J-14 Interview~~November 2000

When you're with the guys, what are the most common good things and bad things said about girls?

Justin: Good--guys talk about the cute things that girls say to them. Bad--nagging and being mad about small things.

Lance: Good--how cool a girl is to hang out with, how it's nice to have someone to hold and be comfortable with.

What do you think men find attractive that women don't? What do women find attractive that most men don't?

Justin: I think guys do notice physical attributes more than girls, and girls notice personality more. Sorry!

What are common insecurities that guys have?

Justin: Guys are really insecure about their physical appearance and how they should approach a girl. We worry about how to have a conversation. Guys are also insecure about things like spirituality, because it might not seem "manly."

Lance: Guys worry about romance and wonder if they're good kissers. We are also very afraid of girls that will kiss and tell.

What is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for you?

Lance: Cooked for me.

Justin: Well, that is kind of personal, but one of the coolest gifts I've been given was a homemade coupon book. I could cash in things like a picnic or a back scratch.

If you could pick one thing that always makes you smile, what would it be?

Justin: When a women is true to her own feelings and honestly states her opinion. I like it when a woman takes charge and does not just agree with everything I like...that's boring.

Lance: When someone scratches my back; anyone I marry must do it well...and I like it!!!

What one action would you suggest to someone to improve her relationship?

Justin: Be open and true to your own feelings. If you don't love yourself, you can't love others.

Lance: Understand the need for space, and time to be with just your friends. It makes a relationship more exciting, because you have more to share with each other and when you are together.

Is it true that blondes have more fun? Do guys really have a preference... blonde, brunette, red, long, short, curly, straight? Of all the women in the world (besides your girl), whose hair would you most like to touch?

Justin: No preferences, but every time I see Keri Russell, I just have to touch her hair. I love it!

Lance: No preference. Anyone can be wild and crazy. Sinead O'Connor!

The initial chase is always exciting, but how can a girl keep you hot on her, even after she's already been caught?

Justin: If a girl has self-esteem and confidence, it definitely shows. That's the most attractive thing in the world.

Lance: Keep the relationship interesting. Explore new things you like on your own, so you will always have a part of you that is a little mysterious. I also like it when a girl can keep me guessing. Don't tell a guy you like him 24/7--let him wonder sometimes.

If women were allowed to wear only two types of makeup, what should they be? Which cosmetic or beauty product would you most like to ban?

Justin: Nothing, I'm not a makeup fan. I would ban Aqua Net Hairspray because big hair should stay in the '80s!!

Lance: Lip balm and blush are okay. I would ban glitter because it gets everywhere!

If you had to choose between a hug and a kiss, which would you choose and why? What is your favorite type of kiss?

Justin: Depends on what I need. An honest and slow kiss is the most intimate thing between two people.

Lance: A hug. I like to feel close to someone. I like kisses on the neck.

What action or quality do you find unattractive? What turns you off the most?

Justin: Insecurity and jealousy. Also, guys don't like it when a girl calls too much.

Lance: When a girl does not like or get along with my friends.

When does a female body look most beautiful to you? Most girls obsess about their weight, so how important is body image to guys? Do you think skinnier is better?

Justin: I like it when a girl is relaxed, like just waking up in the morning or asleep. I also love to watch a really good dancer. Yes, guys think about their physical appearance a lot. I could care less. It's all about the way a woman carries herself.

Lance: I like pajamas. Guys totally think about their body image. Skinnier isn't better because there's definitely such a thing as too skinny. I like it when someone is healthy and takes care of herself. Curves are very cool, especially if a girl works on looking good for herself--that's the best!

When you're in love, what's the one thing you can't get enough of?

Justin: Kisses.

Lance: Hugs.

What is it about relationships or love that most guys are afraid of?

Justin: Exposing their sensitive side and getting hurt. Guys are hard on each other. Girls are much more supportive when a friend gets hurt. The worst thing a girl could do is burn a guy in front of his friends, even though we deserve it sometimes.

Lance: Commitment. It sounds bad, but guys do think about what else may be out there. Sorry, it's not to be taken personal. Being young is about exploring, and girls should also think about their opportunities. That doesn't mean a guy cares any less. But it is my honest answer on what some guys freak about. What is meant to be will be.

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