Canada Interview w/ *NSYNC!


What celebrity would you be afraid to meet? I don't think I'd be afraid to meet anyone. I like meeting everyone.

Do you own any Eminem CDs? Uh huh. I like Eminem. I have all of them. I heard we're sought out in the new D12 album. So that's exciting. Free press.

What music are you into? I'm a hip-hop head. I love hip hop. I like electronica, 2-Step. I'm really into 2-Step lately.

Is there a song you'd like to cover? Any Al Green song. You know what song I'd like to do a cover of: If You Don't Know Me By Now.

Why do so many members of boy bands pluck their eyebrows? I don't know. To each his own. Mine are bushy as hell. It's very Boy George though, isn't it?

Who would you like as a sixth member of 'N Sync? Eminem. He would totally fit in with us.

Could someone be gay and out and in a popular boy band in America? Yeah, I think so. As long as you're true to yourself. I've never really thought about it actually.

Do you think it would make a difference in terms of fans? I don't know that it would. I can say this for us: The thing our fans really appreciate is our honesty.

If there was a celebrity Survivor with all five of you, who would you vote off first? Joey. Because there would not be a very big supply of food if he stuck around.

Has celebrity affected your appearance and how you keep in shape? I work out for me. I want to have a healthy body to go with my healthy mind. I've always been into fitness and sports.

Who's the best cook in the group? I don't think any of us can cook. I think we're all so bad I couldn't even tell you who the worst cook is.

Breast implants or natural? It doesn't really matter. I'm not a boobs man, I'm an ass man.


What celebrity would you be afraid to meet? I'm afraid to meet every celebrity. I get nervous around famous people. I like to hang out with hockey players the most because they're not fake and they make me feel comfortable. It's all about partying for them.

Eminem has trashed you guys; what do you think about that? Eminem is one of my favourite artists. I'm a huge Eminem fan. I hope he doesn't really hate us. He may have personal problems and personal issues, but that's what people enjoy. They want people that are real. And he's real.

What music are you into? Everything. I listen to house trance, electronica. I like rock and roll. But I like hip hop just as much.

What song would you like to cover? I wanted to do I Wish by Stevie Wonder. We were talking about it five years ago. A lot of Stevie Wonder songs would be great to cover.

Why do so many boy bands pluck their eyebrows? I don't know. I don't wear makeup for photo shoots. I'm probably as 'dirt' as you'll see.

Who would you want as sixth member of 'N Sync? Our choreographer, Wade. He's also co-written a lot of songs for the album and also produced our show. He'd be a great member to add if he could only sing [laughs]. I don't think we'd ever have a sixth member. We're happy with what we got.

Could someone be gay and out and be in a popular boy band in America? I'm sure they could. There were two really big groups in Europe, Boyzone and Caught In The Act, and they [had gay members] in the groups [who] came out and it was a surprise to everyone and I was like, "Who cares?" If one of us were gay, big deal. If one of us is, maybe we're just not talking about it. And that's not saying we are. It's just not something -- we don't go into rehearsals and say, "That was a really good note you hit, are you gay?"

If there was a celebrity Survivor with all of you on it, who would you vote off first? I probably would have to say Justin because Justin is the Richard Hatch of our group. He's a survivor. He would get everything on all of us and I know he'd win. So I'd be the smart one and try to vote him off first. After he was off, I'd kill the other three.

Has fame influenced your looks and the way you treat your body? It hasn't influenced me a lot. It's just a lot easier now not to care and when I don't care, it becomes a trend and I think that's cool.

Who's the best cook in the group? Joey? He's Italian. I don't know. None of us cook. We're all bad cooks. I've seen Lance make some peanut butter and banana sandwiches which just look grotesque, and I've seen JC burn water.

Breast implants or natural? I'm all natural.


Eminem has said some nasty things about you. Do you own any of his CDs? Yeah.

Which one? The one he says all the crap about us. The music's cool. I like it a lot actually. People always tend to be like, "Oh Eminem's saying this, he's saying that ..." Hey, free promotion for us.

What song would you like to cover? Probably an a cappella of Michael Jackson's Human Nature.

Who would you like as a sixth member of 'N Sync? Brian McKnight. He's an amazing singer. He produced one of the tracks on the Celebrity album. JC wrote it and he produced it.

Why do so many guys in boy bands pluck their eyebrows? Maybe their make-up artist does it. I have no clue. The only time I pluck my eyebrows is if I have it right in the middle. I don't shape anything. What you see is what you get. None of us have ever really plucked our eyebrows.

If there was a celebrity Survivor with all five of you, who would you vote off first? Chris or Justin because they're really competitive and they'll probably beat me 'cause I really suck at all kinds of sports.

Could someone be gay and out in a major boy band today? I don't see why not. There's honestly nothing wrong with being gay. I have friends that are gay. I think in this day and age it really wouldn't matter. A lot of girls at clubs are like, "That guy's good looking, too bad he's gay," but they're still going to like him because he's good looking. So I don't think it matters any more.

Has your celebrity affected your appearance and the way you treat your body, exercise? I don't do nothing. We actually have a personal trainer that Justin's been using and it was my idea to have the personal trainer. I have yet to really use him, but I'm going to. Dancing is kinda our cardio. Every time I get back on the tour I start losing weight again. Then, after the tour, I start eating like a big, old, fat pig.

Who's the best cook in the group? I cook a little bit. I'm not saying I'm the greatest cook. I haven't really seen anyone cook in the group.

Breast implants or natural? Natural. I wouldn't have breast implants for me. [Laughs] El natural or whatever the woman chooses. That's their choice, not mine because they're not my breasts.


What celebrity would you be scared to meet? I don't think I'd be scared to meet anybody. There are people I don't care to meet.

Such as? Eminem.

He's trashed you in his songs. Do you own his CDs? No, I don't. Actually he's a really talented guy. I just think he has issues that should be worked out. I think it's really a whole fake thing.

What type of music are you into? Everything. I love Silverchair. I love Aerosmith. I love country -- Faith Hill, Garth Brooks.

What song would you like to cover? The Dance by Garth Brooks. It's a great ballad.

Why do so many boy bands pluck their eyebrows? Do they? Look at the Backstreet Boys, b4-4 here in Canada. None of us pluck our eyebrows. These are natural shaped. [Those who do it] are trying to look good. I think it's cheesy. I think it's like posing. We're not models, we're singers.

Who'd you want as a sixth member of 'N Sync? Brian McKnight. We're a harmony, a cappella group. That's how we started. I think he's an amazing vocalist. I think he would blend well with us.

Could someone be gay and out and in a popular boy band in America today? Oh yeah. Definitely. I don't think it would hurt at all. Actually, I think it would [make the fan base] bigger. You'll have a bigger market. The whole gay market. Hey, one of us...

You did celebrity Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. So if there was celebrity Survivor ... There is going to be celebrity Survivor. I have been asked to do it, but I don't think I'm going to. I won't do celebrity Millionaire again, so I doubt I'll do celebrity Survivor.

If you did do Survivor, which member of 'N Sync would you vote off first? Myself definitely. I don't think I could survive. I love the outdoors. I was raised in that. But I don't know. Eating bugs?

Has being a celebrity affected the way you dress, the way you exercise? It's funny you said that because I exercised for the first time yesterday. I had this energy because I took a fat-burner pill. My production manager takes fat burners because he's trying to lose weight and it was on his desk. And I shouldn't have [taken one] because I have a bad heart. [But] it gave me so much energy I felt like I was high on something. So I was like, "I have ... to work out." And I'm sore as hell today. But yeah, I do think it affects the way you make yourself look in public because it's going to end up somewhere if you're out in your pajamas. We chose this job. I think you have to live with it. People want to see you look like a star. You're there to entertain people.

Who's the best cook? Chris said you make a grotesque peanut butter and banana sandwich. It's because they don't like peanut butter and banana. If you like peanut butter and banana I make the best. You mash the peanut butter and banana together. Then you put a little honey, a little cinnamon and sugar. Then you put it on the bread and toast it. You're suppose to fry it, but I don't have a fryer. That was Elvis Presley's favourite food.

Breast implants or natural? Natural. Yeah.

Same size though? Natural Ds or fake Ds? Natural. A nice handful.


What celebrity would you be scared to meet? I'd be a bit frightened of Marilyn Manson. I don't know what that guy practises.

Do you own any Eminem CDs? Actually, I don't. But I have listened to the record. I have fun listening to it in a scary way. I haven't gotten around to buying it.

What would you like to cover? That's a tough question because we went out of our way not to do covers on this album. For fun, I would say [Toto's] I'll Be Over You.

Why do so many guys in boy bands pluck their eyebrows? Boredom, I guess. Or because they don't want unibrow.

Could someone be gay and out and in a boy band in America? Sure. I'm sure it would shock for a quick minute, but people are so over that at this point, I think. But who knows. I've kinda been exposed to Europe and things like that. But in my mind I don't think it would affect anyone's decision to like a band or not ... Everybody loved Boy George when he came out and he was blatantly out there.

Celebrity Survivor with 'N Sync: Who would you vote off first? I would vote myself off. I'd want to go home. I definitely think Chris would win. He has the survival instinct.

Now that you're famous, do you work out more? I don't work out, so there goes that. Fame has not really affected the way I dress or whatever. But just being exposed [to things has]. I think once you're exposed to a bit of culture you become more open minded because you see the beauty in more things. I'm very fortunate to have that.

Who's the group's best cook? Well, it depends on what you want. Justin makes some great Hamburger Helper. Joey can make some pretty good pasta. I'm pretty good with breakfast foods like pancakes, eggs.

Pouring cereal? No. Justin would win that hands down, he eats it so much.

Breast implants or natural? Natural. I like -- uh, I'm not going to get into that ...

So you like ... I don't like huge boobs. I'll leave it at that.

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