crazy carl

carzy carl was born into a broken home on 4/20 in 1987 in fort worth yes thats in texas he started to get abused physicaly and emotionaly in the 1st grade by his father than as he got older his father started beating him with objects that included base ball bats and steal pipeing for the plumbing carl when he was 11 decided he would do somthing to make the abuse stop he decided that plain talking wouldent work and he decided to get a littile violent he thought back and remembered that his father said if he told anyone he would kill him with the hatchet in the shed carl ran to the shed and came back to the house and found his dad sleeping on the couch and decided now was the time he took his hatchet and cut his throat about 20 times just then his mother walked in and asked what they ad done he replied why did you let him do this his mother tried blocking the hatchet but there was no match for carls swing and down she went and this is why he is nick named hatchet man

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