I wonder why Nick once said, "I once tried to sniff coke...but an ice cube got stuck up my nose".....-Mocha (mochafrapachino@hotmail.com)
- Well we know Nick always saves the day...yea...just read..One day BSB was being interviewed and a reporter asked them if they have ever used illegal drugs, the guys were baffled and kinda annoyed that the reported had asked this question. After a minute of uncomfortable silence, Nick replied with the quote above and saved the day. (Just like when they were asked "none of you are virgins, correct?" and Nick replied with "Yes, It's true, we're not virgins to this country anymore."
- He was sugar high at a sleepover with his little brother...what?
- He was serious.
- He was teasing Brian. Bri choked on his Ketucky fried chicken when Nick said the first part...
- He got that line from the book "Lines That Will Make People Laugh and Make Them Think You're Cool...Forever."
I wanna go home!
If you have any suggestions for this list please email your suggestions to me at
BFsmile4 with the subject of "BSB wonder3" and if you want your idea credited to your email, name, or anonymous, you can also email me there with a new "BSB Wonder"(in subject). Thanks!