: I guess that we were put together, because groups like us tend to be put together and fabricated, but that was not the case with us. We were all friends and singing together, started out singing a capella.

*NSYNC: We're the "McLaughlin Group."

Host: "What was the first idea you guys had to create a band?" Maybe I should read the questions more.

JC: Actually, we just -- I mean, we all were interested in music to begin with, so, you know, at one point or another we started singing some a capella songs together. Really, the first song was "In the Still of the Night."

Lance: That was...

*NSYNC: That was before Lance got in the group.

*NSYNC: Back when we were good.

Lance: Oh, man.

*NSYNC: Yeah, "The Star Spangled Banner," then we learned "Happy Birthday."

Lance: And a song, "That's All She Knew." A coach we had helped us get our sound together. That's on the next album. It's meaningful for us.

*NSYNC: The album is March 21, which is the next question we're about to answer.

Host: Let's see, k-diggy-di says... OK. "I've got a bunch of different release dates for the new album. When is it really coming out?"

*NSYNC: Originally, we wanted March 7 for it to come out. But we couldn't press enough albums, so we're going to release it March 21. So two weeks later. I hope you all can wait. But yeah.

*NSYNC: It's worth the wait. Definitely.

Host: How does this work? Do you get advanced copies of the album and you hand them out to friends?

*NSYNC: We've just got the single.

Host: Really?

*NSYNC: We're moving so fast right now that our video's supposed to be premiering on Monday, and we just got the very first rough cut an hour ago. Like, we're moving very quickly. We just picked the single cover on New Year's Eve, and it's pressed and sent out to the stores now. In order to press hundreds of thousands of these things, it takes a little bit of time.

*NSYNC: And they're just doing it at lightning speed.

*NSYNC: Twenty days and it's already out.

*NSYNC: Trying to break the record the first week. So go out there and buy your friends albums, too. Don't wait for the second week. Go for the first week.

Host: "This is Laura... from Lebanon, Virginia, and I was wondering what the concept for your new video was. I love you guys, and especially Lance."

*NSYNC: Lance, answer the question. L

ance: Well, thank you very much. Well, the concept is this -- the concept of "Bye, Bye, Bye" is a song about losing a girl or just saying good-bye to a girl, and is the whole video... it's a very dance-oriented song. So you're going to see a lot of dancing in this very cool room where we're walking all around the room. It has a "Mission: Impossible" theme where the girl is chasing us throughout the whole video. We're on puppet strings and get cut loose, and she's chasing us throughout the whole video. We have some stunts that we do, and JC is involved in a car chase, and Chris and Joey are running on top of a train, and Justin is running from Doberman pinschers.

Host: You did all your stunts?

*NSYNC: Pretty much.

Lance: We did most of the stunts. It was a fun video to do.

Host: Muff 2 wants to know, "What do you guys like to do off tours?"

*NSYNC: We're never off tour. We're always touring.

*NSYNC: I think when we're off tour, you know, if we're not doing promotion or recording, we relax and try to, you know, catch some down time and catch some rest, because we don't get a lot of it on the road.

Host: When do you get a chance to write and really get into the practice?

*NSYNC: When we're on the road. Like, you got to take a half-hour out of your day or whatever, whenever you can. But it's not a matter of taking the time. Really, writing is kind of an inspired thing. Things will hit you in the middle of the day. You know, we have little recorders. Sometimes I just call my phone and leave an idea on my message machine, so I can remember it. I mean, it really makes -- there's no specific time for that kind of thing. It just kind of hits you when it hits you.

Host: Attached to *NSYNC says, "Chris, I love the new do. You look sexy. What made you cut the dreds?"

*NSYNC: Sexy?

Chris: I don't know. Actually, they were just annoying. I think I was talking to Chris from Kid 'N Play the other day, and we both agreed it was time to get rid of our old hairdos. So now he's got a regular cut and I've got a regular cut, and we're both no longer known as the one with the hair, and I think that's what was extra special about the whole situation. But they were just annoying. I didn't like, like, there was so much -- it seemed so easy to flow them up into a ponytail. But when I took a shower, I had to wash each one. It took like eight hours to get them rebraided. So I was like, it's not worth it.

Host: So you're no longer the guy with the hair?

Chris: I'm just the quiet one. Joey wanted to take over my spot.

Joey: He said, I don't want to do the hair anymore. I said, always have to have the guy in the group with the hair, and there's always the blond, cute one -- no, I'm kidding.

*NSYNC: JC's turn now.

Chris: To be the blond, cute one?

Host: Justin, your hair looks different.

Justin: I'm just growing it out. I can't make it not curly, so I figure I might as well work it. Who knows? I'm just going to see what happens.

Host: Sugar 9d9 says, "I want to know if any of the guys from *NSYNC would date a fan?"

*NSYNC: Sure. When?

Joey: If you're a fan of the music, that doesn't have anything to do with it. If you get along with someone, you know, why not date them? It seems like the right thing to do. Because there aren't too many people that you can really get along with. Especially with our time that we don't have.

Host: Do you get to meet fans a lot?

*NSYNC: Yep.

Host: Do you get to interact with them?

Justin: On tour, we have meet-and-greets, where we meet a lot of the fans before the show and answer any questions and just interact with them. So that's really cool. You know, that each day we have that time set aside to meet some fans. We do everything we can, though, you know, to try to get as close to the fans as we can. Host: Cool. Tanya b says, "Hi. My name is Tanya. First of all, I really love the presentation of 'Bye, Bye, Bye' at the [American Music Awards]. Who came up with the idea of the big *NSYNC puppets? Thanks for answering my question."

Joey: Actually, we came up pretty much with the idea, with our manager, about having some sort of puppets. We didn't know exactly what size. And we have Sid and Marty Krofft, who did "H.R. Pufnstuf." He did a lot of puppets in the 1970s. We got in contact with him, and over 6 1/2, 7 days, he made the puppets. They're 24 feet tall. It was amazing how quick and fast he made them. We want to thank Marty -- thanks, Marty -- for making those puppets and stuff. We had dancers, also, that were flying over the air, hanging on wires.... So it was kind of like a scene -- everything as far as the video and album, as far as when we perform that song, it's kind of like a theme towards no strings on puppets.

Host: Is that something you'll do when your tour?

*NSYNC: Can't say yet. *NSYNC: That's confidential information. Can't give that away.

*NSYNC: Doesn't that sound cool? We're not going to tell you what's going on yet.

Host: Our next question is, "Hi. I'm Maria Loretto from Chile, and I want to know --"

*NSYNC: Is it cold in Chile?

Host: "I'm the president of the *NSYNC fan club here, and we love you."

*NSYNC: We love you, too.

*NSYNC: We're definitely coming now.

*NSYNC: When are we [going]? We're doing a promotion in March and April. We'll probably come down there, like, pretty soon, because we have to release the album sometime. It will be out before the summer. We'll be down there.

Host: Are you guys -- are fans around the world different? Are there cultural differences in the way they treat you?

*NSYNC: People are the same pretty much wherever you go. There's a language barrier. But I mean, people are people. We all do the same things, believe it or not. We all...

*NSYNC: You and I should get along so awfully.

Host: A poetry moment.

*NSYNC: Everybody does the same thing everywhere. You hang out with your friends, you watch TV, you listen to tunes. That's what people do everywhere. You know, it's the same.

Host: Is it weird to hear people with different accents sing your songs?

*NSYNC: Yeah.

*NSYNC: German or Austrian.

Host: Anyway, moving on, wwjdrjc: "Hi. I admire you guys. I wanted to know, who does your laundry?"

*NSYNC: I do my own laundry, thank you very much. I'm quite domesticated.

*NSYNC: I did -- I'm quite domestic.

*NSYNC: I did mine yesterday.

*NSYNC: I'm doing mine tonight, actually.

*NSYNC: When we're on tour, sometimes we have our wardrobe people do it, because we're always...

*NSYNC: We don't have time.

*NSYNC: Or just wear the same clothes.

*NSYNC: Or just turn your underwear inside out.

*NSYNC: Never!

*NSYNC: This is the key sometimes, but it's true.

*NSYNC: You buy socks and underwear -- it's so hard on the road, you buy them and then toss them and buy new ones. That's what, sometimes, I do, because sometimes we don't have time.

*NSYNC: Joey spends a lot of money on his undergarments.

Joey: I like the feel of brand-new cotton. *NSYNC: He wears tighty whities. Can we say that?

Host: That's appropriate. Next question, "How did you come up with the name for the new album, 'No Strings Attached'?"

Justin: I think "No Strings Attached" has a couple of meanings to it. Obviously, one of the meanings in our lives... many questions... is what happened to us this past year with, you know, the lawsuit and everything that's happened with that. And definitely, it definitely means, you know, we basically don't have any more strings to hold us down. And just on a more general note, that really we feel like we're coming into our own and that nobody can hold us back from really creating what we want to for our careers. So I mean...

*NSYNC: We actually thought of the name driving in a cab in London one day. That's where the whole thing came together.

Host: Really?

*NSYNC: I thought it was in a limo in New York.

*NSYNC: No, it was in a cab.

*NSYNC: It was one of the black cabs where the door opens the opposite way.

*NSYNC: Sure it wasn't a camel in Egypt?

*NSYNC: It was a minivan, I was wrong. But the door could have opened on the opposite side in the minivan. Because they all drove on the wrong side of the road over there.

NSYNC: They all walked on the wrong side, too.

*NSYNC: They all had out-of-state license plates.

Host: Cool.

*NSYNC: OK, cool!

Host: Musical girl says, "Do you have any ideas for who you'd like to have for opening acts on your [upcoming] tour?"

*NSYNC: I have a couple of ideas.

*NSYNC: What, Lance?

Lance: Janet Jackson and Jennifer Lopez.

*NSYNC: That won't cost too much money. And I'm sure they'd love to do it.

*NSYNC: I guess whoever is up and coming. We always try to support other acts, like Britney Spears opened up for us. Who else did we have? Tatyana Ali. We had a bunch of people open for us.

*NSYNC: We always try to give new artists a chance to kind of grow, and it's...

JC: We needed that chance in the beginning. Luckily, Janet Jackson gave us that. Because we try and run our tour, believe it or not, like hers. She was always very nice to everybody. She treated people with respect, you know. But everything was organized very well. That's how we try and run our show, you know, when we're there we try to be supportive of the up-and-coming people. Because we know what it's like to be hungry and want to go out there and be in front of those audiences and stuff like that. So we do have established artists, but we always take somebody that's up and coming and hasn't done a lot, because we need to give some people a chance.

Host: Do you guys talk about -- do you sit down and go, I saw this guy and he's good?

*NSYNC: Yeah. That's what we did with Jordan Knight, because he was like -- he just released his new album. Not that he needs any helping out by us, but he had such a great show that we saw with his dancers, and it was just like it was a no-brainer. He had to be on our show. He was great.

Host: Adc-chick-599 says, "I wanted to ask *NSYNC if they're on the Internet a lot, and if they like AOL. I do. I wanted to say that I love

*NSYNC and that they rock."

*NSYNC: Thank you.

Joey: Thanks. Sometimes we're online. But there are things online, I've gotten e-mails saying, I talked to you yesterday, this and that, and meanwhile, I wasn't even online. I was in Europe or something. So many people try to impersonate us a lot of times. They'll say, I talked to Justin or whatever. I go online a lot of times.

Lance: We all have AOL and if we go on and start talking to fans, they're like, you're not them. It's like if you want...

*NSYNC: I have a complaint.

Host: Go ahead.

Chris: About a week and a half ago, my account was suspended by AOL because someone sent out a mass mailing under my name. When I find out who you are, I'm coming after you. Luckily, I got my account straightened out. I have like e-mail... like quirks. I have to check my e-mail every day or week. I'm always online checking out the latest in great gear. Which if you go to, there's a lot of cool stuff there.

*NSYNC: Plug, plug.

*NSYNC: Can I get some free stuff now? That it was a total plug.

Host: We'll see about that. We'll see about finding that guy.

*NSYNC: Yeah, and thanks for shutting my account down until they found out what happened. Because someone pirated and got my secret code word. Can you believe that?

Lance: Our management, Melinda -- I was on last week, and the fans didn't believe it. They were talking bad about her. She was like, this is Melinda. Sorry. I have to talk slower.

Host: A big hi to the chicken.

Joey: You can write that. She keeps e-mailing me. She wanted me to say big shoutout cluck cluck. You can do that.

*NSYNC: Tell the chicken to figure out who has my password.

Host: Angel 9972 says, "Lance, how was it kissing Beverley Mitchell on '7th Heaven'? Weird or cool? Laughing out loud."

Lance: She's a great kisser, but it's an acting kiss. It's weird when there's 50 people staring at you. You know, as you're doing a scene, you're just like, mm-hmm, OK. And you have to do the little acting kiss. I do want to plug, please watch "7th Heaven" Monday, January 31 on the WB.

Justin: On my birthday.

Lance: On Justin's birthday.

*NSYNC: That's too awkward. Is that what LOL means?

Host: Laughing out loud.

*NSYNC: That is weird.

Host: You know, you dance and sing onstage in front of thousands of people.

*NSYNC: But we don't kiss each other.

*NSYNC: No. That's a little more personal, you know.

Lance: That's another thing, like, I don't know how the fans are going to [relate] to it, especially younger ones. You see it on TV, you think it's real. But it's not.

*NSYNC: It's not.

Lance: There's nothing going on between me and Beverley Mitchell.

Host: K Sam 35371 says, "You all carry yourselves very well onstage. What is it really like behind the stage? Do you all get along?"

*NSYNC: You're looking at it.

Justin: You know what? We're behind stage, this last tour, we... for 1999, we had like seven clothes changes, and each of the clothes changes were within a matter of forty seconds to a minute. And it's a full, total clothes change. We're in show mode. We're rushing, literally rushing, like the whole time backstage. It's funny, because people think that we just run around while we're out onstage. We're actually running around behind stage even more. So there's a lot of preparation that goes into the show, and I mean, we take it to heart. So I think when we get backstage, we're so into it, we're like, got to get ready! Got to get ready!

Host: How much of a workout is it?

*NSYNC: It's just like -- it was so funny, we were in Hawaii and doing three shows, one after another for -- consecutively, but we were resting all that time before. So we were hanging out, relaxing with our families there, and the first show we did -- and we haven't done it in a couple of weeks, it was just like -- it was hard. It was really bad.

*NSYNC: Water!

Host: Crazy girl: "When is the single 'Bye, Bye, Bye' coming out in stores? Because that song rocks, and it's number one here in Chicago."

*NSYNC: Great.

*NSYNC: Cool.

Lance: It's not coming out as a single. Because we just want you to save your money. Wait for the album. It's on the album.

Host: Which comes out...?

Lance: March 21...

*NSYNC: Ta-da!

NSYNC: March 21, 2000.

Lance: ...2000.

Host: "Love *NSYNC. I wonder if any of you have tattoos, and if you do, who has them and what are they of? Thanks."

JC: I have no tattoos.

*NSYNC: I wonder where everybody else's are.

Lance: The rest of us have tattoos. I got one in Hawaii for New Year's. I wanted to get one right at the end of the millennium. I have big boots on. I don't know if you can see mine. That's the new one. It's Chinese.

Host: Cool. What does that say?

Lance: I forget.

*NSYNC: Oh, jeez.

Lance: I actually had a lady that was at the venue that was from Japan, and she actually drew it and everything.

*NSYNC: She giggled the whole time, though. Wait, wait, wait, wait. I know you did not just forget.

Lance: I originally was going to do religion or something like that. I changed my mind at the last minute.

*NSYNC: So it was a long and thought-out tattoo?

*NSYNC: It was. All our tattoos are kind of worth it.

*NSYNC: I got Superman.

Host: You all put them on your legs?

Joey: It's for -- I mean, it's art, but it's for us personally. For me personally. Because I got Japanese symbols, stuff that I like. I got this in Hawaii, too.

Host: Cool.

*NSYNC: The tragedy, comedy, tragedy. I used to do plays and stuff.

Host: Soda pop 11888: "Joey, why do you like Superman so much?"

Joey: I just collected...

*NSYNC: He's the man of steel!

Joey: I started collecting stuff, T-shirts and hats, a little before I was in the group. And I did a photo shoot in Europe and I had the hat and shirt on. I guess people started sticking me with that, oh, you collect Superman and stuff. So I was like Super Joey. So I have the symbol and the tattoo. I started collecting a bunch of stuff as far as Christopher Reeve's autograph. I met Christopher Reeve and his wife and son in New Jersey. They came to see the show. This was after he had the accident. And his wife actually signed a picture for me, because she's authorized to sign his name. I was just like -- I couldn't even speak. I was just like, cool. I have a George Reeves' autograph. Just a bunch of memorabilia stuff. It's a hobby, something to do.

Host: Do you ever want to play Superman?

Joey: I'd have to get in good shape. That's not going to happen. If you're looking for a Superman role in the year 2000, in probably -- probably in 2010, I'll be available.

*NSYNC: Good luck. Joey...

*NSYNC: He'll be the hungry hippo.

Host: Madamk says, "I know you have a lot of women after you. What do you look for a in a girl?"

Justin: I think all of us look for, probably, self-confidence. If you don't have -- if you lack that self-confidence, it's hard for other people to be confident in you.

*NSYNC: Mine can be a wimp. I don't care.

JC: I don't like when people are all smothering.

*NSYNC: All up in your face.

*NSYNC: I like somebody who is an individual and doesn't mind doing some things for themselves, and then we can hang out.

*NSYNC: He actually likes someone that likes his appeal. He wants someone into his appeal, his baggy jeans.

Host: How did you cope with the thug appeal? Where did that come from?

*NSYNC: JC sang, you know, you know -- no. Actually, I did a favor for some friends. I sang a song with a group called Blaque. There's a line in the song where it says, "Are you feeling my tins, my baggy jeans and my thug appeal?" I'm feeling it. So I did it for the girls. They're -- for the girls. They're a great group of girls. I like the song, you know.

Host: :)

*NSYNC: we had to convince them not to wear the ring around their neck.

Host: "Cap from Germany, and here's my question -- what would you do if tomorrow everything is over? Thanks for answer."

JC: What do I do if it all ended? I definitely have to run down on myself. And whatever I've done wrong, I would, like, ask them if there's no doubt for me, I'm sorry for it all. I would definitely check myself and say good-bye to my family and friends.

*NSYNC: Are you talking over, over, or just the group's over? Holy mackerel.

*NSYNC: You could take it any way. The group or what?

*NSYNC: I have an extreme serious side. The football team gets knocked out of the playoffs...? Huge. But I mean, come on. I spend time with my family and friends then, too.

*NSYNC: My football team was knocked out of the playoffs the second week of the season.

Joey: I would go back to work at Universal. I'd cry and say, "Please give me my job back." No, I wouldn't. I want to be Beetlejuice again. I'd probably go back -- I'd try to go back.

Host: Thankfully, it's not all over. 24-7 wants to know, "As you know, you have influenced many people, including me. What is some advice you can give a group just starting out, besides practice?"

*NSYNC: Don't be late.

*NSYNC: Try to find a good manager. You need somebody to help you make selections, maybe in the music business. Because there's so many people out there that are trying to do the same thing you are. You know, we lucked out. I mean, it's all about luck. And you have to be talented, first of all. So you have to have the talent, then the luck.

Host: Then the manager.

*NSYNC: Then the manager. Actually, the manager can come before luck, because he can help you create luck.

*NSYNC: He can help you create opportunities.

Host: That was our final question. Thank you, guys, so much for being here. As we go out, is there any sort of farewell song we could do, anything like that?

*NSYNC: We'll sing a snippet from the new single.

Host: The guys are singing from the new single!!!

*NSYNC: One, two, three, four. "Bye, bye, bye..."

Host: Thank you for joining us. I'm Matt Wagner. Thanks so much for all of your great questions!! You guys ROCK!! Be sure to go to Keyword: *NSYNC for all kinds of info on the band, and you can download the new single. "No Strings Attached" will be in stores March 21st!! Sorry we could not get to all of the questions! Take care, stay warm, and have a great night. Look for the transcript on AOL Live. Good night, everyone!!!

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