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The Macabre show was great. Thanks to everyone who came out early and watched us play. Thanks to all the bands and abyss records for making this happen.

I will be adding more links, and new pictures to the site very soon. Just got to get some free time.

Cystic Relapse is currently scheduled to play the battle of the bands at Dill St. Bar in Muncie on Halloween. Also in talks with Rupture Christ about playing in Huntington, IN in November and Coathanger Abortion about playing in Chattanooga, TN in December. That just about does it for this edition of the update. Keep checking back for more details on the shows.

We played Peoria, Illinois last weekend and it kicked ass! Always fun seeing Waco Jesus and Lividity. Met some cool guys in Coathanger Abortion. A show is in the works in Chattanooga, TN with them in December. Only one week left until the Macabre show. Throcult has cancelled due to some problems, but we are seeking a replacement. Check out for the details as they come.

Been a while on the update thing so here it goes. We have written another song titled "I Got An Abortion So I Wouldn't Get Fat". The show in Peoria is going to kick ass! This will be our very first out of state performance. September 27th we will be playing with Macabre at the release party for their new cd. We are still looking for a label to help us out with Third Eye Grind, and for the moment are still burning copies of it. Thats about it for now.

Played 2 shows this weekend. They were lots of fun. We have recieved another mix of "Third Eye Grind" from Mike and will be getting copies of that made very soon. Another order of stickers will also be made soon. Hope everyone that has a copy of the disc so far is pleased. We have a new song titled Tire Iron Tampon. Tonight was the first night playing it live. It went pretty good.

Temporary slip covers have been made for the cd until we get money to get the damn thing pressed. The temporary cover features artwork by our own JJ Wolfe. Copies of the disc will be made available this weekend.

The title for the upcoming disc is "Third Eye Grind"

We have contacted over 20 record labels to get their opinion on our music and hopefully get one of them to back it. More news as it unfolds later.

Final mix has arrived and it sounds great. We are now getting in contact with labels and working on getting shows. We will be having new shirt designs very soon. We have a few shows lined up in the next few weeks and are submitting cds for the Maryland Death Fest 2004 and the New Jersey Metal and Hardcore Fest.

Well we are waiting on the final mix of the cd in the mail. Recording went great. Thanks to Metal Mike for his time this last weekend. You will all be hearing the new disc very soon. We recieved stickers in the mail this last week. Ask us for one next time you see us.

If everything works out, Eric Unger will be helping out with some vocals on False Perception on the upcoming disc.

A late September show is in the works. This will be an all day event at the Emerson Theater put on by Dan Ferguson of Abyss Records and Cystic Relapse. We have contacted bands and so far...Macabre, Lust of Decay, Throcult, and Lividty have signed on.

A date has been set to record the full length disc. On July 5,6 we will be in the studio with Metal Mike Downton. Copies of the disc should be available by mid/end July.

To join the Cystic Army mailing list, please send email address to

Cystic Relapse will be back in the studio sometime in July. Keep your eyes open for the full length disc, featuring Encephalocele, Sadist Diad, Porphyria, False Perception, Gut Ocean, Torched Cadaver Insect Nest, Grinding Gravel Into A Gaping Gash, plus 1 more still unnamed. Depending on when we record, we may even have 1 more on it too.

New stickers are scheduled to print on July 3rd. We should have them by July 10. The stickers are 4.25" x 2.50" and feature the new logo.

We will also be looking into getting more shirts very soon. Havent yet decided if it will be the same as the last design or not, since there were limited supplies. We will keep you all posted.

Want to thank all the bands that we played with this last weekend. Very good show. Also want to thank everyone for coming out to make this a killer show. More show plans are underway as I type.

Stickers were ordered today. We hope for them to be back in a few weeks.

Kent has rejoined Cystic Relapse.

You will soon be able to click on a show and view the flyer for it. I am going to work on that in the next few weeks.

New shirts and stickers will soon be made available. We are also in the works of getting back with Metal Mike to record the full length disc. Should be available within a couple of months.

Pictures are up from the Terre Haute show. Pictures have been posted on the Fans page too. Keep checking back for more lyrics being added.

A few new links have also been added.

Pictures from Terre Haute will be posted by tomorrow. Pictures of the "cystic army" will also be up.

Hey Y'all...Kent here. I will have the video camera taping the show and the pit...and a digital camera taking pictures of the band and for the new "Cystic Army" fan page I am going to post up. Everyone cum out and support this.

The Links page has been redone. All the links are now visible.

Cystic Relapse has been given the opportunity to destroy Terre Haute again. We will be cumming with a few new songs for everyone to enjoy.

Pictures of the band will be posted soon after the show.

Pictures of JJ will be posted as soon as I get some. I'm going to try and get some work done on this thing real soon.

The search for a new bass player has began. If you are interested contact Aaron.

A new biography will be posted very soon.

Kent has left the band for personal reasons.

We will be back in the studio in a few weeks to re-record our first cd. The cd will feature the vocal stylings of JJ Wolfe. We will keep you all informed on the date as soon as we find something out.

We have sold out of shirts. A new press will be available in the next few weeks. Long sleeves will be available next time.

We started making a new song last night. JJ has the majority of words to it. We will be writing few more in the next couple of weeks then plan to record them.

We are also in the process of setting up a basement show at our house in a month. We will be getting in contact with bands soon to come to Muncie and play.

Cystic Relapse played Terre Haute on Saturday. Everything was great. Thanks to Heusel for getting us on the show, everyone that came out, all the bands, and the armistace room for letting us play.

A lyrics link has been added. All lyrics will be up shortly. Please give me time to have JJ write down all the stuff he has written.

Oh Yeah...JJ's member information will also be up very soon. I will have it by the end of the week.

Cystic Relapse is featured on the Seeds Of Evil Volume I Compilation "Not For Pussies". Check the shit out at

JJ Wolfe is the newest addition to the band. JJ will be taking on vocals for Cystic Relapse. Watch for us at the Abyss Festival on the 15th. JJ will have a few songs ready for y'all.

Recording is finished and we have a copy of the rough mix. Sounds phenominal. We would like to thank Mike for his work this weekend. We will have copies at the Abyss fest for a couple of bucks and shirts too. Hope everyone comes out.

The process of making new songs has began. We spent about an hour throwing out riffs that we got and have started work on 2 songs. very brutal. one will probably be the Seeds Of Evil Comp. and the other will be for the Abyss Fest.

Metal Mike D will be recording our first cd that is still untitled, on January 25 and 26.

New pictures are being taken today and the site will be looking a little different very soon. The new Cystic Relapse logo will be up and a new biography will be on this site as well. A band member bio page has also been added. New pics will be up this weekend. The search for a singer is still on. The guy we had been working with apparently did not want to play show until a year from now. If you or anyone you know is interested please contact us.

Thanks to Seeds Of Evil Ron and Laura for the pics on the site so far.

Recording has been pushed back a few weeks due to back order problems on a board. We are now shooting for the end of January to get the first disc out to the masses.

Cystic Relapse will be hitting the studio in late December to record their first cd which is still untitled. New shirts will be available soon as well as stickers. The disc should be available by January. It will be a 5 or 6 song disc. As of now it will be burned copies until we get the money to have them pressed.