You have just entered the storm of the lady panthers. All the fine females on this page attend North Pitt High School. North Pitt is located in Bethel, North Carolina. Check out the table below to see info on North Pitt's female sports team and don't forget to visit North Pitt's web site.

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Last Updated:
August 31, 2000

Women Sports:
Volley Ball
Girls Basket Ball
Soft Ball
Track & Field
Varsity Cheerleaders
J.V. Cheerleading
Cross Country

The North Pitt Lady Panthers can be compared to a storm, which is the theme of this page. I felt that like the character Storm that Halle Berry portrayed in the recent cinema hit, X-Men the Movie, the females at North Pitt can electify you with their personality and strenght. Yet charm people with their grace and beauty. The following are just a few of the Lady Panthers who are examples of what a young women should be.

    Beautiful and graceful, Pratrice is a kind hearted women who's smile can always brighten up a stormy day. Represents the class of 2001.


    Shortie right here is represeting North Pitt's Track Team to the fullest. Coming staight out of Buc Town, Chariss is holding things down for the class of 2001.


    Head of the FBLA club, Paige is showin that a women can be a as good as a man anyday. This fine young women is also a member of the class of 2001.


    Tracee is the prefect example that a women can be intelligent and gorgeous . Here we see her chillin at UNC. Another shining example that the class of 2001 is nothing to mess with.


    Check out this fine Lady Panther. Smart, beautiful and another reason why the class of 2001 is nothin to play with.


    With the voice of an angel, Jessica shows that the younger Lady Panthers get their props too. Representing the class of 2004 and the JV Cheerleaders.


    This senior is flashing her smile at all the men who wish they could have her. Lettin you know that game recognize game. Metra keeps it tight for the 01.

    Dis is all the Lady Panthers for right now. But there will be more Lady Panthers on this page in the future. So keep coming back to see for updates.

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