Tool - Die eier von satan |
This is a lovely song describing the recepy for space cakes. You gotta listen! |
DOA - Marijuana motjerfucker |
Punk isn't usually much influenced by marijuana (it is more of amphetamine music) but here is an exception. |
Tom Petty talks about weed and alcohol |
When Tom Petty were playing on Storytellers he talked about the background to his song You Don't Know How It Feels. I hope you can hear what he says because it is pretty funny :) |
? - The Devil went to Jamaica |
Justin Craig suggested this one (who wrote it?). Thanks man! |
Brian Robbins - Marijuana |
Nicholas Baxley wrote me regarding this song and provided the link to the song wich includes the lyrics and some background info to the song. Thank you! |
Jerry Chiappetta, Jr., The Reefer Song (just do a search for 'reefer' and you'll find it on the page) |
Jerry e-mailed me about this song and it is really great. One of my favourites. |
Two good songs |
Thanks to Bud for the link! |
Williams stand up comedy (894 Kb) |
Sounds like he knows what he's talking about ;) |
or not? (29 Kb) |
:-) (Thanks to Char) |
trip (222 Kb) |
Taken from the rather entertaining movie Road trip.
Recommended for all stoners. |
Anthem (647 Kb) |
The US Anthem with "improved" lyrics :) |
Weedmix |
A great mix of nice songs (Suggested
by: Matty Thanks!) |
Bakers songs |
Lots of nice songs about our favourite
hobby. Sticks and seeds is my favourite one. Jet Baker is a David Peel of the new millenium. |
The Band |
Nice name =) |
Willie Nelson
- Stop arresting marijuana smokers (200 Kb) |
Willie Nelson is great! Check him out in wonderful
movies like "Wag the dog" and "Halfbaked". |
Queen -
Backwards message (111 Kb) |
Queens Another one bites the dust played backwards.
It sounds like "It's fun to smoke marijuana", doesn't
it? :) |
Peel - Everybody's smoking marijuana (943 Kb) |
This is my fave pot song for the moment. I love the
sound and the lyrics. |
- LSD 25 (556 Kb) |
It's not about pot but I find it interesting anyway.
It's supposed to be the first ever recorded song refering to LSD.
It was released as a B-side in 1960 by The Gamblers. Bruce Johnston,
who plays the keyboard, later joined the Beach boys.
This 'psychedelic music' is a far cry from Eight miles high and
Sgt Pepper. |
hippies (228
Kb) |
Hmm, sounds like I must be a hippie :) |
- Bong song (538
Kb) |
A nice catchy bong song. |
Smith & Sidney Bechet - Jack, I'm mellow (244
Kb) |
A month ago I found myself wondering if the lyrics
to very old songs ever were about drugs. So recently I did some
research on the subject and I found many old songs with lyrics about
marijuana and also cocaine. Those two drugs seem to, by far, have
been the most popular to sing about back in the 30's and 40's.
To the left you can check out one of those golden oldies from 1938.
(The oldest marijuana song I found was from
1927) |
stoned (164 Kb) |
Ahhh, I wish there actually were airlines like this
one. |
Vietnam (81 Kb) |
A soundclip from the movie Goodmorning Vietnam.
(Sent in by: Grass man, B. Rouge. Thanks!) |
Kassier - Haschish aus Amsterdam (253
Kb) |
Florian H kindly enough sent me the lyrics
for this one in enlgish. |
Joe & the Fish - I like marijuana (431
Kb) |
The cops came and knocked on my friends door when
he played this song over and over again at a party. He got scared,
but they only asked him to turn down the volume and then left. |
Lawrence - Smoking differently (431 Kb) |
Mr Lawrence explains the difference between black
and white weed smokers. (Sent in by: Dieogo from
Cuba. Thanks!) |
- Oh cannabis (557 Kb) |
The Canadian anthem with new lyrics. (Thanks
to: Dan Sorak) |
Haggard - We don't smoke marijuana in Muskogee (241
Kb) |
The beginning of my favourite anti drug song. Muskogge
must be a really, really boring place. :) |
Pick up girls while on drugs (1140 Kb) |
Wich drug works best if you're going to pick up someone
at a bar? Listen and find out. |
Peel - Pledge (208 Kb) |
David Peel is a true hero. If you haven't heard
any of his records then you should probably go out and buy one.
Ronald Reagans
drug speech (493 Kb) |
A classic soundclip. Black Grape used this soundclip
in their song 'Get Higher'. |
- Pot (218 Kb) |
Well, I like it. 30 seconds of hardcore. |
Morrison - New York joint (105 Kb) |
The Doors was playing live i NYC when someone in the
audience tossed a joint at Morrison ... |
drughoover - The reefer song (775Kb) |
This is a great tune!
- Smoke some pot |
An old song with new lyrics. A great tune! |
I didn't understand why some people found this one funny until I got an e-mail from Chris explaning it :) |
council (294 Kb) |
Some funny stuff from some radioshow.
(Sent in by: Nils, Gothenburg Sweden. Thanks!) |
astronauts (457 Kb) |
He he, smoking pot in space must be cool! |
stoners (639 Kb) |
An example of an annoying stoner. |
- Marijuana song (530 Kb) |
A great piece of music! |
Stafford - Wildwood weed (1.1 Mb) |
Funny redneck song.
(Sent in by: Steve, Brighton UK. Thanks!) |
Hicks - Drugs have done good things |
I love Bill. |
Hicks - The Beatles were so high ... |
More from mr Hicks. |
Simpsons -
Marijuana (116 Kb) |
Matt Groening is cool. And I really like the fact
that chief Wiggum has a pig nose. |
- Cartmans pot pie (112 Kb)
An edited version sent
to me by Etox: Cartmans pot
(124 Kb) |
Taken from Southpark. |
- Southpark on pot (934 Kb) |
Southpark characters who smokes. |
& Bigbird being stoned (1.2Mb) |
Sesame street on pot! |
- Marijuana |
The song "Macarena" with
new (spanish) lyrics.
(Sent in by: Javier, Arizona. Thanks!) |
Potwars - Star wars parody |
Star wars and pot. |
Star wars
smoking weed |
More Star Wars. |
- What if god smoked cannabis |
Joan Osbournes "What if god was
one of us" with different lyrics. Noone seems to know who recorded this. |
- Used to suck dick (359 Kb) |
If you haven't seen the movie "Halfbaked"
yet, I really think you should. |
and Butthead smokes bong (83Kb) |
The boys hit the bong.
(Sent in by: Jim, NYC. Thanks!) |
and the bong (65Kb) |
Homer's the man!
(Sent in by: Also from Jim, NYC. Thanks!) |
John Lennon
and Stewie wonder snorting coke (178 Kb) |
I know this one is not about pot but I thought
it was funny anyway.Not a parody or anything, it is for real.
Oh, don't do cocain btw, that drug really IS dangerous
in the long run. |