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02/20/04 LAST MIN EVENT! If you come to todays show with socks up to your knees you get 1$ off the door price of 8$ your pants must be rolled up and socks pulled high lets rep the tube sock!!

02/17/04 Welcome to the new almost completed Angry Penguin website I hope you like it. Again my mediocre web design skills have created yet another version of our site. We have not moved to the new server yet but we should be moving this week (for real this time) when we do you can expect a lot of additions to the website. If you are included in any of the photos on the website or any of the upcoming photos and you would not like to be please email me at and I will remove you.

Thank you to ever one that came out to see Monday’s show it was a HELL of night.

Due to scheduling issues Nora has had to drop off of the Feb 28th date they are extremely sorry and we are trying to work out another date with them for the near future. On the other hand we still have a GREAT show and I hope to see all of you out.


Old News

Angry Penguin Comp OUT NOW!

Dryden – “The Lonliest One”
The Backup Plan – “The House Always Wins”
Holding Hannah – “Bleeding Hearts”
Slain July – “Redefined, This is a Holdup”
Your Day Strong – “Three Days in New York”
Insult to Tradition – “Never Could Be Wrong”
The Escape Engine – “Welcome to the Conversation”
Dr. Hourai – “Inverted Gas Attack”
Saving Throw – “Waiting by the Door”
Life Before This- "Nines and Tens"
Social Standards – “Orange and Yellow Starbursts”
Sawtooth Grin – “Sometimes She Tasted Like Burnt Plastic Smells”
Little Yellow Box – “ Fitzo Perfecto”
Denver in Dallas – “Arizona”
Megan Storm – “Consolation Prize”
Legacy Virus – “Who Shot Big L?”
Marathon – “Photosynthesis”
Outsmarting Simon – “Drive By Monologue”


02/08/04 Pics from the Jan 30th and Jan 31st shows have been added. Show page has been updated.

We will be moving to a new server later this week so the website may be down for a day or two. We will be adding alot of Video and TONS of photos. Its going to be good times~!

12/6/04 As of 2pm today the show is still on. We urge anyone that is thinking about coming out tonight to use caution when driving. Check back here for any show updates.

Other news we have some more great shows coming up so keep checking out the shows page.

Dr Hourai is back in business and will be playing out very soon. Check the website for all of the latest tour info

2/4/04 We should have photos from Fridays and Saturdays shows thursday night be on the look out!

I would like to start out by sending my apologies to anyone that was directly affected by the inappropriate acts that took place at this past Saturdays show. We here at the Angry Penguin do our best to provide a safe environment for people of all ages to come out and enjoy great music. Unfortunately that feeling of safety was compromised this past weekend. We can place the blame on lot of people for what happened but in the end we have only our selfs to blame. We started the Angry Penguin so that people would have a place to go and enjoy great music, we are still very dedicated to achieving that goal. You can rest assured that we will be taking every step possible to ensure that we never have a repeat of Saturday night’s events. So again I apologize to every one that came out and I hope that even with all of the commotion you were still able to enjoy some great bands. – Tony


1/28/04 Many new shows have been added so check them out. It's looking good this year kiddies. You better shine up your dancin' shoes!

1/27/04 All of the (noun) Fest Photos are now up check them out. A few new shows added to the shows page so check it out.

Also a new website is on the way maybe monday night maybe not!

We have alot of great shows booked and a few good ones in the works so keep checking that show page!

You can now buy an angry penguin t-shirt thru PayPal (it is a very secure site) for only 9$ (shipping included). The shirt is only available in Small, Medium, and Large at the moment. If you need to get an idea of what it looks like click the HERE HAPPY BUYING! If you don’t like buying stuff on line you can go to any angry penguin show and pick up the shirt for only 7$.

Check out the shows page for updates!!!!!!!!!!


1/19/04 I would like to start by thanking everyone that made it out to The (noun) Fest yesterday. A big thank you, to all of the bands that braved the weather to come play it was a great day. We should photos from the fest up later this week, and by late next we should have some videos from the fest up as well. We have a lot of great shows coming up so keep an eye on the website for the latest.

I would also like to send out some Angry Penguin love to Frankie Fingers who was throwing it down for The Legacy Virus when he fell and broke his arm. We hate to see bad things happen to great people and Frankie your one of the best. - tony


I know it's last minute, but if anybody wants to set anything up at The (noun) Fest '04 please let us know, or just show up with what you want to promote. Whether you are a local record label, have a zine, artwork, political literature, or any literature for that matter, etc. Email me or Tony; our contacts are in the conact link on the side of this page, or you can call the hotline at 914-631-6121 I do know Trash from CT will be setting up a distro, Honor Skateboards, and a friend of mine from Hell On Earth Productions in Rochester, NY will be setting up as well. I think some people in support of PITA will also be there. Let us know. All are welcome.


Check out the SOUNDS page. I added a bunch of bands. If you want to be added let me know. will be moving to a new web server within the next week. So that we can replace the message board with a forum and have more space for our Videos (a lot more space).

1/04/04Happy holidays and a happy New Year. Now that I've made it through that, let's talk. Thank you to everyone that came out on Monday and to all of the touring bands. I heard it was awesome, unfortunately I missed yet another show due to the holidays. I went home to Rochester, not that anyone cares. My best wishes go out to Trophy Scars. I heard one of them was arrested on the way to our apartment. 2003 was a great year for us. We have met so many amazing people and seen some great bands play, some go on hiatus, some change names and get new members, or break up. To all of you who have played for us we thank you and wish you all the luck. We are looking forward to another great year as the entity, Angry Penguin Productions. Some say we are Gods among men. This is true. Tell your friends... You guys have really been great and without you we would have nothing. I think we have really come together and stuck together to build a great music community. We have fun with it and we hope you do to. I don't think you realize how important something like this is to a community until it's gone so let's keep it alive another year. Keep coming to the shows and leave the trash talking at home. We'll be here. Thanks.

12/22/03 Video from the WIth Honor show has been added to the website. The quality is poor and so is the sound but you should still be able to get the idea.

The shows page will be updated wednesday 12/24/03 once we finalize a few more things.

Some new links have been added to the links page.

As many of you already know is no longer a site. We will be putting mp3's on our website once we move to the new server. Until then go to the sounds page and play the Angry Penguin Poking Game

This is your chance to rate Dr Hourai first song Inverted Gas Attack. Is it a ten or a one you be the judge. All you have to do is click -----> here <---- listen and then vote.

12/14/03 Hello

CATCH 22 Video and Big D and The Kids Table Video have been added to the site. So take a few minutes out of your busy day and download them.

The shows page has been updated.

Holding Hannah will be shooting a video at (noun) Fest 04 so make sure your hair is tight!

Video from the Big D show and the Catch 22 show will be up Tuesday so make sure you check that out.

At A Loss debut Full Length "A Falling Away From" available nationwide 1/27/04 check out for more details

12/7/03 HELLO

I would like to start by apologizing to everybody that was looking forward to either the Dec 5th Show or the Dec 12th Show. We are working on getting all of those bands onto different dates so keep checking back.

Dr Hourai’s First show will now be on Dec 19th with With Honor, Thieves and Assassins, and For All its Worth. So now you have no reason to miss this show.

The (noun) Fest 04 is officially BOOKED! at a dizzying 17 bands! Tickets will be 10$ and will go on sale this week thru any of the local bands playing.

If any one has any ideas for bands that the Angry Penguin should be trying to get please add on to the already started Bands the angry penguin should/could book string on the message board.

12/05 The show for today is canceled! Due to the snow! Sorry everybody a few of the bands had to drop off of the show due to the snow, so we have to cancel. Please keep checking back we are going to try and reschedule the date. Again we are sorry.

11/23 Hola!

Did anyone notice that the past two posts, have had the wrong date on them? Now that the date is right time for some news!

The Angry Penguin comp has been pushed back until mid December (sorry).

Check out the new Angry Penguin art gallery -----> here <------ It will soon take the place of the Guest book button that no longer works. If you have a picture that you have draw of an Angry Penguin email to me TONY at and i'll put it in the gallary

We have a few new shows added to the.......that’s right shows page!

We have just posted all of the directions to the Mt Kisco American Legion for the Dec 4th Catch 22 show.

Go to and listen to inverted gas attack the first recording from the upcoming album (spring 2004).

Angry Penguin shirts are in! To see what they look like click -----> here <---- you will soon be able to buy one online. Until then you can pick one up at any Angry Penguin show for only 7 bucks.

Congratulations to Little Yellow Box for getting signed to ECA records! We look forward to having them back as big Rock Stars.

Lastly a message from all of us at the Angry Penguin




Make sure to check out the new videos from The Warning Star, The Backup Plan, and Bear Vs Shark.

Updated shows Page!

Tickets to the Big D show and the Catch 22 show will be 10 bucks. If you are going to the Big D show please arrive early space is limited!

We have rented out both floors of the Yorktown Heights Elks Lodge for (noun) Fest 2. The top floor will have two stages that the bands will alternate between. The bottom floor will have merch, distros, food, drinks, etc.

Angry Penguin shirts are due out on Thursday so bring your six bucks to the Big D show and buy one!

The DR HOURAI website is up. nothing on it! but its up.

This week is national, tell a friend about the Angry Penguin week. So make sure you send out plenty of chain letters telling your friends that they have to visit our site, or all kinds of unpleasant things will happen to them.


10/7 Hello my people! What’s new you say? TONS

We just picked up a Liars Academy, Bear Vs Shark show for November 12th the tickets will be Cheep Cheep Cheep so make sure you come out and catch a few great bands!

Tickets for the Catch 22 show are now on sale for 10$ (and moving fast). If you would like a ticket please contact me at or any of the other bands playing the show. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS SHOW IS ALREADY ON IT'S WAY TO SELLING OUT SO IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND GET A TICKET QUICK!

We will not be getting the Count the Stars Copeland show in December. We do however expect to see both of those bands early next year.

With Honor will be playing the Oasis on December 19th (bring your dancing shoes)

Daly's Gone Wrong has a new CD out "The Fourth Wave" you can get more details on their website at tell them the penguin sent you.

Angry Penguin shirts will be out in time for Nov 14th (I hope) and the comp will be out shortly after! (About time)

Dr Hourai's website will be up with in the next week. I will make sure to let you all know when it is up and running.

11/03 Once again and awesome show last night. It was very happy b-day for us. There were so many familiar faces there from all of our shows. I had a great time and I have all of you guys to thank. I must say there was some great dancing happening. I hope you all had fun. The bands were awesome. Look out world THE WARNING STAR is here to take over. Those guys kicked so much ass. What a great start to a show. (We should have some video in the next couple days.) I want to thank our good friends in The Backup Plan and Your Day Strong for playing the show. It means a lot to us to have bands play our anniversary that have meant so much to us and The Penguin. Between the two of them they have probably played around 15 shows for us. They are all great guys and good friends. Duchess Red, I thank you for the delicious cake. That was a sweet suprise. Thanks for rocking out with us. And Sawtooth Grin... I don't even know what to say. One word comes to mind: SICK. Thank you all. We just got T-shirts in the mail so we just have to get them printed up. We will have them for the Nov. 14th show. I also know you have been wanting to know who's on the comp so here they are, not in any particular order:


10/29 We have just added two big shows to the shows page! Take a look. We still have a few other large shows in the works so keep your fingers crossed. Also be on the look out for the angry penguin comp due out in late November.


10/25 Thanks to everybody that came out to the show this past Saturday. I have put up some video of Figure IOD from the show. The quality is low but you can still get the idea. If Jon has time this week he is going to digitize a better copy.
For all of you that missed Self Made Man check out their Website CLICK HERE. They will be coming back into town late December.

10/24 New Videos on the way! Don’t forget the show this Saturday at the YORKTOWN HEIGHTS ELKS LODGE. THE LODGE IS OFF OF RT 202. Be on the look out for the SHOW SIGNS! Also please note that DR HOURIAS first show has moved back to December 5th. Make sure you check out The Angry Pegnuin Radio under SOUNDS and the Your Day Strong Video under.................. THATS RIGHT VIDEO !

Small Brown Bike has canceled their east coast tour. So they will not be playing this upcoming Saturday at the elks lodge. But Figure IOD, Social Standards, Self Made Man (Canada), and TBA will be playing, so come out and show your support


10/22 New photos and a video added to the page. Try downloading the video(send me an email and let me know if it worked) New shows will be added this weekend so keep checking in !

10/20 Small Brown Bike has canceled their east coast tour. So they will not be playing this upcoming Saturday at the elks lodge. But Figure IOD, Social Standards, Self Made Man (Canada), and TBA will be playing, so come out and show your support!

I will be putting up new photos and some video tomorrow night so make sure to come back and check that out!

10/14 the new site is up! What do you think Yes/No.? We have a few BIG shows in the works so keep checking in. We hope to have the shows confirmed with in the next two week so cross your fingers. We have some video on the way, new photos, some new links and a few other surprises.

10/3 I started to put up the new site last night and a funny thing happend. Nobody liked it. Soooooo it’s back to the drawing board. In the mean time I will leave you with this half finished site in hopes that it will start to grow on somebody.


On the other hand the new website will be up later tonight! So check back!

9/16 Hello the shows page has been updated! Please notice that copeland had to drop off of the show for OCT 2nd for those of you that do not know count the stars was in auto acident. Everyone is alright but the singer is still in the hospital, what does that have to do with any thing you say? Well the dates thatCount the Stars cant finish are being taken over by Copeland.

As far as this friday show goes it is still on. If any thing changes i will be sure to post it on the website. I will also make sure to send out and email via the Email List. So if your not on the list yet make sure you sign up!

9/08 A big thank you to everybody that came out this past weekend! The shows page has been updated and will be updated again later this week so keep checking in.

9/01 Thanks to every one that came out this past sunday! We had a great time. The shows page has been updated, so make sure you check that out. We also hope to have some video on the site this week so keep checking in!

8/29 ATTENTION--- BIG D HAS HAD TO CANCEL THE SHOW FOR THIS SUNDAY! Despite this minor set back the show will still go on! It will now be onlyt 7 bucks (spread the word) I know a lot of you were looking forward to seeing Big D but we still have some great ska bands playing. So make sure you come out and show them some support. Also if you have some free time write Big D and tell them how much you would like them to reschedule the show!

8/23 Shows Updated!

8/19 Thank you to everyone that came out to Choose Your Own Adventure Fest this past weekend! If anyone took pictures at the show the Angry Penguin would love to get a hold of a few. We will be trying to put some video of the show up on the site some time in the next two weeks. In other news we have ALOT of great shows in the works so make sure you keep checking the show page. If you haven’t already, make sure you sign up for the Angry Penguin Mailing List. This way you are always up to date on the latest angry penguin happenings.


8/14 SAW TOOTH GRIN pics have been added to the photos page!

8/11 Hello a few show updates, new pictures from SAW TOOTH GRIN will be up this week so keep an eye out. I will also be attempting to put up some video( i hope it works) Lastly some of you may now notice that the website fits better on your computers ! Yes? No? No? Yes? If it does please send me an email, tell me about it! If I some how made it worse please let me know Thanks! ----TONY

8/2 Thank you so much to everyone who checked out the show last night. It was sick. To anyone who missed it, you missed a great hardcore show. Thanks to Ensign, The Backup Plan, Crime in Stereo, and Ash Return. Just Awesome. I would also like to thank all the kids that keep coming out to the shows. You guys have been great and very supportive, and we can't thank you enough. Keep it up. You are what it's all about. We have been at it for 9 months with no sign of stopping!


Oh yeah, check out the new Backup Plan CD: "Dearest whomever....". It's soooooooo good. Pick it up at a show near you. These guys are great and deserve your support. Thanks fellas. I would also like to thank the guys from Kid Brother Collective for playing last Sunday. This is their last tour and then they are parting ways. You guys have an amazing sound and will be missed. We always looked forward to seeing you and maybe we can get one more show out of you.(wink, wink) Thanks again for playing for us all those times. Rock on.

I know if pretty much sucked the life out of the words, but Thank You to Kiss At Gunpoint for wanting to do their last show with us. We are honored. Good luck to all of you in the future in whatever you do. It was a really good show. ----JON

7/30 Hang in tons of updates are on the way photos, links, contacts, shows and even the site is getting a new look. In other news the ENSIGN / Backup plan show this friday at Oasis. The show will be starting around 6.30pm it will be ending about 10.30pm. Hope to see all of you out!


7/25 Shows Page Updated

7/21 Thanks to everybody that came out last night it was a great time. The web site is still under construction so I apologize if something doesn’t work right. In other news we have some great shows coming up in the next few weeks so please come check them out. ANGRY PENGUIN STICKERS ARE NOW AVAILABLE so stop by a show and get some (for free).

THIS SUNDAY--------Gibbler, Kiss at Gunpoint (last show), Verbal Addiction, Kid Brother Collective, Lock and Key, Division 3

7/16 Hey everybody. The Angry Penguin's Acoustic BBQ is at CROTON POINT PARK off of Route 9 in Croton. There are signs. You have to pay for parking so car poll. There is a huge pavilion there and hopefully we will be able to secure that area for the BBQ. It's FREE. Yes, FREE. If you want you can bring some food, but we will have some. If your vegan bring something. It starts around 1 pm. Whenever you get there is fine. Bring a football or a frisbee or ..... anything. If you want to play bring a guitar. It will be a great time. Hell, bring the family if ya want. Just be there. PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD!!!

Then on monday check out the show at oasis with -------- Duchess Red
Once Over
Falling Through
Depressing TypeWriter Key

The site will also be getting a face lift email me and tell me what you think.



7/2 shows updated!

6/24 Hello MY PEOPLE!!! Sorry about the lack of updates. This is my last week of summer classes and I have had a lot of work to hand in. In angry penguin news we have a lot of big shows in the works for the end of the summer. So cross your fingers and hope they work out. We should also have shirts and stickers with in the next two weeks and a new website within the next 3 weeks, but until then you are just going to have to be content with a shows update. If anyone knows of a good place to do the angry penguin BBQ please email me TONY