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Artist: Nirvana

Album: Nevermind

Genre: Grunge

Year: 1991

Label: DGC

Rating: 9.4

This album is so many many times praised on high for its cultural influence and symobolic and nostalgic value. I wish people could just forget that it introduced 'grunge' to the world; I wish people could forget that it knocked Michael Jacson's Dangerous off the number one spot, and I wish they would forget everything else about this record and take it for what it is- a beautiful frustrated scream of rage and alienation. Opening with the anthem Smells Like Teen Spirit and closing with the surreal Something in the Way, it's an interesting transition. Nothing has ever or will ever sound this angry and dissonant, yet melodic and beautiful at the same time. Though I still think In Utero is the ultimate Nirvana experience, this record is truly special in its own light.

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