read below! Thanks!
This website is under construction!! You may still visit but just keep in mind that it's not done and that I'm working really hard. Thank You and please come back!! :)
I know that I have said that I was going to be working really hard to get everything runnin' and finish everything. I've been extremely buisy and my computer has been getting fixed. So this has taken longer than expected. But I have a new story that was sent to me. So I'm getting that put up and I'm going to get the rest of My story up. But please be patient with me. Thanks a Bunch. Also feel free to sign my guest log! I would love to hear your comments! :)
If you want you can give me your address by emailing me, then I will write you once my page is ready and updated! Okay!? Also, if you have any idea on what I can put on this page then email me! :)
Just to let you know what is going to be on here, here is a list: Updates on what the guys are up to, Pictures (I have lots), Bios, other links, My fav --FAN FICTION!!
*~* Now for the FAN FICTION I need stories. So you can email me the stories and I will start puttin them up asap! This is a time when you can let your imagination run wild! So start sending in those stories. For more info on the stories email me! :) I will be more than willing to help you get started or to just give you the info that you need or want! *~*
Don't forget to check out Chris Kirkpatrick's clothing line. It's the best of what's around!! I love it!!
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