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Jonathan Land –  Learn to play the Piano the right way from day one.
I am based in Edgware, Middlesex and teach from my own home.

Mozart House
19 Manor Park Crescent,

This is a house not a flat and you can park on my driveway in front of the house when attending your lesson. Parents can sit in on the lessons & I teach in a large room on a  modern Yamaha U3 Piano.

The bell is on the left hand side of the door and you can hear it clearly from the outside when you push the small white button!
Tel: 020 8357 0533
Mob: 07952 305722


I teach Piano in all styles, Classical, Jazz, songs from musicals and pop. Complete Beginners to Advanced. Emphasis on reading music well (sight-reading) therefore gaining the ability to learn new repertoire quickly - usually start pupils at minimum age 5 years old (prefer age 6 though!) Adults and children equally welcome.

I teach music theory and get excellent results with grade 5 theory candidates (100% pass rate with several distinctions and occasionally candidates scoring full marks). I coach GCSE, A- and AS- level. I also teach related subjects like Music History, Techniques, Score-reading, Conducting etc.

I coach pupils for entrance to senior school at age eleven with emphasis on gaining any available scholarship. I help to coach Music Students to get into a Music College/University to study Music and also coach University students who need help with any parts of their course. Finally, I teach Composition (Composing Music) and Songwriting.



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by PAW Designs

This document copyright 2000-2013 by Jonathan Land.
All rights reserved worldwide.