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Yes you are! One of the fastest growing fanfic sites on the web! Fanfics of Anime, people, and anything we can possibly write a fanfic about! But just keep in mind some of the stories do include Adult content such as the following:

Crude humor,
Some Sexual References.

And stuff little children shouldn't be reading. And I know kiddies will be searching the web and stumble on this and when you do? And you probably won't listen but you know your conscience will be bothering you when I say: DON'T ENTER! GO BACK OR YOUR PARENTS WILL CATCH YOU! Eventually...

Then again for us grown people, keep in mind that WE at Fic-land are human, and we believe that whatever is classified or written as ficticious, should be labeled and justified as so. And THAT means, don't come crying or griping to me or anybody else about something you "didn't like" or was "displeased" with, or you "ain't 'ppreciated that shit 'bout..."-- grow up and have some fun damnit! And if you e-mail me with ill comments about a ficticious story, I'll promptly delete it. ::salutes::

WELL with that said, welcome to Fic-Land and join the Crew, enjoy the stories, have a JOLLY good time dear lad!