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Dance Competition Pics

SEPT 1999 .

I'm Frount Row in the center. This was my 1st competition I had danced in.I was so nervous but still managed to smile my big grin

March 2001

Im luckily enough to be dancing with a nice group of ladies, and one of my teachers choreographs alot of popular dances.In March 2001,we competed in a competition in which two teams from my dance class competed ..Our team was a new one and unfortunately we danced well but didn't get a place,but our other team which has our teachers in it won .Both teams were entered in the over 40's group dances.The girls that entered into the 40's duo also won.. so a good time was had by all.. Our team was happy just to not make any mistakes..,This is a picture of my team .Im third from the right

Same girl as above..March 2001.. I have the redish hair,2nd from left

October 2001.. My Daughter and My Self=)

We choregraphed a dance together to N'sync Dirty Pop and entered this competition to show it off for the 1st time.. I was so proud to dance with my girl.It was a duo ,under 15 and over 40..we thought parents and children but it ended up to be just that age group. Another teacher i dance with also competed with us and two other duos of mother and child as well.We all went together ,we didnt get a place at all.Our other competitors were in about 4 other comps each that day and very experienced.... oh well.. we'll keep trying( hopefully)

January 2002 was at Tamworth. I was in a large team and we came 2nd.There is a page dedicated to this competition and the festival so please browse that for now.Till I redo this years one ( 2003)

March 2002

This was a local competition I did in March 2002.We came 2nd and this time we received individual medals, my 1st ..Last time in Tamworth we just got a group plaque lol .Im 2nd bottom row holding onto the railing

May 2002

This is in May 2002,we didnt get a place but dont we look wonderful.. favourite colour and all grin..Im 2nd from the right

These are my latest pictures dancing again at Tamworth January 2003.

Tamworth is a huge competition..Its a music festival and the competition is so huge its goes for a full week and is really tough ..We didnt get a place at all this time ..The lady doing a solo got a silver which was a great effort and our teacher got a few silver awards for a couple of her dances..Its tough .. so much hat work now there just doing incredible things..I was in a mixed aged group here . Ill be making a Tamworth Page as soon as i get around to it .. so this is tempory =)Im 2nd from the left

and on stage too not the greatest but shows I was there Im back right hand corner