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Holy Guacamole Batman!

WOW...It has been QUITE a while since I've updated. I come here every once in a while to make sure it's still here and re-read some stuff and wish I could keep up to it like I used to. Anyway, I am thinking about slowly starting it up again...not that it's ever really been down. But every once in a while, you'll see something new. Damn, I had a GREAT BSB dream the other night, it was halarious. Maybe I'll add that. I've almost forgot how to do this. This as in 'making' the site. Ha. Okay, keep it real people. Loves. - Britt

Ive seen people come and go
Seen people fall in and out
As my mother told me
she said dont let life control me
but I did
so what you think of me?
what you think of me now?
of who I am??
Im everything you wanted me to be,
but as you can see,
im not very
I need sometime to find myself within me
and I need sometime to find true love
and if I dont then I wont stop trying
and if I cant then I wont live lying
what do people really want?
they wanna be happy
I wanna be happy
~AJ McLean

Updated FEBRUARY 10, 2006!

Remember..If you have anything to add on ANY of these...just email me..and I just might add it in...theres a 99.9% that I will add it in (eventually). =)

Well, It looks like I got myself some free Backstreet Boys if I buy a pair of socks...

Go Vote on MTV
Holy Gua what?!? WHAT DOES THE NAME MEAN!??!
Testing... The BSBat Cave!
*Me and BSB!
Funny BSB Dreams
Hmm...BSB Wonders
Little Funny Things
The Real Story Behind The Pics
Apply BSB to your OTHER favorites!

Why do you people come here?!?! FREEEEEEEEEEEEEAKS!! Well, since you're down here you might as well click on that e-mail addy and give me your comments, suggestions, criticism, or just e-mail me for the hell of it! Remember to make the subject of you letter somewhere along the lines of "HOLY GUACAMOLE BATMAN!" Thanks! Love ya! -:^~*Britt*~^:- PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR THOUGHTS AND SUGGESTIONS OF WHAT KINDA HUMOR THINGS YA WANT ON HERE!!! THANKS!
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This site has been up in full bboybatgear since October 27,2001!

Holy guacamole Batman!

freaks (and thats a good thing if i call u a freak) have visited my BBOY site!
