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Mr. T vs. Everything! I love this site. for those of you who do not know, there is a very interesting phenomenon on the web that consists of pasting pictures together to create makeshift comics that pit the mighty Mr. T against basically anything you can think of!

Toppdawg's Pad This is my friend kyle's page. simple, but interesting. hasnt been updated in eons, though.

Lemony Snicket Informer Forums really cool message board. my username there is pennyroyal. interesting site maintained by allison a.k.a. laura

The Way I Am site maintained by VioletB. cool site about jhonen vasquez, creator of Johnny the Homcidal Maniac and Invader Zim.

The Lair my friend laurens site. really fun. site by the h0le fan furytrucks14

weirdness! a clique for weird people. Kurt Cobain was murdered.

Got a website or know a website that you want to be on here? email me!


this is an extremely important part in helping the site to grow. if you have a site of any kind, please use one of the images below to link to my site. even if you dont have a website, you can link to me in your AIM profile or something. FOR THE SITE TO GROW, I DESPERATELY NEED YOUR HELP!!!!!!!manymanymany thanks to lauren for the lovely animated banner (all others i made.).