Polish Cuss Words


DISCLAIMER: We urge you be at least 18 years of age before you ask for any of our services in this area. We may not be able to tell, but at least try. If you get in trouble that's your fault. We are not responsible for your incarceration.

First, a quick little Polish lesson

Polish is a Slavic language, something of a combination between Russian and German.

The Polish alphabet consists of exactly 32 letters.

There is no Q, V, or X in the Polish alphabet, so if someone tells you a word is written with one of these letters, THEY'RE FULL OF SHIT!

The Polish alphabet is as follows (the letter, followed by the pronunciation)

Left-click on the image and select "View Image" for a better look at the letter (we apologize for the poor quality).

 Pronounced "ah", as the a in "father"

 Pronounced "ahn", as the word "on"

 Pronounced "b", as the b in "baby" (if a word ends in b, it is pronounced something like a p)

 Pronounced "ts", as the ts in "cats"

 Pronounced as a soft "ch", no English equivalent

 Pronounced "d", as the d in "dog" (if a word ends in d, it is pronounced as a t)

 Pronounced "eh", as the e in "get"

 Pronounced "ehn", as the en in ten

 Pronounced "f", as the f in "FUCK!"

 Pronounced "g", as the g in "go" (if a word ends in g, it is pronounced something like a k)

 Pronounced "h", as the h in "had"

 Pronounced "ee", as the i in "magazine"

 Pronounced "y", as the y in "yes"

 Pronounced "k", as the k in "kitten"

 Pronounced "l", as the l in "live"

 Pronounced "w", like the w in "will"

 Pronounced "m", as the m in "mother"

 Pronounced "n", as the n in "no"

 Pronounced "ny", as the ni in "onion"

 Pronounced "oh", as the o in "or"

 Pronounced "oo", as the oo in "loot"

 Pronounced "p", as the p in "past"

 Pronounced "rr", roll your r because there is no English equivalent

 Pronounced "s", like the s in "soft"

 Pronounced like a soft "sh" sound, no real English equivalent

 Pronounced "t", as the t in "tiger"

 Pronounced "oo", as the oo in "boot"

 Pronounced "v", like the v in "vacation" (if a word ends with w, it is pronounced as an f)

 Pronounced "ih", as the i in "if"

 Pronounced "z", as the z in "zipper"

 Pronounced as a soft "zh", as the s in "measure"

 Pronounced as a hard "zh", no real English equivalent

There are also a few diphthongs in the language you should be aware of:

ch - Pronounced "h", as the h in "horse"

cz - Pronounced "ch" as the ch in "church"

dz - Pronounced "dz", as putting together the d and z in "bad zap"

dz - Pronounced "j", as the j in "jump" (ONLY if it is followed by an "i")

rz - Pronounced "zh", as the s in "treasure" (yes folks, it is pronounced Zhezneek, so YOU ALL GOT IT WRONG!)

sz - Pronounced "sh", as the s in "sugar"

szcz - Pronounced as a combination of the sz and cz dipthongs. (So, David's last name is pronounced Pishchek)



Every word will be listed like this:

Kurwa -------- (koorva) --------- bitch

The first is the word. The second is the pronunciation. The third is what it means in English. Got it? Good. Here we go:

Dziwka---------- (jivka) ----------whore, hoe, bitch

Dupek---------- (doopek) ---------ass, asshole

Huj------------ (hooy) ------------dick

Spierdalaj-------- (speerdahlay) -----fuck off

Kurwa---------- (koorva) ----------bitch

Spieprzaj-------- (speepzhay) --------piss off

Pojebany-------- (poyebanee) --------fucked up

Pierdolec-------- (peerdolek) --------fucker

Gówno--------- (goovno) ---shit (also a very good word for Goo-haters

Great! Now, we advise you use this to your advantage: cuss out some people you hate, have fun! Just please don't abuse it that much.

Dziekuje (Thanx!),
