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On the bridge of dreams
A girl I saw, an angel seemed
The angel smiled and then she disappeared
As I grew near...

--Gringoire, Notre Dame de Paris

Welcome to On the Bridge of Dreams, my tribute to "Bruno à la Voix d'Or" -- the man with the golden voice.

Bruno Pelletier, a native of the province of Québec, has been a well-known voice in Francophone culture for many years now, with four solo albums and several starring roles in popular French musical theatre to his name. However, when he reprised his role as Gringoire in the English version of the musical Notre Dame de Paris, his name began to become familiar with Anglophone theatre fans as well, first through his wonderful portrayal of Gringoire, then through his breathtaking solo work, already so well-known to most French-speakers.

To anyone unfamiliar with anything Bruno has done besides Notre Dame, I'll answer your question now: Yes, all of his solo albums are in French! But please, don't let that stop you from experiencing Bruno's music, for the power of the emotion behind such songs as "Loin de chez moi", "Se rêver", "Où que tu sois", or "Ailleurs c'est comme ici" truly transcends the boundary of language.

This is the reason that I, a dedicated Bruno fan from the States, decided to create this little corner of the web. I know that there are many, many Anglophone people out there who have been touched in some way by Bruno's work, and to make a long story short, I thought it was about time that someone made a place for him on the Web that represented his growing Anglophone following. So read on and enjoy!


FEBRUARY 6, 2001

Today marks the release date of Bruno's latest album:
If you don't have access to a store that sells this double live CD, you can order it online
at, a Canadian-based chain that ships anywhere in the world.

Read the guestbook
Sign the guestbook


Bruno is the official spokesperson for the Québec chapter of the Children's Wish Foundation of Canada.

(Note: this site can be viewed in French or English.)


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The fine print:
The images on this site are not my own; most of them belong either to Bruno's official site or to other fans who have sent them to me. The copyright I claim is only on the design of this site, and on my own original words. Please feel free to E-mail with any questions, but please don't feel free to sue me.

A big, big thank you to all the fans who have helped me with this, by sending me pictures and stories, or simply by giving me much-needed encouragement. I love you!

Merci mille fois aux fans qui m'ont aidé, en m'envoyant des photos et des histoires, ou en me donnant l'encouragement dont j'avais besoin. Je vous aime! (Et s'il vous plaît, excusez-moi pour mon mauvais français!)