
"I don't think we should do Bye Bye Bye cuz no one likes it" ~Justin, joking about which songs they are gonna sing on tour.

"Every morning when I wake up. Right after I get out of the shower, I do the shake-it-dance!" ~ Justin

"Looking cute, sugar! Does your momma let you walk around like that? Looking ghetto fabulous!" ~Chris joking around w/ Lance

"These pants are so tight, it's like I'm having sex with myself." ~Justin talking about these tight red leather pants.

"Alzheimers is bad." - Justin
"Shut up, Justin. So is being a 19-year old vir-- nevermind." - Chris

"JC's real quiet most of the time, but then he'll just suddenly go crazy, and we're like, 'shut up!'" - Justin

"He's usually happy, when he's excited, he does this little dance when he talks!" - JC about Lance

"I'm just *NSYNC. Last night some guy passed by and said "Hey *NSYNC!" Uh, my name's Lance." -Lance

"M-I-C you real soon K-E-Y because we got paid to." -Justin and JC
"U-N-I-V-E-R-S-A-L-S-T-U-D-I-O-S" -Chris and Joey mocking Justin and JC

"I never liked Justin...no, I'm kidding, I love Justin." -JC

"We don't even feel like a group" (Justin) "We love each other" (JC) "But we don't love each other" (Justin) "We just love each other" (Joey) "There's a trust that goes beyond, you don't have to worry about anything." (JC)

"My first time going skiing I knocked down a rack of skis and crashed into a cabin at the bottom of the hill, where the lifts are. They were having a ski competition that day. So I crashed in front of all the pros, knocked over everything. That was pretty dumb." ~JC on his most embarrasing moment.

"When I see myself naked in the mirror I get so freaked out that I do a little dance!" ~JC

I was with the guys in Germany. I was messing around, there were some fans around. I was jumping around and I went to kick over JC's head, and my foot was almost going to kick him in the head, so i tried to raise it a little bit higher and my other foot came out under me. I fell on my butt right in front of everybody. People pointed and poked fun at me." ~Joey

""JC dances in front of the mirror quite a lot and makes all these crazy faces at himself!" ~Chris

"My best friends are the guys in this group. [Our friendship] isn't fake. We weren't put together by a record company." - Justin

"We're together all the time, [so] we know each other like the backs of our hands. It's not like we're just a group. It's more like we're brothers, really." - Justin

"We were at the airport and my leg fell asleep. When I went to get up and take a step my leg wouldn't go, so I fell right in the middle of the airport." ~Chris

"Hi how're you doing? I'm Chris. I'm the bass of the group. I always talk really low. Right, Lance?" "Right Chris!" -Lance (in a high type of voice)

"I laughed when I heard [the rumors]," he says. "If I was really seriously thinking about getting engaged to anyone, nobody would know about it." ~Justin. "We don't like to talk about the people we date," says Fatone, "because they catch so much crap for it. They don't want to be in the spotlight." "I gotta tell you, I would not want to be my girlfriend," says Chasez. "I would," quips Kirkpatrick.

"In the early 90's I actually had a pulse shaved on the side of my head, and then I had the front bleached blond. I thought i was Vanilla Ice" ~Chris (when asked what was his worst hairstyle ever)

"Wouldn't you always get totally pissed at the kids who couldn't even hit the freakin' ball off the T?" ~Lance (talking about T-ball)

"Once in Kindergarten, I peed my pants on purpose b/c the teacher wouldn't let me go to the bathroom. Everybody was like, "Justin peed his pants!" And i stood up on my seat and i'm like (switches to squeaky voice) "That's right! The teacher wouldn't let me go to the bathroom!" I was the peeing Ferris Bueller." ~ Justin (When asked if he's ever broken the rules.)

"We're like brothers. Brothers always fight about different little nitpicky thinks, but you still love 'em" ~ Lance (When asked if they ever fight)

"Never frown, because you never know when someone is falling in love with your smile." ~Justin (or joey..i read somewhere that justin said that then i read somewhere else that joey did. . .maybe they both said it i dunno!)

"There was this one girl I asked over and over again in High School who kept turning me down. I tried being nice, she said no. So i tried being mean, and then i asked her out again. She still said no. I never did go out with that girl!" ~ Joey

"Man, aren't you just sick and tired of Pokemon? I don't even know what it means." ~Justin

"My mom still has control over me, and she knows it. She'll ground me on the road." ~Lance

"If my girlfriend were taller than me, I'd start wearing heels." ~Chris

"I can sleep standing up. I can sleep in the middle of a hurricane." ~Justin

"I hated him! No, I'm just kidding!" ~Justin on JC in the MMC.

"I've probably been asked out twice in my life." ~JC

"I am cookie man and this is my sidekick sprinkles." ~Justin (sprinkles is JC)

"I'm gettin Jiggy Baby!" ~Justin

"When we were all buddy-buddy with everybody in the music business, we all five were like, 'Oh yeah, come on into our group, yeah, come on into the clan, come on into our party, join us, we love everybody, everything is great.' Then, suddenly to have a knife in your back--that's when we all turned around and linked arms, then went back to back, and said, 'You know, it's the five of us against the world.' This was a bond that was bigger than family. We felt we were closer than blood." ~Chris. . . talking about before and after the lawsuit.

"I don't care if he likes me or not; I think he's a talented guy" ~JC talking about Eminem's remarks about nsync.

"We practiced 'The Star-Spangled Banner' just hoping to sing the anthem at a basketball game in Orlando--we thought we were so cool." ~jC

"Home for us is like, room 428" ~JC


"He's grown up right in front of us. The music he would have written 3 years ago isn't half as good as what he's coming up with now. He's got an adult state of mind now, wheras before it was all basketball and junkfood." ~JC
"And now it's junk food and basketball! Priorities have changed." ~Joey

"He's good about keeping secrets, esp. about girls." ~Joey
"Yeah, that's what Joey thinks-but actually, Justin's told me everything about him!" ~Chris.

"He's always got something going on, like during a hurricane he had this little hurricane party. He's always fun to hang around and is down for whatever." ~JC


"Once Leonardo DiCaprio said something about us to one of our mutual friends, and jc went up to him and said, So i heard you were talking smack about us? and Leo was like 'No, No'! he thought we were seriously mad. . .it was pretty funny" ~Lance

"He can't follow things. I'll be like 'Look, over there-beautiful girl.' and he'll be like where? He's awful." ~Joey

"He broke my favirote lava lamp and got goop all over my floor." ~Chris

(Best quality)
"His dedication." ~Lance "Persistence" ~Joey "His Nike watch. . .just kidding! his determination." ~Justin


"He throws a good party." ~Justin

"He took us all out to his hometown and showed us Mississippi life at it's finest." ~Chris

"He enjoys seeing people annoyed." ~JC
"Like, were going up an elevator and Lance gets out on a lower floor. When the elevator is about to close for me, he puts his hand between the doors so they can't close. So i press the button and he puts his hand in again. . .ten times!" ~joey


"If somebody ever says anything bad about us, he;ll just goright up and say, 'Hey, i heard this and this, what's the problem?'" ~Joey
"He'll confront anybody" ~JC

"He's all heart. He stands up for us all the time." ~Justin


"Joey brings charisma to the group." ~Chris

"He makes everything fun." ~Justin

"When he's trying to be funny and no one's in the mood, he'll start tapping you and force you to laugh." ~Chris on Joey's most annoying trait.

"He's a fashion victim. When we first got together, he'd wear something just a little tacky. Now it's full blown Chewbacca." ~Chris
"And he's become stubborn about it. If we're like, 'Dude, don't wear that,' he's like, 'Nope, wearing it!" ~Lance