You have probably heard of her already, she's all over the net. We here at 'Why are you trippin'?' do not support her and we made this section to try and explain why.

About Willa

What has she done to the Carter family?

What has Nick told us about her?

How has Nick changed?

The 'Willa' experience

Willa and Nick have their say - after all it's only fair.

Closing the book on Nick and Willa - the final chapter

Here's the proof - straight from the horses' mouth!

Willa's self respect - and a song dedication.

Want to know more about her?
I have included this link for you - this site is pretty accurate in the facts presented, and it has a comprehensive overview about Willa. 
Thank you for taking the time to read my view on the topic, I think you are all intelligent enough to read the facts available and judge for yourselves.

Boycott Willa



(Willow/ Amanda/ Mandy/ Manduh???)