BSB In My Bathroom

Hey. My friend told me I can email u my totally wacked out BSB dream that had no point what so ever!!!

ok, it was 3am and I woke up(not for real, in my dream). I went to the bathroom, and was greeted by 5 wonderful surprises. Nick climbed out of my toliet, and told me there were sharks down there, and he was scared. I told him to go wait in my room(hehe). Howie climbed out of my sink drain, and just kinda left my house. Brian climbed out of my clothes hamper. I asked him where he came from and he said "your bsb shirt" AJ was next and came out of my shower drain. The 2 of them went into my room with Nick. The last Backstreet Boy came out of my cat's litter box...yes, kevin!! he dusted himself off and then left to join Howie.

Let's just say that was one of the freakiest dreams!!

Submitted by Rachel

I wanna go home!
