Letissia's Figure Skating Tape Trading Website |
My Dedications & Credits
Hi This Letissia your webmaster for Letissia's Figure Skating Tape Trading Website. I have made up this page to give thanks to those who helped me with this site.
The first person I want to thank is my mother. She has had to deal with all my long hours on the computer and tying up the phone. I just want to say thanks mom and I Love You.
The next person I want to thank is my best friend Louis. He is the one who gave me the pictures of our last day of school. I just want to say Lou you and I have been through so much at MHS. I will miss talking to you every morning before homeroom, between classes, or at lunch. Life will never be the same now that High School is over. Always treasure the memories.
Now I want to thank my friend Michele and her daughter Alexis. I met her a 1 1/2 ago on the USFSA Discussion Board. This was around the time of her daughters accident. Since then we have become good friends online. When "The Make A Wish Foundation" made it possible for her duaghter to meet Michelle Kwan they took tons of pictures and were willing to let me use them on my site. Thanks Michelle and Alexis.
The pictures on this website come from tons and tons of websites. So giving credits to the photographer who took each picture will be difficult considering there are over 500 on my website. I do plan to give each picture the right credits, but for now I will name the names of photographers I know took at least one of the pictures on this.
Associated Press
NY Newsday
Barry J. Mittan
Michelle Wojdyla
Andrea Hoo Chempinski
Michele Peltier
Susanne Kempf
Jackie York
John Haynes
Grace Chiu
Leah Adams
Ann M. Jensen
Emma Abraham
Jay Adeff
Dave Amorde