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Preben Andreassen

Kirkebjerg Allé 178
DK 2605 Brøndby


On Royal Danish Music Academy of Copenhagen, first with preliminary organ degree in 1968, student of Per Kynne Frandsen, organ. Pianoe Professor Victor Schiøler, piano. Church musician diploma degree in 1974, student of professor Leif Thybo and organist Birgit Marcussen. Piano professor Robert Riefling. Choirdirector docent Jørgen Berg.

More Extensive Studies

Organ studies with organist Finn Viderø. Composition with docent Niels Viggo Bentzon for two years. Rhythmical piano study with Vilfred Kjær, Niels Græsholm and Willy Egemose. Classes in rhythmical music, negro spiritual, Gospel music as pianist and director. Gospel piano and direction in Los Angeles in 1996, with Dr. Jackie LAvaree Johnson.


In 1995 I was on leave for 5 months to study gospel music in USA. I had lessons in gospel piano and choir direction with Dr. Jackie LAvaree Johnson (Los Angeles), and participation in different Choirs in LA. Choir practice with Mr. Jester Hairston (LA), and with Dr. Jerrold Ottley, director for the mormon tabernacle choir, salt lake city, utah.


Part of Brøndbyvester Church since 1st October 1975 I started the Youth Choir in 1976. I work for renewal of of the Danish church music, through of course, lecture and concerts alone and with my Youth Choir. In 1996 I started a Gospel Choir in the Church: Asuza Gospel Choir. This is a female choir for three voices!


Brøndbyvester Church Organ History 1987. Choir works at publisher Edition Egtved. Before Sunday, Christmas music in 1995. Hymns in different collections. In the New danish Hymnbook with two melodies in 1994. Organ music in 1998, Edition Reimers. Christmas music on casettes 1982. MC and VCR, Before the Sunday, 1992. CD, life is living 1992. Organ music edition Reimens 1998.

Dictionary of International Biography: Who's Who in Music 1998.

Minister of music in Brøndbyvester Church Preben Andreassen Organist, director, composer Kirkebjerg Allé 178 DK-Brøndby Denmark


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12 betragtninger over Johannes Døber-skikkelsen
i følge Lukas med temaet Advent!

Advent, oversigt
1. Og Zakarias havde bedt.
2. Dit foster sprang, Elisabeth.
3. Du blev det advents-menneske.
4. Nu vækker Ånden en profeti.
5. Og du mit barn, er den Guds profet.
6. I ørkensand stod ørkenmanden.
7. Johannes havde rede svar.
8. Da ordet fik det givet.
9. Advent er begyndt.
10. Hvad var det mon I ville se.
11. Salig at blive kendt salig.
12. Advent kendes på de lys, der tændes.

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