Soap Opera

I never thought I’d be more than the guy who cleans the pool out at the Desperado Mansion. Every single scalding hot day I would walk from my little house through the Mexican heat of the sun to fulfill my duties by fishing out the little bugs who too fall for that crystal trap. Of course I always make sure the water’s nice and crisp. Not too hot, and not too cold. In my pools, there’s never an insect, leaf, or mold to be seen at the top, nor the bottom. Senor Richardson was not one to displease. Especially if it’s Howard, the pool guy, that’s me. Senor Richardson says I have a simple task and that I shouldn’t have any problems with it. Him with his slicked back hair and straight Armani tie...The muchachas swoon for him, but he’s taken; and may I say by the most elegant Senora Kristin. I’ve always liked her. She’s never snapped at me or acted the least bit superior. I get to witness a lot of things around here; see a lot of characters moseying around Desperado Mansion sooner or later finding out their business. They think I’m so absorbed in the sun reflecting off the bugless chlorine water, but….I’m not.

Two days ago a suspicious man stopped by, said he had a message for Sr. Richardson. He had on a shadowy hat and dark sunglasses which completely covered his eyes and any emotion from them. He even had a long trench coat on with a very tall collar. Needless to say, I really didn’t see a part of him. He even had on leather gloves while handing the telegram to Sr. Richardson’s butler, coincidentally his own cousin Brian. And no, the gloves were white. But Sr. Richardson took the honor to rename Brian, PEdro. And yes, he spells it like that. Why? I don’t know. He said it sounded more butler like and Mexican like, but still said nothing about the spelling. Sr. Richardson said that he would help Brian when he was low on cash, I hadn’t expected this. Back when Sr. wasn’t rich, he really loved his family. How do I know this? I was the boy who mowed their lawn back in Kentucky.

Anyway, things around Desperado mansion is more fishy than ever…everything except the pool, ahem. That masked man just likes to walk on Senor’s lawn and has been coming here at least three times a week. I wonder if Brian, or PEdro reads these messages. I know I do, well at least the first one.

It was a very odd message. PEdro is too trusting. He left the message on the table near the stairwell and elevators where i can get my netty hands on it. I tried to look through the envelope, but it was made out of that nature recycle paper and stuff like that. So I tore it open and PEdro took the blame...sorry Brian. It said, "Horses run west, the ear is positioned at Cafe LaRitz, but the nose is walking the other way. Oatmeal. Signed,"
And signed there was a thumbprint. I made a copy and figured I's analyze it later.

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