Mel Taryn Nick and Brian all silently left the room. The girls turned around to face Brian and Nick making them stop what they looked athe Taryn and Mel confused spend the day with us the asked a pleading look in their eyes. ok they said a big grin playing in the corners of their mouths yes we will Nick said kissing taryns hand Brian wrapped his arms around Mel and picked her up Brian put me down Mel giggled no my dear I want you in my arms forever Brian said in a fake english accent mel laughed looking into his eyes he looked down at her and kissed her. yoo hoo Taryn and Nick joked ...forgot we were here huh? Taryn stated Brian smiled looking down at mel then back at taryn..suddenly Taryn felt to hands at her sides begin to tickle her ..N..O N..I..C ..K S...TT...OO..PP Taryn stuttered ..I am very ticklish I can tell a grin crossing his face.come on you two..let's go spend the day together.Nick buddy we may not get to see these ladies for a long while ..don't remind me Nick groaned. what do You two wanna do? Brian asked looking at the girls "I don't care Mel stated happily,as long as it's with you" so we can surprise you?" Nick questioned Yea Taryn said being to hum the chorus to "as long as you love me" then mel joined in. Brian and Nick laughed out loud as they began to sing the words Brian grabbed the picnic baset the was sitting by the counter and Nick began to raid through the refrideratior grabbing things to make sandwiches Mel and Taryn sat down next to each other on the stools at the counter. Mel began to sing the words to al I have to give, Taryn joined Brian and Nick were turned their backs turned to the girls they turned and looked at each other quizzlly Ok they both said as they turned around. What is today sing a backstreet song every five minutes day they laughed.

Chapter 20
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