Trading Spaces

Credited to the people of the Backboard.

"1 Carpenter, 2 Designers, and 2 rooms to be totally revamped. Hi I'm Paige Davis and you're watching Trading Spaces! Today we have designers Doug and Frank helping us out here in L.A. Kevin Richardson and Brian Littrell want to completely redesign their family recording studio!"

Kevin: "It's...a place.... where we always....hang out...and

Brian: "Plus the rest of the guys come on in here to do some recording and my bro Harold works in here too."

Kev: "Harold's...mah cousin.....same as Brian here...he's mah cousin....too. I've known"

Bri: "Anyways, it's completely drabby amd dark in there. We wanna brighten it up. You can do anything you'd like in there as long as you don't put a '666' on the wall." *Holds up hands in front of his face and forms an 'X' with his forefingers.*

Kev: "Yeah, and don't...break the stuff." *Eyes pierce into the camera and with a very solid face with tight lips he slowly mouths the word 'Nick'.*

Bri: "Umm, *Puts fingers on chin.* and not a lot of red...or black." *Shudders.*

Kev: "Yeah, and when I was...a kid down in...Kentucky...we had and down there...we used ta...."

*Camera cuts him off and Paige Davis appears in a front yard with three weirdos behind her. Appearently one is carrying a huge comb with a label titled "lucky comb", giggling and running away from a short little Latino who seems to be crying. Another Latino with a lot of tattoos and facial hair is sitting in a lawn chair repeatingly hitting himself in the head with a book entitled, 'Do It Yourself Mr. America Hair.' What's really amazing though is that all three of wackos are over the age of 20*

Paige: "Ok...*Ducks from a giant wad of hair* Aheh...Well these three guys, Nick Carter, Howie Dorough, and AJ McLean want to redo their whole basement and make it into a game room/club/ hair salon."

*Cuts to a clip from earlier just as a leg breaks on AJ's chair. The clip begins by showing Nick, AJ, and Howie in a neon pink basement which is an office. It is about 100 ft by 100 ft and has one desk with a chair, and that's it.*

Nick: "Well, it's kinda boring...All I gots to play with down here is a rolly chair...Wanna see?" *Gets on chair and rolls around the hugggggge cement floor of the basment.* "Wooohoooo!!"

AJ: "That's all he does. All day."

Howie: "Yeah,we've reallygotta fixthis placeup and stuff like that. There's noteven a mirror or any hair straightners and thatkindastuff downhere."

AJ: "There's tons of floor space but this cement floor is too hard and scratchy. It's ruining my dancing techniques. We need hardwood floors."

Nick: "WE NEED TOYSSSSS". *Whooshes by on the chair.*

How: "Salon Chairs!"

AJ: "Bar Stools.."

Nick: "Bean Bags!" *Whooshes by on chair.*

How: "Ledges for hair supplies!"

AJ: "Bar counters..for stuff."

Nick: *Whoosh!* "Little tables for art time!"

How: "Curling Irons!"

AJ: "Iron dance poles."

Nick: "Iron made pinball machines!" *Runs by as a crash is heard in the background*

How: "Trap lights!"

AJ: "Disco lights."

Nick: "Lights that blink!!" *As running up the stairs*

How: "The right kind of system to use a hairdryer, hair straightener, hair washer, hair curler, and electric comb all at the same time!"

AJ: "Stereo systems."

Nick: "Arcade systems!" *From kitchen*

Paige: "Ok, well that was from earlier in the day.."*Camera zooms out to show Brian and Kevin on her left and Nick, Howie, and AJ on her right.* "Let's go over the rules. You'll have 48 hours to redo each others room with a $1000 budget. And NO peeking. No nothing. Ok! Let's have this good and clean! Let's trade spaces! *Crosses arms over each other to switch keys. The boys look at each other confused, and tries to go for their own keys.*

Paige: "No, no guys...You have to switch places. Hence the name 'Trading Spaces'..."

Kev: "You mean I gotta have HIM workin......on" *Points to Nick who is now making a crown out of dandelions.*

Paige: "Well yeah, he is part of their team. And you get to work on his room."

Kev: *Lowers eyebrows so that both eyes are completely covered and ponders for about 2 and a half minutes.* "Ok...I can deal.....with that." *Grabs keys to Howie, AJ, and Nick's house.* "Let's go Cous." *Says Kev in an evil way and looks at Nick with a malicious grin. Nick looks up and see Bri and Kev leaving.*

Nick: "Bye guys! You know where the bathroom is right? Oh yah, and don't eat those jellybellys in the freezer!"

AJ: "I don't like the way Kevin is still looking at us while he's crossing the street with that smile and walking really slowly like that." *Grabs keys out of Paige's hand and starts briskly walking towards Kev's and Bri's place. Howie and Nick follow him and the camera is left on Paige with a confused expression on her face. 5 seconds later AJ comes back, walks up to her from behind her, smacks her ass, and puts his lips right up to her ear and softly says,* "You know you're gonna come and help me paint later. We can make a masterpiece." *With that AJ walks away. Paige looks around towards both houses and then starts running in AJ's trail.*

*Kev and Brian walk into the basement where Frank is sitting at the one desk and in the one rolling chair and humming a little tune. Frank sees Kev and Bri paused on the stairs.*

Frank: "Well howdy! What do you think we should do with this room here?"

Bri: "Um, well..Hello Frank. I had a vision before that we should hang a huge wooden cross right here and.."

Kev: "And I see lots of country stuff goin on and lots of room. Not...a lot of all."

Frank: "But I believe the smallest one, I mean the youngest one, wants a lot of toys and fun stuff. Sorta like a playroom."

Bri: "Yes, I know exactly what..."

Kev: *Cutting Brian off* "Yeah, but I know for a fact that within the last 7 minutes Ncik said that he wanted to keep this desk and make a little office in the back with a black clock, black pen, and black paper. And that's it. NOTHING ELSE. And then we can do a lil' club for AJ and a hair dress place for Howie."

Bri: "Are you sure Cous, because that doesn't sound much like Frack at all."

Kev: "Ugh" *Says in a disgusted way.* "Dear cousin of mine, I am so insulted that you would think that I would commit a sin such as lying."

Bri: "Ah gee kev, I'm sorry. You're right. I should've never questioned you after all...*Kev cuts of Bri*

Kev: "After all I am your cousin."

Frank: "Ok! Let's get started then!" *Big cheesy smile*

*AJ, Howie, and Nick are sitting in the recording studio looking at Doug the other designer. Doug looks at Howie, then at AJ, then at Nick. Howie's smiling and politely waiting with his hands folded with a perfect straight posture. AJ's slouched in his chair appearing to be looking at Doug, but has dark sunglasses on. Nick is staring at Doug without blinking. First tapping is right foot, then his left, then clapping his hands, then drumming his hands on his knees, then fiddling with a pencil(which breaks), then he twiddles his thumbs. He is about to start whistling (even though he doesn't know how to) when Doug stands up.*

Doug: "Ok, do you think we should get moving or is an hour not enough time wasted?"

AJ: "Dude, I know they're doing something screwy to our basement."

Doug: "So let's do something screwy to their studio. I mean, I usually do that, screw up people's rooms."

Howie: "I don't know...."

Nick: "Hmmmm..."

AJ: "Yeah, come on Duck, let's get this goin."

Doug: "It's Doug...JC."

AJ: "Dude, It's AJ!"

Doug: "I can see we're gonna get along."

AJ: "Yeah, perfectly."

Howie: "Now that's what I like to see!" *Nodding head and smiling* "Aww yeah!!"

Nick: "I'm hungry..."

*Meanwhile, in the basement of AJ, Howie, and Nick...*

Frank: "Ok, you wanna see the color for the club part?"

Brian: *Awed, amazed, and crawling in anticipation.* "Yeahhhhhhh." *Eyes all wide and fixed on the paint can.*

Frank: "Ok here we go!" *Takes off lid to reveal this neon yellow color.*

Bri: "Ohhh, that reminds me of stained the church...wonderful."

Kev: *With crossed arms, nods his head in approval.*

Frank: "Ok, and this is for our hair salon." *Reveals a deep muave purple.*

Bri: "Howie will love that! It's his favorite color! Dude this is gonna be so much fun and goodness!"

Kev: *Nods in approval with top lip sticking out*

Frank: "Ok, and this is" *Reveals THE blackest black ever*

Bri: "Oh yeah, that's so...Nick." *Tries to smile*

Kev: *Smiles, nods, and mouths really slowly, 'perfect'.

Frank: "Alrighty, let's get started then." *Kev and Bri are painting the walls while Frank is off making a surprise for the room.*

Kev: *Looks at Brian painting.* "What the he..heck....are you"

Bri: "I'm painting the wall."

Kev: " you're not."

Bri: "I give up then, what am i doing?"

Kev: *Gives him idiot glare* "You need to learn how to paint properly. You're painting too... fast. Watch me as I demonstrate how YOU paint. *Takes the brush, dips it into the yellow paint up to the brush's handle and slosches it around on the wall in a crooked direction, gritting his teeth, leaning back, and moving his arms back and forth.*

Bri: *Backs up, parts his lips a lil', wrinkles his forehead, and raises one eyebrow.*

Kev: *Finishes without a hair out of place, but breathing very fast and sweating like he just did a whole stage show.*

Bri: "THAT'S, how I paint?"

Kev: *Examines crooked line of paint on the wall, then Brian.* "............Yes. Now watch I demonstrate the right way of painting." *Takes brush, dabs it halfway into the paint, waits until the brush stops dripping of paint, and then reaches all the way to the top of the wall, and in one smooth, straight, slow stroke, reaches the bottom.* "Ah, yes, that's satisfaction for ya." *While smiling, Kev examines the paint, then Brian.*" "Ok, Cous...let's see what you'"

Bri: *Dips brush into the paint halfway and starts near the top because he's not quite as tall as Kevin. He performs the paint job exactly as Kevin had.*

Kev: "No! No! No! You're rushing it! You're going down too fast! Now...try it again." *Steps back to watch him.*

Bri: *Does the exact same thing as before.*

Kev: "Agh! No, no, no! That's too slow now! Now do it once more."

Bri: *Again, he repeats the same exact thing that he's been doing.*

Kev: "Ah, now you see what you can do when you put you're mind to it? Very well done Cousin, very well done." *Pats Brian on the back who has the 'Are you kidding me' look on his face and gets back to work.*


Nick: "Hi, hi."

Ty: *Turns around to find Nick 2 inches from his face.* "Hi Nick."

Nick: "Hi Ty. That rhymes."

Ty: "I would've never known. So are you gonna help me with this difficult task of wood work today?"

Nick: "Yea, yes, No.... *Pauses and looks at wood* "Will I get a splinter? Because once I got a splinter and it really hurt a lot. My finger turned purple, but Brian took it out before it got....What did he call it?....fected in."

Ty: "Right, well, you may have been named sexiest this year, but next year, I would watch your so-called sexy back."

Nick: *Turns and looks down over his shoulder. Starts turning in circles like a dog chasing his tail.* "I can't, because I can't see it."

Ty: "Ah, just help me make the shelf."

Nick: *Shrugs* "Ok!"

Ty: "Ok, All you have to do is to hold the wood. Right here. Just hold the wood. Got it?"

Nick: "I gotta touch it?"

Ty: "Well....yeah..."

Nick: "But once I got a splinter from a piece of wood and it made my..."

Ty: "Finger turn purple...I know...You told me that story 2 minutes ago!!"

Nick: *Hesitantly looks at Ty, then at the wood, and slowly places hands on wood.*

Ty: "Why couldn't they just send one of those little ones out here?" *Shakes head and cuts wood.*

Nick: *Lets go of wood, lets it fall, and holds hands up near his ears like he doesn't want to touch it.*

Ty: "Ugh, go inside and send out someone else...please.."

Nick: *Shrugs and skips inside*

Ty: *Shakes head and puts on goggles. He starts sanding wood with the electric sander when Howie comes out.*

Howie: *Stands right in front of the wood piece that Ty is working on.* "Ty."

Ty: *Temporarily deafened by the electric sander.*

How: "Ty." *He now says at a regular talking level.*

Ty: *Still can't hear and still working.*

How: "Ty!" *Howie slightly yells*

Ty: *Nothing*

Howie: "Ty Ty Ty Ty Ty Ty Ty Ty Ty Ty Ty Ty TY TY TY TY TY TY TY TY TY TY TY TY TY!!!! *He yells like an annoying little child for his mommy all with a smile on his face.*

Ty: *Looks up at Howie and motions 1 minute to him with his finger*

Howie: *Stops yelling while Ty is looking at him, but as soon as Ty looks back down at the wood that he's sanding, he starts yelling,* "TY TY TY TY TY TY TY TY TY TY TY TY TY TY TY," *again very suddenly.*

Ty: *Surprised, he accidently runs the sander off course and too deep resulting with a gash in the wood.* "Shit!" *Pulls his goggles off and throws them into the air. He looks up at Howie, who is smiling. Ty give a 'Why the hell are you smiling' look at Howie and looks back down at the gash, then at Howie, then at the gash, then at Howie, and thrusts his hands out and forward and fiercely shakes his head to and fro as he looks at Howie.*

Howie: *Smiles and waves.* "Hi Ty! Howareyou doingtoday?"

Ty: *Throws sander into the grass and walks away. He kicks his foot to make a cloud of dust in front of Howie. Once the dust clears, Howie is visable and still waving and smiling. Ty Goes over to Howie, AJ, and Nick's basement to find Kevin trying to put together a salon chair.* "Hey bud, let me help you with that."

Kev: "Hi............................"

*Ty walks over to Kev.*

Kev: ".........Ty."

Ty: "What?"

Kev: "I said......Hi....."

Ty: "Ok, I know, Let me..."

Kev: *Cuts Ty off.* "....Ty."

Ty: "Um, well,um, let me help you out there."

Kev: "I'm doing just..................fine."

Ty: "Uh, you attached the chair's armrests as one of its legs."

Kev: *Stands up.* "You know what...........I I'll......just send.................Brian ......mah cous......... in my do....these chair...........s." *Walks out.*

Bri: *Walks in.* "Well hullo Ty. How are you doing man?" *Holds out hand.*

Ty: *Takes Brian's hand.* "Hi man."

Bri: *Gets on knees and pulls up his sleeves.* "So what are we doing here?"

Ty: *Explains what they have to do and everything goes amazingly well and they practically have the whole salon put together in only 30 minutes.* "Well I have to say that you're the first sane Backstreet Boy I've met so far."

Bri: "Well thank you. You're the first sane carpenter I've ever met before."

Ty: "We can even be buds!"

Bri: "I believe we can." *They do this hand slapping shake thing that they already have between them.*

*Bri and Ty look a t each other and smile. Then they both pick up an electric saw and both cut a piece of wood at the exact same time and both blow the dust off it.*

*Day one is coming to an end and the boys do their homework. At about midnight both teams are finished. Bri and Kev are sitting together at the finished purple hair salon with bowls of macaroni and cheese in front of them, holding hands, and praying.*

Bri: "Oh dear Lord, Bless these Holy bowls of Mac&Cheese that sit before us at this wee hour of this night/morning (actually says 'slash'). Thank ywou for gyiving uous thees fowd and thees owoportunaatee with these lowvly peepowl of Traaading Spaaaces. And thank ywou fwor mah wiyeef Leighanne and..." *By this time Kev is already eating and is almost finished when he hears a rustle in the bushes and his head immediately darts up, shoots his eyes around, and starts to sniff at the air. He gets up and walks away from Brian who is still praying. He walks up to the window and tries to look out but only sees his reflection. He presses his face completely up against the glass window pane and is breathing on the window. It starts to fog up, but he still attempts to see the outside world.*

*In the Background...*

Bri: "And pleawse blyess mad lil' pwuppies fwor they awre the lowves of mah liyeefe. And I yam sworry fwor picking thayat diyme owff the street and keeeping iyit, I showould hayave turrned iyit intwoo the polelease stayshowon ayand...."

Kev: *Growls and unlocks the window. Gets on his knees and quickly pushes up the window. It snaps up to reveal...*

Nick: "Hi, hi." *He says with his face 3 inches away from Kevin's.*

Kev: *Calmly.* "Nick, you're cheating."

Nick: "Oh! That must be Howie's place where he sits there and fixes his hair and says 'stuff like that'!"

Kev: "Nick.."

Nick "Oh! And I see lights for AJ's club!"

Kev: "Nick..."

Nick: "But I can't see my play place because it would be right around that corner where I can't see from here." *Sticks his head inside and starts to lean in the room right on top of Kevin.* "If I could.." *Struggles* "just get in and," *His thighs sit on the sill while Kev is practically holding him.* "see..."*Completely oblivious about Kev.*

Kev: "NICK!!!"

Bri: "And thayank you for those itty bitty thumb tacks, fowr if I didn't hayave them, I miyight never be wheyere I yam tooday."

Kev: *Pushes Nick back out the window.* "You're.......cheating! Do Howie and AJ know what you're.....up to?"

*In the bushes behind Nick....* "Yo D, pass me one of those gummy bears." "No way, get your own!." "Come on! You don't even like to eat them because you say they look too cute and you don't wanna bite their smiling heads off!" "So, they're my mostfavoritestuffever."

Kev: *Takes flashlight out of pants and turns it on, but the battery has run out so it doesn't work.* "DAMMIT!" *Hits the back end of the flashlight.*

Nick: *Smiles* "I forgot to tell you Bro, I borrowed your batteries from your flashlight for my gameboy."

Kev: *Glares at Nick for 25 seconds.* "What?"

Nick: "I said that I bor-rowed" *Says really slow like trying to explain something in english to someone who only speaks Japanese and is 4 years old.*

Kev: "I KNOW...WHAT...YOU SAID... DUMB... *Looks over at Brian who's silently praying.* "TUSH! I WANT....TO KNOW...HOW....YOU....GOT..... THEM.....OUT....OF....MY PANTS!"

Nick: *Opens mouth to start speaking.*

Kev: "Wait! I know....Go're cheating."

Howie: *Suddenly jumps up from the bushes witha twig sicking out of one of his wild curls.* "We're cheating???!! BUTAJ you toldme wewere coming over to borrow a cupofsugar tomake more gummy bears!! Cheating is wrong. I'm awfully sorry Kevin. We should be goingnow. This isn't fair. We needtobe fair. We always need to be fair."

AJ: *Sighs*

Howie: *Turns around to go back still talking about fairness with a yellow gummy bear dangling from the back of his hair. Nick closely follows behind Howie trying to catch the gummy bear with his tongue.*

Kev: *Closes the window. The window shatters and 2 AA batteries roll to Kevin's feet and a hyena laugh is heard in the distance with the full moon above them.*

***************************DAY 2***********************

Frank: "Well, good morning!"

Bri: "Good morning Frank!"

Frank: "Well it's day 2 and it looks like you guys have finished your homework. And I think that since you guys are such wonderful workers, you deserve a surprise." *Takes out a 10ft. by 7ft. wooden, brown, hand carved, religious cross.*

Bri: *GASP*

Kev: "Wow."

Bri: *Walks over and touches it.* "It's beautiful Frank, thank-you."

Kev: *Puts arm around his cousin. They both look at the cross and get teary eyed.* "So....Beauti...ful."

Frank: "I thought you would think so. *Pause* "Come on, let's go do our last project and paint our faces on the wall!"


Doug: "So now what do you wanna do?"

Howie: "Eh, I wanna go tothe bathroom. Ya know, too much spicey food and allthat stuff."

Doug: "It's 7 o'clock in the morning."

Howie: "Haha - Yes! But I am the Breakfast Burrito Man!" *Stands up, winks, and walks away.*

AJ: "Weird ass dude."

Nick: "Oh! What are these?" *Plays with light bulbs in the lamp....while they're switched on.*

Doug: "Uhhh..."

AJ: "Ignore him. So Doug man, why haven't we done any of your crazy stuff yet? I've heard a lot about you."

Doug: "Well, I've decided to go with something different this time."

Nick: *Finger paints the last paint on the wall.*

Doug: "Ok....Well, you'll see what the big thing is in the end...which is tonight."

AJ: "Dude!!! Tonight?!?! That's tonight!!!! And that's only 2 days in all!!"

Howie: *Walks in drying his hands.* "Duh AJ. Didn't you listen tothe directions and allthat stuff????"

AJ: "No, I was too busy checking out that chick's ass."

Nick: "Mine?"

AJ: "Ah, no! Agh, what the hell?"

Nick: *Shrugs*

Doug: *Leans towards Nick and whispers,* "Don't worry, it was yours for me."

Nick: *Smiles and looks proud. Then Paige Davis walks into the room.*

Paige: "Guys?"

All: "What?"

Paige: "What are you doing?"

All: "Iunno."

Paige: "Ugh, it's the last day and you're all just sitting around!"

Nick: "Oh don't worry, that's my job."

AJ: "What the fuck dude?"

Paige: "You have about 4 hours to make a new room. Doug, what's up? You're usually doing exactly what the people don't want you to do to their room right about now!"

Doug: "Oh I know, don't worry, I'm trying something different this time. Don't you worry. Now just go."

Paige: "Go?"

Howie: "Yeah, youknow, like away or something."

Paige: *Straightens out shirt and pulls collar away from her neck.* "Fine." *Walks out.*

Doug: "You guys wanna order a pizza?"


Howie: "And gummy bears!"

AJ: "And kiwi!! ......I mean geez you guys are wack." *Eyes shuffle around.* "I gotta go to....the bathroom." *Gets up and quickly walks out of the room.*

***Meanwhile, in the basement of Howie, Nick, and AJ...***

Kev Bri and Frank: "Michael row the boat ashore, halleleuuuuuhia! Michael row the boat ashore hallleeeeelllleeuuuuuuhiaaaaa"

Frank: "In rotating verses! Michael row the boast ashore..."

Bri: *2 seconds later.* "Michael row the boat ashore..."

Kev: *5 seconds later.* "Michael row the boat ashore..."

Frank: "Halleleuhia!"

Bri: "The boat.."

Kev: "Michael.."

*They sing while they dust the salon, finish wiring the stereo system and lights, and well, stack the papers up on Nick's black small office desk.*

Frank: "Boy this is so much fun. I think this is the most fun I've had on Trading Spaces...ever."


Nick: *Mouth is stuffed with pizza and while sauce is running down his stubbled chin, he seems to get out the words,* "Man! Thif thuff ith gooth!"

Doug: "We did a good job guys. Couldn't have done it without you!"

How: "Gee, I can't wait 'til the guys see their new studio!"

Nick: "Yeaf!" *As he exclaims this, pizza particles come flying out of his mouth, he throws his fist in the air, and gives his all famous extra cheesy and sauce stained teeth smile.*

AJ: "Um, ok...sure why not."

Paige: "TIMES UP! hehe" *Trading Spaces theme music comes on. Paige is now sitting with Frank.* "So Frank, tell us about this room, I mean I think it's fantastic! It's more like 3 rooms! And how did you do it? You're exactly on budget! Not a penny to spare and not a penny in debt!"

Frank: "Well Paige, the money part was pure luck and coincidence. For the room, it was basically all about the 3 guys, ya know, just to really give them what they wanted."

Paige: "Well, it sure looks like you've succeeded with flying colors. Let's bring out the 3 guys."

*Paige walks in holding AJ's left hand and Howie's right hand. Nick says he needs his hands to close his eyes. So Nick is standing next to Howie with his right hand overlapping his left which are indeed pressing against his eyes. He giggles and has the smile of 'I'm closing my eyes too tight that it actually makes my mouth hang open and form this weird smile.*

Paige: "Ok guys, open you're eyes and see your new basement!"

AJ: "Dude..." *Claps his hands together and walks towards his dance club floor as he gapes in amazement at the speakers and DJ table and starts playing with it.*

Howie: "Ahhhhhhhhhh, this is the bestthing I've everopened my eyes to! Thisisthebestdayofmylife! Ifeelgreat!!" *Does about 4 backwards flips. Then Sits down in the perm chair and places that alien type thingy over his head and smiles the Howie way.*

Nick: *Smiles* "Howie dude, you got that "t" thing over your mirror there...yea! Tetris all the way! And AJ...whoaaaaa. Blinking lights and awesome music! Brings me back to those Pac Man days. Hey, what's behind that curtain?" *Dramatically swishes back the curtain to find the bland office.* "Um, ok wait...if Howie ordered the pepperoni and got it, and AJ ordered the sausage and got it, then why when I ordered the extra cheese, I got plain bread? I don't understand.." *Picks up computer paper and lets it fall from his hands. Howie, AJ, and Paige watch Nick, not knowing what to do or say. Nick sits back in the black chair....they even took the wheels off it... He tries to swirl in it, but miserably fails. He looks towards the ground while frowning . Then he slowly looks up with a heavy brow and rage in his eyes. He tightens his lips and clenches his fists. He then bolts up and starts marching to Kev's and Brian's studio. Howie and AJ quickly follow. Paige is already there telling Bri and Kev to open their eyes.*

Bri: "Oh I'm so excited."

Kev: "Yeah, I can't wait to see how they screwed it all up."

*They both open their eyes to reveal the studio the exact same way as they had left it except for the one new crooked shelf with a big ole' gash right smack dab in the middle of it.*

Bri: "Oh my gosh."

Kev: "Oh my God."

Bri: "Kevin!" *He snaps*

Kev: "Sorry but...OH MY GO...ODNESS!"

Bri: "I know, I'm speechless."

Kev: "Me too, I can't believe this."

Bri: "Me either."

Paige: "Guys, I completely understand if..."

Kev: "It's spectacular!"

Bri: "I love it!"

Kev: "How did they ever do this 2...days?! *Says Kev with a look of amazement in his eyes...happy amazement.*

Bri: "Look how much they brightened it up... And the color! The color!"

Kev: "Wow! And look at the carpeting, and these chairs! This is great!"

Paige: "Um, what? It's the exact same thing. Don't you notice they haven't touched your room at all? Just for that shelf. And they painted it the exact same color....on the bottom half."

*Kev and Bri look at each other, then around the room. Then they both fall into a chorus of laughter.* "Hahahahahahahaha ha!"

Bri: "Haaa, that's a good one."

Kev: "I never knew you were this funny in real life. Come to think of it, I didn't even know you were this funny on TV! I didn't even know that you guys actually had personalities! At all!"

Paige: "Guys I'm serious!"

"Hah ha ha ha ha."

Bri: "Come on, we've already admitted that we loved it."

Kev: "Yeah, you don't have to use reverse psychology. I know what you're doing, I've done it many times."

Paige: "But, but, but..."

*Nick comes barging in interrupting Paige with AJ and Howie behind him. Nick doesn't stop and marches right up to Kev and punches him square in the jaw. Kev goes down on the floor clutching his jaw. Bri sorta catches him and holds him up by the shoulders.*

Bri: "Dude! What did you do that for?!"

Nick: "I hate you Kevin."

*With that Nick marches out of the room and sits on the porch steps gazing into the night sky. Paige watches the rest of the boys in the room nervously.*

Bri: "What was that all about?"

AJ: "We know that Kev made his 'game room' into an office." *Sigh*

Howie: "Yeah and he's really upset. Why'd you do it Kev?"

Kev: "Oh no...I thought he would some how screw up our room so I decided to get back at him before actually seeing the results."

Bri: "Kevin! You told me that was what Nick really wanted. I can't believe I didn't think twice about this! I didn't think you would actually do anything like that to him."

Howie: "He would never do anything like that to you Kev."

*With that, Bri lets go of Kev which makes him drop to the floor with a thud. Bri, AJ, and Howie proceed to walk out to go see if they could comfort Nick.*

Paige: "Ahem, well" *She says as she steps over Kev,* that's it for another edition of Trading Spaces! We'll see you next time!" *Camera guy turns off camera and leaves, Paige grunts.* "I'm leavin you crazy people! I quit." *She starts to walk out the door when she screams "WAIT!" and she suddenly stops. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a slip of paper. She opens it to reveal AJ's telephone number. She secretly smiles and puts the paper back in her pocket.* "Nevermind! False alarm. I've got everything I need! Bye!"

Kev: "Sigh...Oh man." *He slowly gets up and walks towards the front door. He gets outside and sees all 4 guys sitting on the steps looking at the stars or at least what they could make of them. Kev sits down on the edge of the step right next to Nick. Nick gets up and walks a few paces with his back facing Kev. Kev looks at the other guys who shake their heads and go to stand with Nick.*

Kev: "Aw come on, we have to talk about this sometime!" *He stands up.*

Nick: "Talk about what?!" *He yells turning around to face Kevin.*

Kev: "About what happened."

Nick: "Which part? The fact that you don't trust me? Or the fact that you would do something like that to your own brother?"

Kev: "Look! I'm....I'm..."

Nick: "You're what?!" *He rages.*

Howie: "yeahyou'rewhat!????? Kevyou'rewhat?!?????" *They all turn to Howie who eyes around and shrinks back into the shadows making an oops face. The kind where you stick out your neck and open your mouth downwards to show your bottom teeth and gums.*

Kev: "I'm..................sorry...I'm sorry Nick. Sometimes I just get a little out of hand when it comes to you."

Nick: "Well why me? Why not AJ?!"

AJ: "Hey!!"

Kev: "Well, because you annoy me."

Nick: "You annoy me too Kevin! Did you know that?! You're always so uptight and delerious! You always stretch things out to make them more important and stressful than they have to be!"

Kev: "Like what?!"

Bri: "Coughpaintingcough."

Kev: *Thinks* "Ok maybe..." *Looks at dirt* "Look Nick, I'm sorry. I was wrong to do that and I swear I'll some how make it up to you. Are we still bros?"

Nick: *Sigh* "Of course.." *Goes into do that hand thing that guys do when they go in to hug each other.*

Kev: "Hey, tell ya what...why don't we all go out for some ice cream?"

Howie: "Yeah!!!!!!!"

Nick: *Turns to Howie smiling.* "Haha, sounds great."

Kev: "Great, it's on me." *Guys start walking down the street.* And ya know what? I'll make another appointment to go on Trading Spaces and I'll do a whole room for ya."

Paige: "Noooooooooooooooo!!!! I heard that!!! NO NO NO NO!!!" *They hear in the distance. The guys stop and look around the dark neighborhood*

Howie: " IS true. There really are warewolves around here." *The boys shrug it off and continue walking.*

AJ: "So Kev, you're not gonna start bugging me are you?"

Kev: "Maybe.." *Kev looks sideways at Nick who looks sideways back. Kev pulls Nick in with an arm to give him nuggies just as Nick starts to laugh like a hyena.*

AJ: "Geez..." *Scratches back of head lookin nervous.*

Howie: *Points and laughs at AJ*

Brian: *Jumps in the air until he is perfectly horizontal and clicks his heels together.*

********************THE END*****************

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