Come on, laugh. Please?

A somewhat tiresome list. But you'll laugh anyway. Ahh, Memory Lane...

NIN...Trent is a hottie!
I am going to stick a telephone pole through your window while you sleep!
You wouldn't understand.
Sean is a retard.
No relation to Scuba Steve.
You are...THE MORE I DIE! (No, no, please don't sing that!)
"Who would name their kid Elf?"
I'll never let go.
I heart you.
Baseball pants are cool.
Your brother is hot.
So is your dog.
Chelsea thinks squirrels are hot.
Waffles that fly!
The guy from The Lost Boys is ugly, what do you see in him?!
Pudgy Bunny.
I have acquired a lisp(lithp)!
CC is a lez.
I'm "xesy".
SM + RM, or was it JK?
Finally figured out why her hair is so fluffy...Guess she takes after her dog.
This not this.
I'm a Goth.
Real, LIVE bunnies!
Satanic Squirrel.
Mr. Big Nuts.
Singing on the roller coasters.
Will, I Wanna Lick You!
Steph is addicted to ice.
Maher a One Man Band...called Nine Inch Saxophones?
Let's talk about how much you love me.
Six pack neighbor guy.
You are shy, and don't get into your hugs.
Nice cape Emily.
Seagram's is nasty...I shouldn't have given you something that strong.
"Did that hurt? How old are you? Your mom actually let you get that?"
Exacto...and we aren't talking knives!
Lee's finger-bending talent...ooooo.
Scammy the paper owl.
BUZZ! That darn fly.
Green Lotion=Green Skin?
Amber's dog Fluffy.
My dog Advil.
My cat Xena.
Orgy at the dance.
Prep guys can be converted.
I almost got lost on the cars on the tracks.
Chipmunk's Angels.
Saving the world, one moth at a time.
Don't you make fun of me, I'm gonna be a hot dancer!
Derek needs to shave.
Purple Kangaroos.
Do they eat cheese or cake...or cheesecake?
LAMB. out for Mr. Grabby Hands...Mr. Grabby out for Em!
I named him Henry.
Dewey, I had a lisp in second grade.
That girl reminds me of the dinosaur from The Land Before Time.
You shouldn't headbang on pillows. It just doesn't look right.
"Are you pumped?! We're pumped! HUH!!"
Marching band is life.
I'm in one of those moofs.
She looked like a red Negro cat with a shaved butt.
Wassup, T?
Butterflies scare you?
I can see you from my roof.
Yeah, we're twins.
Where's the fruit?!
Movie Screen (Thanks Chels!)
Dirt! Those farmin' bacons and beefcows will get the seed beat out of them, the antholes!
"It's not polite to point."
"Josh, give me a f*cking ride home!"
Pay an animal!
I've always wanted pillows in the backseat of my car.
Hey, that's Larson's car!
Deaner's a gimp.
Steph, can I have some chap stick?
*couch couch*
"Jessi...give me your sweatshirt...NOW."
"I don't want you corrupting her."
He likes 'em young.
I'm shtoned.
Jessi, it's like 100 degrees in my room.
Whoa. You look really hot. You stoner chick you.
Bubble Butt.
Matt, get your hand off my leg.
"Have you ever been on Ecstacy?"
Acoustic Incubus.
Manic Hispanic.
Yeah, go watch some movies...or make some..."I have a camera!"

(Dean, when are you gonna sacrifice them?)
Dur da dur
Rachel loves the shortbus.
"It sounds like you're farting." I am. *smiles* "That's my girl!"
My little dude has more points than your little dude, so I win!
Let's have a SlapJack Tournament!
Tom Green came to our school dressed as Ray the Homeless Man.
I like the color blue. "You lost a shoe?" "Cows go moo?" "You wanna get screwed?"
"I'm gonna teach you guys how to play Euchre."
Goodbye Ketchup, we'll miss you.
"You know what that reminds me of?"
"I'm goin' on a picnic, and I'm bringing..."
Way to give her a hickey on her cheek!
Do you know all the rules of Rugby?
Hey Crash!
What do you think, Jess? Let's give poor Britney her clothes back!
For my science fair project, I'm gonna genetically engineer a monkey tree!