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The Origins of Elsewhere


The Great elsewhere is the culmination of literally years of band formation and regeneration beginning back in 1994.

Paulo encountered a dude by the name of Satan, and another dude who they used to call Evan - the former handled the axe and the latter the keys. The three formed an outfit called Brass Knuckles and performed a solitary show for their school. At the end of that school year, the three dispersed to different schools and called an end to BK.

While Paulo was off wankin' in 95'-96' with a drummer he'd known from way back - Tollman, Evan And Satan pursued bigger dreams in some arranged and managed band under the guidance of some guy whose name I forget and don't care to remember. It was during his tenure with this nameless dude that Satan developed his immense skill on drums, and Evan's immense skill on Sax.

Paulo performed a few shows at school and in some talent shows with Tollman. Material was focused around ZZ Top, Zeppelin, Eagles and George Benson. Meanwhile Evan and Satan were tackling all sorts of jazz and rock. With the entrance to high school, however, much changed: Satan, Evan and Paulo reunited, while Tollman was in a different school. Evan did not involve himself in a reformation of BK - and the name BK was thrown out the window you might like to know.

In '97, sporadic jamming occurred with a young upstart rhythm axist by the name of Yossi. In 98', a singer by the name of Adam joined up in some of these jams. Adam and Paul knew a guy named Moo who had been playing a bit of guitar but was really made for the bass. After much brainwashing and manipulation, Moo took up bass, got a bass and amp and started playing bass in a newly formed 'band' / name of the jam group: Incarnate. After some time in Incarnate, viewed by some as a pivotal creative time for all parties involved ( not the webmaster, to be sure), Satan became impossible to jam with, and efforts to do so ceased - he was booted. Adam and Paulo, recognizing this lacking of drums, recruited Dekel - who also played guitar and sang. on occasion. After some time of jamming with Dekel on drums, the dudes recognized that it was not working out - there was infighting and bad blood that stopped Incarnate cold.

In 99' Paulo, Dekel and Adam picked up the pieces with a band called Median, which brought Tollman back into the picture. Lineup changes were rampant from 98' to 2000'- Median included Adam, Yossi and Tanney at one point or another, but all forms failed. Yossi left to form Focus; Moo and Satan teamed up to form the Sporadic Grass Movement and Adam, after revealing his desire for more material with greater pop appeal, left the eviscerated group, forming Sensum to meet that aim. Dekel joined Focus and was booted after a show or two; he then joined Sensum.

It is worthy of mention that Satan attempted to regroup Incarnate to its original form, but failed since he was stupid enough to tell the rest of the guys that he was only in it for the money.

In 2001', Sensum played a show at some LSD battle that they weren't happy with, so they gave up their spot for the next round. Dekel and Paulo came to talking about this business and Paulo agreed to form a group to fill the spot for the battle- thus Tollman and Moo came back round. As such, Elsewhere emerged from the ashes.

