Chapter Eight

On the way back to the hotel I decided to tell the girls I didn’t want to be at the party.

“Uh... Karly? I don’t wanna be at this thing tonight. Do I have to be there?” I asked.

Karly looked at me as if I were crazy.

“ 'Course you gotta be there, girl,” she answered. Damn.

We got back to the hotel. I grabbed my bag and we got out. Before we left the mall I bought Josh a gift. All I spent was 20 dollars. I started to walk toward the entrance of the hotel... I lost the girls in a bunch of fans. I almost didn’t get out, but luckily Lonnie appeared.

“Miss Erin. It’s good to see you again, I’m sure I’ll see you around a lot,” Lonnie said taking my arm and helping me into the hotel. We got into the elevator and I sighed in relief.

“Thanks, Lonnie.”

“Not a problem. How was your day?” he asked leaning against the wall.

“It was OK. The girls went crazy in the clothing shops. But there was this one guy. He...” I trailed off when I noticed Lonnie get tense.

“What did ‘this one guy’ do?” he asked, standing up straight crossing his arms over his chest.

“It’s all good. The girls came back just in time,” I explained.

“Well, maybe next time I should go with you? Jayce did ask me to look out for you,” he said as the doors opened. We walked out.

“Is he in his room?” I asked, hoping he was.

“Yeah. The guys got back half an hour ago. They are all pretty tired... He might be sleepin' so I’ll let ya in,” he answered as we stopped in front of Josh’s door. He slid the card in the slot and it opened. I walked in.

“Thanks,” I turned to look at him. He smiled.

“I’ll be in my room, 1223. If ya need me just come and get me,” and with that he closed the door.

I ventured into in the lounge room, looking around for Josh. Nothing. He must be in the bedroom. I walked into the bedroom and sure enough he was sprawled across the bed. I took in the sight of him. He was wearing a white wifebeater and black sweatpants.

I slowly made my way over to him. I placed my shopping bag on the end of the bed. I sat down softly so as not to wake him. His mouth was slightly open. Oh, those lips. I so badly wanted to kiss them again. I placed my hand on his cheek and I leaned down, softly pressing my mouth to his in a gentle kiss. I sat back up, just sat there looking at this sweet, caring guy. He started to stir. His eyes slowly opened and a smile graced his face as he looked at me. His hand grabbed mine.

“Hey, there, angel,” he said, referring to my top, as he sat up. He kissed the back of my hand before releasing it to stretch. I turned myself around so I was sitting indian style on the bed. I continued to look at him.

“How was your day, beautiful?” he asked taking my hands in his.

“It was fun. The girls went nuts in the clothing stores,” I answered.

“What about you? Did you go nuts?” he inquired. I let go of his hands and grabbed the bag. I emptied the contents onto the bed.

“This is all I got today. Josh, I don’t want your money. All I got was some pencils and new notebook. I also got you a shirt,” I explained picking up the shirt. I handed it to him. He smiled, taking it. He unfolded it. He started laughing. It read on the front ‘I’m with stupid’ with an arrow pointing straight up. He pulled it on. I started to laugh.

“You're stupid,” I joked.

“Ha, ha. So very funny,” he said sarcastically, before he grabbed me. We went tumbling to the ground. He was on top of me, the both of us laughing hysterically. I stopped laughing to watch him. That smile. I love that smile.

“Josh,” I whispered. He stopped and looked at me. “I want to give the rest of what is left over of the money to charity or something... they deserve it more than me,” I said honestly.

“You're something else. Sweet. Kind. Giving. I’m sure we can find a great charity to give it to,” he said smiling widely at me. He leaned down. I closed my eyes. His lips met mine briefly.

“How 'bout we go for a swim?” he asked. I opened my eyes.

“Sounds like fun,” I answered, smiling. He got up. He offered his hand which I gladly accepted. I got up. He looked me up and down.

“You look cute,” he said twirling me around. I blushed.

“I am gonna call you Angel from now on... 'cause you're my angel,” he whispered shyly. I smiled. I let go of his hand and went to my suitcase. I dug through it to find my bikini.

“I’m gonna go change in the bathroom,” I said, making my way to the bathroom.

“OK. I’m gonna change out here,” he said holding up his shorts. I stopped and turned to look at him.

“I’ll make sure I don’t come out while your changing,” I said.

“I don’t mind if ya do,” he said with a sly smile. I made my way into the bathroom and closed the door. I changed into my bikini. It was a vivid orange colour. I had a slim body, with fair skin. I felt kinda naked though.

My ex-boyfriend never allowed me to wear bikinis. Ever. I breathed out. I opened the door and peeked out. Josh was sitting on the bed with towels in hand and he was dressed. He looked at me.

“You gonna come or just be in the bathroom for the rest of the afternoon?” he joked, standing up. I opened the door the rest of the way. I heard Josh’s sharp intake of breath. I stepped out.

“How do I look?” I asked.

“Hot...” he whispered. My eyes grew wide.

“Can we go now?” I asked.

“Yeah, sure,” he answered. He was still wearing the shirt I got him. He gave me a towel. I wrapped it around my waist. He grabbed my hand and we left the room. Lonnie was just about to knock on the door.

“Going to the pool I see,” he said, looking at Josh. “Were you gonna tell me or anyone?” he asked, a little mad.

“Maybe... I didn’t think of it,” Josh answered.

“Well, I’ll come with you just in case,” he said as he started to walk ahead of us. We made it to the pool safely.

“Lucky you. No one is here,” Lonnie said. I sat down on one of the chairs.

“I’m gonna be fine here without ya, man,” Josh said to Lonnie.

“Yeah, OK. I get the point. As always, call me if ya need me,” he said, walking away. When he was out of sight Josh tore off his shirt. My mouth dropped. Holy mother of... he threw his towel down.

“Time for fun!” he shouted. He grabbed my hand and helped me stand. He pulled me against his chest. His hands ran down my sides until they reached the towel and pulled it off.

“Let’s go,” he said running to the pool, bringing me with him.

“Josh!!” I exclaimed. Too late. He pulled me into the pool with him, and we landed in a tangle of arms and legs. I surfaced, spluttering. After I had calmed down, I looked over at Josh. Damn, he looks good all wet. His hair was everywhere. He brought his hand up and brushed it back. He winked at me. Then he started to splash water.

“Oh, the war is on,” I said, playfully splashing him back. I dived under the water and swam to the end of the pool. As I surfaced I felt him grab my leg. Then my waist. His head came up and I gasped. He backed me up to the side of the pool. I felt his hot breath on my face.

“Do you know how beautiful you are?” he asked as he brushed my wet hair from my face.

“Do you know how unbelievably sexy you are?” I asked. Damn, did I say that out loud? He eyes widened and he laughed a little.

I licked my lips. The pool water somehow wasn't as cold as before. It was getting hot, and getting hot fast. He pushed his body into me. I sighed. Damn that feeling. Damn feelings. I placed my arms over his bare shoulders. His hands were on both sides of my face. I watched as a drop of water made its way down his nose, and landed on his lips. He licked his lips as I leaned forward. I closed my eyes and crashed my lips down on his. Oh, the taste of those lips. He pushed me harder against the wall. I wrapped my legs around his waist. We pulled apart.

“Yummy,” I whispered breathlessly, licking my lips. He attached his lips to my neck, softly sucking. I buried my fingers into his curly wet thick hair. I moaned.

“You're... gonna... leave... a mark,” I managed to murmur. He kissed his way up my neck. He whispered into my ear, his hot breath sending chills down my spine.

“I like to leave my mark.”

“Oh god,” I moaned as he lightly licked my earlobe.

“You're killing me here, Erin,” he said huskily. I felt his hardness against me. I brought his face to mine. I kissed him again and again before pulling back. I sighed.

“This could go too far. Too fast. I’m sorry,” I apologized, pushing him away slightly so I could get out. I pulled myself out of the pool. Josh climbed out after me. I made my way over to get my towel. He grabbed my arm and turned me around. I felt the tears sting my eyes. I looked down at my feet, but I slowly made my way up to his face. Damn that body. I looked into his eyes.

“It’s fine, Erin. I didn’t expect you to have sex with me in the pool. Or jump into bed with me. You just drive me crazy,” he explained softly. I smiled at him.

“I know Josh. I guess I’m just a little scared. I mean... when you kiss me... it feels so different. Feels so good... now I’m cold,” I said shivering a little. He reached down and got my towel. He wrapped it around me and went to go get his own towel. He came back over to me and wrapped that around me too.

“Josh, keep it for yourself,” I said, trying to object.

“No... it’s cool,” he said, pulling it tighter around my shoulders. He placed his arm around me and we made out way back up to his room.

“You go have a shower. I’m gonna go take one in Justin’s room,” he said getting some fresh clothes for himself.

“OK,” I said. I was shivering even more now. He looked at me with concern.

“Damn... your lips are turning blue,” he said placing his clothes on the bed. I dug through my suitcase and found some clothes. I stood back up. Josh grabbed my arm.

“Come on. Let’s get you in the shower,” he said walking with me to the bathroom. I placed my clothes down. He walked over to the shower and turned it on. He walked back over to me to take the towels off me.

“You can do the rest I’m sure,” he said placing his hands on my arms rubbing lightly. His head came down and he kissed me softly. His lips were warm. He left and closed the door behind him. I threw my bikini off and ran into the shower. I closed the door. Oh, nice and hot. The hot water soaked into me, taking away the coldness. I cleaned up and felt so much warmer. I got out of the shower and wrapped a fresh towel around myself. I dried myself and got ready for the party.

Chapter 9