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Saturday July 21st, 1990


Part 1

One of the most spectacular show in the music History, " The Wall – Live In Berlin " is not just a simple concert but a new recording of The Wall (1979) album. Even if the concert is similar to it, like Is There Anybody Out There? (2000), it is also totally different. In 1990, Waters is alone (no members from PF were invited), in fact, it’s a bit wrong. He is helped by a bunch of special guest artists (Bryan Adams, The Band, Paul Carrack, Thomas Dolby, James Galway, Jerry Hall, The Hooters, Cindy Lauper, Ute Lemper, Joni Mitchell, Paddy Moloney, Van Morrison, Sinead o’Connor, Scorpions ; for the Trial sequence : Tim Curry, Thomas Dolby, Ute Lemper, Marianne Faithfull, Albert Finney), the Bleeding Heart band (Graham Broad, Rick Difonzo, Andy Fairweather Low, Nick Glennie-Smith, Snowy White, Peter Wood, Joe Chamay, Jim Farber, Jim Haas, John Joyce) and several orchestras (The East Berlin Radio Orchestra, The East Berlin Radio Choir, The Military Orchestra Of The Soviet Army) from various countries.

Certainly the biggest Roger Waters project, it was never recognized such as a credited work.

Hard to do better after the success of The Wall Live (1980-1981, Waters performed it for the last time, England, 1981,  Earls court), however, he succeeds in creating a new atmosphere here…that’s what I felt when I heard it for the first time (I still have the same feeling again).

I found out this show was not really credited…of course, on the internet, readers can read " Waters performed The Wall in Berlin in 1990, 2 months after, the album was released ", that’s all !…the time has come to show you the magic of Berlin 1990…Get back in the past, follow me up to Berlin…we’ll rediscover this concert together…let’s go now…

Just before starting the show…I have to tell you that I’ve heard both recordings (Earls Court & Berlin), it’s not a question of battle or competition between the two, but I prefer the last one (that’s a fact, sorry for Floyd fans…)

In the Flesh? (Scorpions)ns)

On the stage, a white limousine arrives, the concert can start now. A moment of truth for Waters and his band…in front of
400 000 people…Very powerful, we hear The Scorpions (especially the singer) play the song…the sound quality is better than other recordings (i.e. Earls Court, the sound is too muffled on this one, it can be explained easily since we barely hear the crowd  (filtered)) and Roger Waters’voice is perfect in the early 90’s.

As soon as the vocal part finishes, comes the melting between solo guitars, drums, sound effects (when the Stuka is going down…and the drums are intensified)…what a moment! Moreover, by looking at the theatrical aspects, nothing can compare to them…just an advice, try to get the video; it’s just an absolute moment where the unbelievable things are really alive…(I will try to explain the best parts…but you should rent it if you don’t want to spend a lot of money).

The Thin Ice (Ute Lemper & Roger Waters)

The Baby is crying now…we can listen to the delicate voice of Ute Lemper…magnificient moment…she sings the first part and then, Roger Waters himself, follow her in the last part…what a duo !

Ute Lemper does a good job here, really such a performance!, her voice is so sweet that she is able to sing Gilmour’s part…Nothing to say, except it was perfect…
Ouuhhhhhh….Ouuhhhhh…Ouuhhhhh….babe !

RW : If you should go skating…Let’s go Rog, it is the very best moment for you…I must emphasize that Roger Waters was alive again in the early 90’s (" Amused To Death " is the proof ! in spite of 80’s end which was for him, in my opinion, the black hole !).

Supported by a great orchestra, the whole song itself becomes a new one…in the spirit of a New " The Wall "…It’s time to have another one…but which one…just a brick in the w…

Another Brick In The Wall (part 1) (Roger Waters)

The echo of the rhythm guitar invites us to enter the magic of the Wall…It’s time for Roger Waters to build the wall with the first brick…this song is dedicated to his father…

" Daddy, what else did you leave for me…just a brick in the wall "

The originality of the performance is due to the following facts : a sax solo part is introduced here, and at the same time, Waters ( in fact I really don’t know if Rog was playing the bass here !) plays his black Fender bass…he really enjoys this moment, he smiles and he's looking at Garth Hudson playing the sax. With the addition of the sax part, the song seems to be more nostalgic…that’s the word !

Then, the helicopter enters the Potsdamerplatz…more and more stressful…the voice in the speakers is ready now: " You, Yes You… " …Ahhh…Ahhh…Ahhh ! ! ! !

The Happiest Days Of Our Lives (John Joyce, Stan Farber, Jim Haas & Roger Waters)

The sound effects (along with the drums) are very impressive at the beginning of the song (each time, it moves me)…Even if The Happiest Days Of Our Lives was perfect at Earls Court, here, it sounds even better…furthermore, just to hear the crowd in the background, it creates a special feeling, never felt before !

Thanks to John Joyce, Stan Farber, Jim Haas for assisting Roger Waters during the song…especially when the first part begins " When we grew up and went to school… ".

On the other hand, I suspect Waters recorded his (voice) part in studio after the show (in fact, during the performance, there were many problems : sounds effects, light show, etc…just a supposition, nothing more !

The introduction of the world famous Another Brick In The Wall (part 2) is just as faithful to the studio version and even better.

Another Brick In The Wall (part 2) (Cyndi Lauper)

Probably, one Rog’s few errors in the choice of artists. Indeed, I really thought Roger was going to sing alone the song, but it wasn’t the case…you can guess the next !

Cyndi Lauper sang it, but really in an unusual way (I prefer clearly the one from Earls court recording, I think Gilmour and Waters both sang it).…what a pity ! Fortunately, the instrumental part made a difference. The first guitar solo is played by Rick Di Fonzo and I have to admit he plays well (maybe more " metallic "), different from Gilmour play but very talented. Snowy White does the second one, great too, but closer to his own solo work, not floydian but interesting too. After all, there are other talented artists other than Pink Floyd, aren't they ? Then, the last solo is played, using organ & keyboards. Here, Waters was wise, he chose Peter Woods (who played in Earls Court too !) and the work is amazing for both solos. Finally, the song ends by using typical synthe sounds (keyboard) from 80’s (Thomas Dolby plays it).

In short, the song was quite well played even if we regret Cyndi Lauper appearance…(sorry for her !)

Mother (Sinead O’Connor & The Band)

We could have worried about the choice of Sinead O’Connor, but in truth, it was a really good choice…her voice is really extraordinary. Few people could pretend to have such a voice !

Waters plays the acoustic guitar himself while Sinead sings. Also, Waters adds an accordion part to the song (played by Garth Hudson), it also brings a nostalgic feel (like in Another Brick In The Wall part 1 with the sax solo). Then, 'The Band' is invited to perform and to sing on the second verse.

Great Performance here, even if we regret Rog’s voice which was very unique. For your information, Roger just sang on the part performed by 'The Band', but I admit it is difficult to hear him clearly.

Apparently, Sinead O’Connor didn’t appreciate the show itself, she had the feeling that everyone were old artists…when you see the video, she seems to be in another state…you know what I mean! ?…

In any case, despite her own personality, she’s one of the greatest female singer at the present time.

Goodbye Blue Sky (Joni Mitchell)

I really didn’t know the artist Joni Mitchell before I heard this recording but her voice lent itself easily to the song. The acoustic part and flute solo fitted perfectly (especially the last one which, one more time, included a new original part created by Roger Waters). I don’t know, Roger seem to embrace classical music very well, it’s a fact, because after an interview, I could read a new classical project called " Cà Ira " (Roger Waters has been working on for many years) would be released soon (probably December 2001).

In any case, we have to appreciate the orchestra and its work in the background, because, one more time, it creates a new atmosphere during the show…the flute solo concludes perfectly this " masterpiece "

Empty Spaces (Roger Waters & Bryan Adams)

When the crowd cheers, the guitar is played and it reminds us of " Empty Spaces ", then comes the first part of the song, the solo guitar is great here. At the same time, a movie is projected on the wall, the animation is amazing, very good work.

Roger Waters’ voice has never been better ! Very good vocal performance, then comes the last part and another artist appears, Bryan Adams.

Ok, many Floyd fans could say to me : Bryan Adams wasn’t able to sing here, I agree with them. It’s a " painful " moment to hear him sing a part from The Wall , certainly an error, but nobody is perfect and anybody can be wrong. However, fortunately, there were many talented musicians (the orchestra) to assist him, so, " disaster " didn’t take place…

Young Lust (Bryan Adams)

Nothing to say here, Bryan Adams’voice didn’t lend itself (not at all !) to Young Lust, nor to the Wall show, but he was there. Even if Young Lust is not my favourite song, it can be easy to think : " this show doesn’t overcome the one from Earls Court ", so, we only have to think : a song is not the whole show, next one please, and we’ll see… !

By the way, only the organ solo (and guitar too) take measures for keeping the song interesting..

Oh My God, What A Fabulous Room(Jerry Hall)

An interesting and original idea, it was not a simple recording but a real voice : Jerry Hall.

Behind the landscape (the wall), Jerry hall speaks to Pink and to all the crowd too. I think it was the only time Roger Waters used this idea.

One Of My Turns (Roger Waters)

Well, let's forgive Young Lust and go ahead ! Roger Waters sings this song perfectly (by using special vocal effects, for instance at the end, " Why are you running awaaaaaaaaaayyy "), assisted by powerful guitar sounds. But the greatest moment is the theatrical aspect. Waters (a small flat had been built into the wall, and Waters, in his comfortable armchair is singing), far from everything, he is in a pure moment of isolation. Lots of technical means are used for that scene, notably a camera next to Rog is following his every moves. Not easy to do that, we can appreciate this moment by watching the video tape (just another reason to rent or buy it ! lol…)

While the guitar solo is played, Waters gets up and throws out of his room all kind of stuff (guitars, chair, lamp…) and even breaks a guitar against the wall (the Gilmour’s Red & White Fender ?).

Don’t Leave Me Now (Roger Waters)

Probably the best moment (with the last song) of the first part of the show ! Don’t Leave Me Now remains the deepest and  most chaotic song from the album.

" Don’t say it’s the end of the road, Remember the flowers I sent… ! "

Particularly, the special effect (echo) used on the words Running Away, perfect here, creates a feeling of sadness to highlight Waters emotion. It’s simply the best version of this song, nothing was forgotten : theatrical aspects, music, choirs, and Waters’voice played the main role.

Two parts end the song : the traditional one and a new one which is used for the transition between Don’t Leave Me Now and Another Brick In The Wall (part 3).

RW : Why are you running away ?

Choirs does a fantastic work : Ooooooh Babe ! (repeated several times)

In addition to that, the drums, guitar and piano supports intensively the Choirs…

Then, the second part starts…Voices from nowhere surround us without any chances to catch them…the well known guitar notes (echo) and a synthetizer part is added to this beautiful melting (the best now !), just like a light in the darkness…

Each time I hear the recording, especially the end, I get the impression of freedom and happiness but I cannot give you any answers…only Roger Waters’ music creates such a movement and good feeling…

If you have never heard this version, you should do it soon, after you hear it, it’s impossible to turn back, lol…

Another Brick In The Wall (part 3) (Roger Waters)

One of the best version too…

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ! ! ! ! ! ! Burst and broken glass followed by drums…what a moment !

When Roger Waters starts : " I don’t need no arms around me ", with a noisy crowd ! it is a pure moment. More powerful, more metallic, the performance is great. The vocal part is, for me, a new one. It brings a change in the rhythm, he brings us in the fourth dimension with this version…

He uses (with the help of the orchestra, violins and bass (stressful moment) which does the transition between the voice part and the last part) Last bricks in the wall, called again " The Last Few Bricks ". Meanwhile, Rog has now go back to the stage (behind the wall which is fully built, except for a few bricks), now, he can hide behind the Wall.

With the drums, bass (apparently played by Roger) and the guitar, the music starts again. An impressive light show can be viewed behind the stage…and each time, the song is intensified to the wanted moment. Just one more time and the guitar player used powerful sounds, of course, assisted by the drums (the drummer is Graham Broad who played with Rog during In The Flesh Tour 1999-2000) and once again the song starts…we got the impression that the song will never finish…finally during the last 30 seconds guitar/drums/keyboards create a new burst…and then comes the final bass part (just the last brick in the wall)

Goodbye Cruel World (Roger Waters)

Only two notes (on the bass) are played, it’s just an " au revoir " between Roger Waters and the crowd, just to say the link is broken now and he will never crossed again the other side of the wall…

RW : Goodbye…


Greatest Moments :

The Thin Ice

Another Brick In The Wall (part 1)

The Happiest Days Of Our Lives

One Of My Turns

Don’t Leave Me Now

Another Brick In The Wall (part 3)


Continue, part 2...

Writer : Maxime Siegler

Date : 10/14/01 (Lille, France)
