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We are two friends brought together by a mutual love and admiration for one family........The Osmonds. After watching the movie "Inside the Osmonds", we wanted to do something to show this family how much we all care about them and appreciate all they have done over the years to bring happiness and peace into our lives.

Here comes the good part!

We want YOU to send us an email explaining how they have influenced your life, whether through their music, their faith, family values, etc. These will be compiled into book form and bound. Ten copies of the book will be made. One will be given to each Osmond family as a tangible, lasting testimony of how they have touched our hearts and changed our lives.

To make this project manageable we do have a few guidelines:
  1. Messages must be 350 words or less
  2. No "chatting". i.e. Remember me? Would love to see you record this....or do a concert here. We are looking for messages from the heart.
  3. We would like to have everyone's name and where they are from, but it is not required...anonymous is ok:-)

We will be putting our time and resources into this project because of our love for this family. However, we realize the cost may get to be more than we can handle if we get the kind of response we're hoping for. We are asking anyone who is willing, it is NOT required, to send a small donation to help cover the cost of printing and binding the books. If there is any money remaining from these donations it will be given to OneHeart and/or CMN.

Please email your message to Rona or Sherry . Also, if you are willing to help us fund this project, please indicate this in your email. We can then send you an address to mail the donation to. Feel free to email us with any questions about this project.

Thank you for your interest and we hope to hear from you!!!

Sherry Baisden (
Rona Coleman (