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Tears to my hearts,
Cries from the mass destruction:
Our hearts and home read
To our eyes...More than a few
More than several lost souls
Quite a few terrorists trying to reach their goals
UNITED we stand, therefore we won't fall.
Victory shall be ours
Linked forever with the calls
We are not heroes, just people who love
And people who never give up hope;
Love is ours, God is on our side
Their lives will be defended; Revenge is not what we want;
Justice is our only goal.
And if nothing is all we ever have,
New York is what we have to show.

*In Memory of Our Beautiful Country,*
*Our Beautiful City, & Our Beautiful*
*Buildings, but MOST OF ALL, in Memory*
*Of The BEAUTIFUL lives that have been*
*That were FORTUNATE ENOUGH to have*



DAY 1:

"Oh my God."
 That is the phrase which accompanies the first major event of the 21st century. America woke up to the news of apparent terrorist attacks made upon the United States of America in the city and state of New York.
 The World Tade Center (WTC or Twin Towers) stood bright and tall early this morning until 'evil, dispicable acts of terror' were commited, the "Pearl Harbor" of this generation.
 With an American landmark now in ruins, it is now the Empire State Building is once again the tallest standing building in New York City.  A beautiful set of buildings, a beautiful city, and even more, hundreds; thousands of lives have all been lost.

 Someone is trying to tear America apart, but by hurting us, they are only making us stronger.  We are already UNITED, but this TRAGEDY is only sealing the bonds to be air-tight.  Everything happens for a reason, bad or good.  We have this.  LOVE IS OURS; GOD IS ON OUR SIDE.

If you wish to further read the details of this story, please log onto these websites:
(this somehow seems to pale in comparison to all that has happened, but the point of it is still strong and may very well help:)

To those of you living in New York, with family there, with friends there, good luck to you, and my prayers, as well as an uncountable number of others', all go out to you.  


...It is the Pearl Harbor of our time...
...It's the 1st major event to happen within America in the 21st century.
...The end of our financial landmark...a historic building built for an era...
...The end of our Twin Towers, the tallest buildings in the world...and we are now back to having the Empire State Building as our highest building in NYC...
...And to top it all off, America has lost lives; innocent lives; a mass amount of innocent lives... In America's eyes, they will live forever. Their lives WILL be defended.


DAY 4:

Thank you for taking the time & effort to honor ALL of America's loved ones.

What do I think about the WTC/Pentagon incidents?:

I am experiencing virtually all of the emotions that come with something like this, as most people are (on-site and off). In my opinion, the problem here is that this was certainly an unwarranted action, unprovoked in any manner. They had no right to do what they did, which is senselessly murder people; INNOCENT people!

America 'gets on sides,' and 'justfully' bombs elsewhere, but when it happens, we try to make make sure civilians do not get in the way. They WENT for our civilians and by the THOUSANDS at that! They knew what they were doing and that's what the outrage is about: that so many lives have been lost in such a manner, esp. when we make sure that we don't go killing their children & wives; civilians of any nature

"They were trying to strike us where it would hurt, and they have done so; they hit us where the money is and our secret services are." Yes, they knew what they were doing! They have hit us where it hurts the most, trying to break down the nation's structure but what they don't realize is that the structure of our nation does not lie within the government, nor within our money; it lies within our hearts which they, in fact, have only united even more.
And we, as people of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, will STAY UNITED in EVERY WAY & won't EVER let them take our freedom, lol...They're crazy!!! USA! USA! LOL...
((A little excited there, lol))

...Their slowly beginning to backfire...

I think Bush is handling this pretty well at this point. Most people don't want to think things through, they just want to react, but Bush is teaching all of those people that we can't retaliate and THEN think; we must do the thinking now and carefully, maticulously plan out what our next steps will be.

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