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"Valerie is Back"

Valerie Harper is Liz Gianni, a dedicated and energetic city manager who juggles the chaos at city hall with life with her new roommate, her 19-year-old daughter, Penny, who has just dropped out of college. "City". Starring: Valerie Harper (Liz Gianni), LuAnn Ponce (Penny Gianni), Todd Susman (Roger), Mary Jo Keenan (Gloria), Sam Lloyd (Lance), Tyra Ferrell (Wanda), James Lorinz (Victor), Liz Torres (Anna-Maria), & Stephen Lee (Ken).

  City: Season 1 (1/29/90 - 6/8/90)

1. "Pilot": (1/29/90)
Liz faces two crises: a development project has leveled a cemetery, spreading caskets about; and Penny announces her affair with a married man.
picture needed 2. "Family Business": (2/5/90)
Ken feels that Liz is indebted to him after he fires the mail clerk and gives the job to Penny.
3. "Another One Died on the
Steps Last Night

The homeless man who played the sax outside city hall dies there overnight, leaving personal effects indicating he was a man Liz knew in high school. Giletti: Matt Roe.
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picture needed 4. "The Miracle at City Hall": (2/19/90)
Although he uses a wheelchair, a new employee's greater disability is his attitude. Meanwhile, spilled paper clips form a heavenly sign to Anna-Maria. Walter: Harris Laskawy.
5. "Your Park or Mine": (2/26/90)
Liz joins in a battle of paperwork against a councilman who wants to move a proposed halfway house from his district to her neighborhood. Gene: Bruce Davison.
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picture needed 6. "The Big Leak": (3/12/90)
Ken's diversion of rec-center funds to his own pocket drives Liz to leak the story to the press, but Ken gets wind of the scoop and orders Liz to find the source. Harvey Lime: Joe Mays.
7. "You Can't Bite
City Hall

Penny's new boyfriend handcuffs himself to Anna-Maria and locks them both in Liz's office in the name of animal rights. Evan: Robert Petkoff.
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picture needed 8. "Unfinished Business": (4/2/90)
Busy schedules aren't the only thing keeping Liz apart from Councilman Whalen after the ghost of her late husband throws in his two cents on Liz's social life. Michael: Vincent Baggetta.
9. "Love Among the Ruins": (4/9/90)
Evening plans are scuttled when a mock emergency drill forces the staff to stay in the building and respond to computer-generated scenarios - but is it just a drill? Dave (voice): Paul Colbert.
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picture needed 10. "Oil and Water": (4/16/90)
Zsa Zsa Gabor plays the owner of an oil tanker responsible for a spill in the river, but she refuses to pay any cleanup costs, thanks in great part to her buddy Ken.
11. "Seems Like Old Times": (5/12/90)
Estelle Getty plays the city's former manager, who thinks it's 1959 and puts the staff to work on the library project that ultimately cost her her job.
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picture needed 12. "With a Song In Your Heart
and a 
Knife In Your Back

News of her husband's release from a Cuban prison brings joy to Anna-Maria, but the man arrives bringing sorrow. Rigoberto: Gregory Sierra. Theresa: Begona Plaza.
13. "Just a Passing Dad": (6/8/90)
Everyone adores Liz's dad except Liz, who suspects he's shown up again only because he wants something from her. Donald: Alan Young. Sean: Shay Duffin.
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