August 2001 2am

I'm in my high school at the vending machine with my friend and I get a magazine out of it for 25 cents. On the cover of it is Nick. It's a beatiful close up, full page, whole front cover of the back of Nick's head (???).

I'm watchin the news, and they tell me where BSB is at. They give a whole report of where they are, and they say that "Nick Carter is dressed as a chocolate covered banana (LMAO, I DONT KNOW! DON'T ASK ME! I JUST DREAMED IT!)I get my Dad to take me where they are. I say to myself "wow, there's alot of grass here" (heh, ooook brittany). Then I'm out of the car and i'm in front of a tent/room/building where there's a glass window ( thing ya know there will be a bulldozer and a beach ball) and BSB is inside. I see Bri, Kev, AJ, and Howie. I wave to each one of them, one at a time, and they each wave back, one at a time. Kind of like when you're in a deli line (wtf??!? oh i was 2am when i wrote this one down) Howie waves the most, LOL. (haha! howie! and I actually wrote "LOL" down!) Well then we go to find Nick. I see him walkin down the street in his chocolate covered banana suit(LMAO!), but then he gets into a van and it screeches away. Then i see Nick get out of the truck(hey, I thought it was a van) in a purple robe. A few girls see him and start towards him. I grab a few girls, some on bikes(wtf), and tell them to hide behind the bushes with me to scare/surprise Nick. But Nick ends up goin the other way.

So I get in line to get my autograph. The line is at the side of the curve of the rode where a car and easily hit u. It's at the side of the highway near a mountain and Nick's got the whole autograph session thing set up! I have a pen and a piece of computer paper (allllrighty then). When it's my turn, Nick asks me to watch his baby boy for him, who's like two. I say "What about my autograph?" He puts my pen and paper aside and starts to autograph (is that even a verb?) everyone elses papers. So I think, he will remember me for this. (ok britt, u think that....why am i talkin to myself?) His baby boy is sittin on a blanket next to Nick, who's on a chair with a table in front of him and an umbrella over both of them. The baby is in a t-shirt and a diaper; He is black (WTF?!?!?!?! oh yea...there's no sign of nicks wife/the baby's mom here) I sit down in front of him and smile. Then we touch noses (like u put ur nose up to the baby's nose...i cant believe how clearly i remember this). Nick looks over and smiles.

So then, Nick either invites me over his house, or I go to his house to babysit. I can't remember, oh he invites me. He has a nice house. (LOL....remember I wrote this all when im still half asleep) His mom and grandma's there and they offer to cook me dinner. So then we all have dinner together and Nick hands me a long letter and an autograph. My sister says "Wow, look how much he wrote." (i guess i'm back at home now) The letter was quite a few pages (i would freak out if Nick Carter wrote me a letter...let alone ask me to baby sit his child ?? hehe) All I remember readin or all i read at the moment was "Don't worry, you can come back and visit when my kid is 20 on March 10, 2001." (LMAO!!!!!!!!!!Wait a minute, that's just confusing...and i had this dream august 2001...and nick turned 20 in january 2000...whoaaa) And then he sign's it "Nick", but in a signature way...sorta...


I wanna go home!
