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Nope!  I’m completely sane …

… and in better shape every day!


On June 21, 2003, I will be running (and walking) in my very first marathon!  As part of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Team In Training (TNT), I am joining hundreds of people around the country to train for and run in the Mayor’s Moonlight Marathon in Anchorage, Alaska!  I am excited to combine my enjoyment of running with my desire to help others.


Through the TNT program, I will have a coach, a training regimen, nutritional advice, a great group of runners with a common goal, and lots of support.  Beside the challenge of training for and completing 26.2 miles of running, I am committed to raising $4500 to support the Society in its battle against blood-related cancers and honoring two special cancer patients – Kathe Goldstein and Lynn Baumert.  Leukemia is the number one disease killer of children, but it strikes ten times as many adults.  Kathe is a former co-worker of mine.  She was diagnosed in the fall of 1998 with multiple myeloma.  She has undergone a bone marrow transplant and continues treatment in her courageous and positive battle with cancer. Kathe is currently receiving chemotherapy.  Kathe is a strong woman who shared with me her joy of teaching and learning my first year at Marion High School.  Lynn is the mom of one of my former students.  In March 2002, Lynn was diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia (AML). I still clearly recall hearing, Kate’s (my former student) voice as she called to tell me, “My mom has Leukemia.”  From the moment those words were uttered, I knew that Lynn and the rest of the Baumert family would rally around this diagnosis.  Lynn has chosen a very aggressive treatment using stem cell transplants (from her own healthy cells) and is presently in remission.  Both of these women have faced cancer head-on with positive, can-do attitudes.  I can’t think of better inspiration as I finish mile 26 in June!  I will also be running in memory of Mike Burford who taught me to never give up on myself.  He showed me how to be courageous and to make the best of whatever comes my way.  Those are lessons I still carry with me.  Those lessons will help me to be successful in my goal of completing my first marathon!


As I run the 26.2 miles in Anchorage, you will be with me in spirit, just as Lynn and Kathe will be.  Your partnership will inspire me to run faster and stronger to the finish line!  I can handle the early morning long runs on Sunday mornings … those of you who know me well know I’m not all that fond of mornings!  However, I need your help with the fundraising.  Keep in mind as you make your donation that $100 will fund a Society researcher for a day, provide a child with a one-month supply of medication, or test one – two individuals as potential bone marrow donors.  Please be sure to include the matching gift form if your company participates in this generous program … this will DOUBLE your contribution!!!  Please contact me if you are interested in contributing to this great cause!  The best part of this program is that 75 - 80% of the money raised goes directly to research and patients of blood-related cancers!


Having people like you in my life is what encouraged me to take on this challenge in the first place.  You have offered your support to me in many ways.  I greatly appreciate our relationship and look forward to hearing from you soon!


Take care,
