A gymbag and A girlfriend

Submitted by: luvmyhowiebunny@yahoo.com

This was actually the first Backstreet Boys dream that I had.I had been abducted by aliens. They took me to the mothership and lock me up in a cage. Except it wasen't really a cage, it was more like a huge gym bag. Don't ask,you know dreams are just weird like. For some reason I could still see through the gym bag. I looked to the left and I saw A.J. in a cage too. Now he was actually in a real cage. A.J. was trying to break out of his cage and since he's just so skinny, he was able to slip right through the bars. He ran towards me and got me out of my cage. As we were running I thought"how in the world are we gonna get out of here. I mean we're in freaking spaceship" A.J. and I found a door, he opened it and we jumped out of it.We ended up landing on a beach. A.J. saved me from the aliens.It's hard to believe that a skinny thing like A.J was actually my hero.

Another dream I had was About Howie. He was my ex-boyfriend. So I went to this party and I saw Howie there, he was there sitting with his new girlfriend. She was ugly by the way. So he was all hugging her but that was ok cause I was there with my new girlfriend too. My friends look at me all weird when I tell them I had a girlfriend in this dream but you can't really control what happens in your dreams can you. My girlfriend wanted to sit up in the front but I didn't. I wanted to sit next to Howie.So sat sat by herself. I pulled up a chair and sat next to Howie. At this point Howie was sitting across the table from his girlfriend. Howie and I started talking, we ended up argueing but in a whisper cause he didn't wnat his girlfriend to hear.All I remember Howie saying to me was "we're not going to get back together" but that didn't hurt me cause I knew I was going to get him back.Then Howie's girlfriend say" Howie what's going on?" Howie just looked at her but didn't answer.Then he looked back at me and aked "what about you girlfriend?" I told him " oh I'm only with her for the sex." and that was it. All I have to say about that dream is that My Girlfriend Was Prettier Than Howie's.

I wanna go home!

Email: BFsmile4@aol.com