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Verse I:

I know you were hurt back in the day,but I just want you to hear me say,I'm here to help you heal the wounds,that the other guy gave to you.

When you say it's me and it isn't you,there is only one thing I can do,just sit back in my chair,and listen to what you had to go through.

I will never leave or walk away,I will be here day after day,for the guy that did this to you,is unlike me in every possible way.

The traumatic scars you got from him,makes you feel like you just lost a limb,and now that the end of the world is near,it is about to come and consume you whole.


The battlescars you got will only make you stronger.

The battlescars you got will not last much longer.

Verse II:

Now you go outside and face your fear,you don't see that guy anywhere,you won the battle and won the war,and now it's time for the pain to disappear.

You don't owe a thing to me,I just want you to see,that you are the owner of your fate,and the pain will heal you just have to wait.

From this day till the end of time,you won't see me step-aside,to let the terrible hurt,creep back up on you again.

Your should put your trust in me,then and only then we can be,true friends that don't,hold anything back or keep things inside.


The battlescars you get will only make you stronger.

The battlescars you get won't last much longer.
