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My Favorite Things

This is where I can show you Paintings, Poetry, Music, and other such insights into what I am like as a person. Being an art teacher as well as a music teacher I have artistic tastes... as you can see.

Jack Vettriano has emerged from the unlikely background of an early
career as a coalminer in Scotland to be come one of the best known
contemporary artists here in the United kingdom. He recieved no formal
tuition and his career has flourished with exhibitions in Edinburgh
London Johannesburg and Hong Kong.

On this page are four of my favorites paintings. He is now doing a
series of paintings using cars!! but these I love for their bright
bright colours.........

Elegy for a Dead Admiral

Dance Me to the End of Love


The Missing Man I

Jack Vettriano

I just love this music. Rhapsodie on a theme of Paganini by Sergie Rachmaninov. It is so beautiful with all the strings playing too. This is the solo piano part but to me the piece sums up the passion and romance of `love`.

And finally two thoughts that I want to share with you.

Friends stand by each other through thick and thin,
Every time you need me I will always be there for you.
You make me happy, You make me laugh,
You are the best friend anyone can ever have.

The best and most beautiful things in the world
cannot be seeen or even touched. They can only
be felt with the human heart..........

Patsy xx
