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~ ¤ Justine ¤ ~

~ Stuff ~

~ ¤ Christine ¤ ~
~ ¤ Cassie ¤ ~
~ ☼ Anj ☼ ~

hEy PeoplE!~

hows it goin?! well, you can read that down below, but its pretty dumb...any hooooooooooooo....i dunno what im supposed to say in here cause just about anyone who would read this already knows how bout them brewers?? really can score a touch down eh?

I LIKE TO BURN THINGS *evil laugh*

have a nice day :)

*Justine the Jelly Bean*

oooo my email is for all those great fans out there! hah...i make myself laugh...


even though no ones gonna read it all and i put sooo much work into

I see: the world spin around me with clouds of hate and love spun together in a web of confusion

I need: to feel needed. I need to help the helpless. I need to thouch the untouchable, hear the mute and talk to the deaf. I need to dance when there's no music and sing when there's no song. I need to accomplish the unaccomplishable and make the impossible possible.

I find: pain

I want: to succeed. Succeed in school, my social life, my career and life in general.

I have: in depth conversations with the little green leprichan named Leopold who lives in my armpit. Would you like to say hello?

I love:Just about everything.

I hate: hate and violence.

I miss: being young and immature....wait i still am!

I fear: how dumb people are and that eventually we'll use up all the resources we have. oh, and i fear being stalked...*shudder*...i have stories...

I hear: In the city I hear bits and peices of conversations as i pass people on the street. I hear the bark of a dog and in response teh intense scream of a cat. I hear a baby cry helpless and hungry and the comforting hum of its mother. I hear the constant roar of passing traffic. The growl of racing pipes on a Honda and the purr of a Camaro. In the cournty i hear the wind wisper secrets to the tops of the trees. I hear crickets sharing their song with th hiss of the locasts. I hear a lone bird cry out and in the distance is's call is immated by what i assume to be its mate. I hear the grass rustle as the cool summer breeze blows through the small blades. I hear everything.

I smell plants on our porch, iced tea in my hand, food in the kitchen...and i am not kidding, my sister...accross the house...

I crave: COOKIES AND ICE CREAM!!! *wink*

I search: for an answer...

I wonder: about everything. WHY? why are my eyes blue? why does a 20 oz. bottle of soda have 2 1/2 servings? why can't we all get along? WHO? who are you? who am i? who will change it all? HOW? how do they know these things? how do they get noodles in the shape of sponge bob? how do our brains work? WHEN when will i be old enough? whe will we agree? when will we all change for the better?

I regret: not being a better person

I wear: NOTHING!!! NUDE IS THE WAY TO GO!!!! ok, so i lied...i wear giant leaves with yellow polka dots.

when was the last time you...?

smiled? 2 seconds ago

laughed? 3 seconds ago

cried? friday night...damn mothers...

bought something? thursday night...STATE STREET!

danced? yesterday morning in the shower...wait there was that time in the car...

were sarcastic? MEEEEEEEEE? SARCASTIC?!?! NEVER!!!

watched your favorite movie? i dont really have a favorite, but i watched some disney movies last night, does that count?

Had a nightmare? two nights ago i had this really scary dream about clowns...**shudder**

last time for everything...

last movie you saw: Rats of Nhim - SHUT UP!

Last song you heard: only hope my Mandy Moore...good song...

Last thing you had to drink: Mountain Dew...YUMMMMMMMMM!...

Last time you showered: shower?? i dont do that! 30 minutes ago

Last thing you ate: Doritoes

Do you...

Smoke? gave it up! NEVER DO IT! YUCK!

drugs? caffine?

have sex? sex? whats that??...i think i missed something....

sleep w/ stuffed animals? um...*blush*...only one stuffed animal...Mr.Bunny...and only every once in a while, when i need extra lovin'.

live in the moment: HELL NO! i do what i want, and i really just try to be me.

have a bf? i have an immaginary one! lol, i like being single, but i'd like to have some one too, soo i've kinda got a dilemma.

Have a dream that keeps coming back? I KEEP HAVING THAT SUPER SCARY CLOWN DREAM!! AHHHHH!!!!

Play an insturment? KA HAR! I'm only in a band, so DUH! I play the washboard, bucket with a string attached and i can perform the "spoon against the knee" maneuver. (and yes richard, it is painful, but as an musician..i put up with the pain) LOL, and dont forget my loveable guitar MOE!

Believe in life on other planets? yes, as a matter of fact im from Tebkanitchooo, its in the fourth galaxy from Hernandama the All-Knowing

Remember your first love? Truthfully, I've never really been in love...

still love him or her? um...

Read the newspaper? occasionally...

have any gay, bisexual or lesbian friends? o, you know cassie and i...JK...i dont have any gay/bi/les friends to my knowledge, but if i did, thats ok too

Do you believe in miracles? depends on my mood

Do you believe that someone can be faithful forever? maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe....hard to tell

Do you consider yourself tolerent of others? To a point...after you've crossed the line (or if i have PMS) I will bitch you our faster than a herd of turtles thundering down the road (thanks for the enalogy casso)

Do you think love is a mistake? i've seen too many people not so trusting, but i wouldnt call it a mistake, i mean where would we be with out love??? do you love your pet? your best friend? your mom?? yourself???? gots ta feel da love

do you like the taste of alcohol? Alcohol tastes nasty...wait is this a trick question?...i've uh...never had alcohol....*wink*

favorite candy? I LIKE CANDY!

beleive in astrology? sometimes...most of the time...ok, almost all of the time...

beleive in magic? yes

believe in god? no...i'm not going into details, ifyou wanna know, ask.

pray? nope

goto church? occasionally

secrets? not my own

pets? ok...cats: cupid, sunshine, pepper dog: Jake Gunia pigs: abby and pee wee rabbit: buttons and then theres the hermmit crabs and frog

do well in school? i try, but only in math

college? deffinately, no matter what profession i choose, im going to college

major? going to try for biology...

talk to strangers who message you online?...yes...

wear hats? YES! :P i love hats!!!

peircings? ears

tattoos? no, but i would like to get a butterfly on my ankle even though it'll hurt like a bitch

hate yourself? NO!

have an obsession? the internet

have a secret crush? yes ** wink wink **

do they know? think about that, ITS A SECRET!! and anyways, i really dont have one *wink*

Have a best friend? yes, but they're secret too

wish on stars? I love the night sky, so yes.

like your handwritting? occasionally

have any bad habbits? I tell all my secrets, don't get me wrong, i keep other peoples, but tell all of mine....

care about looks? well, yea and no. I check out guys and shit, and make sure i look decent...but, i really think that theres more to a person than looks.

believe in witches? yes, ever heard of neo pagan?

believe in satan? I question satan like i question god

believe in gosts? YEP, AND I HAVE STORIES!

Last updated: July 16, 2002
