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Welcome to my sight dedicated to the beast...

All the worlds problems can be linked back to THE BEAST ( example: poverty, the beast writes people up leading to their termination, leading to them being poor... )

The Story Of the Beast

In the Beginning, Target was a calm business, full of energy full of life. That was all fine and dandy UNTIL... THE BEAST It was prophecized that the beast would emerge from a innocent life form. One who was genuine and caring... The Mother of the beast was predetermined as well... A patron who around target was known as the PPTL... It was also determined that the worst shopping holiday would mark the arrival of the beast...

It was christmas time... and the Store was preparing for the biggest season it had experienced ever... The Patrons all were stirring about... stories of christmas past and how this would be nothing... But they were not prepared for THE BEAST... As the responsibility of Toys was given to a team leader that until this time was known to all as Heather... She was kind and considerate, very outspoken and domineering, but still no sign of what was to come... It was an early morning that the transformation that had been in the prophecy would take place... An early morning in which Heather had learned that no one really minded if she took a 45 minute breakfast break while clocked in during the morning... She continued to do this until the transformation was complete and everyone could see the laziness come through... The Famed Beast had arrived and brought with her the additude of a know it all, the patience of a child, the work ethics of a transient... THE BEAST HAD ARRIVED!!