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Every song Creed records is tailor made to fit the mold of whatever is selling at the moment. There first album is a shallow and obvious attempt to take advantage of the void that is the aftermath of the death of grunge. Creed's shameless imitation of the popular nineties grunge bands was gauranteed to be a big hit with the mass of pop-hungry idiots who were greedily awaiting a watered-down, gutless, half-assed version of the greatness that used to be. Then came the second album, which was totaly different from the first. Full of sappy pop-ballads that were fit to be played on top 40 radio stations, along with such pop trash as N*Sync and Brittany Spears. The same old formula we've seen from thousands of "ass-rock" bands. Of course it was a hit with millions of sheep-like, MTV worshipping, naive teenage girls and boys who were fooled into believing that by buying Creed albums they were some how getting into something edgy and dangerous, girls who subsequently thought that they were now into "hard rock." Now Creed's fans are wanting an album of "heavier" songs, and consequently what does Creed do? Why, they promise to make this album heavier, of course. After all, they must kiss the asses of all the sheep who buy their records. How else will they make money? That is, after all, what they're in this for. Creed started out as just another group of money-hungry posers intent on raping and exploiting another long dead subculture for their own financial gain. If it's at all possible, they've devolved into something much worse than that now.