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Masks & Capes: Fans of Vader & Phantom
--***--***-- -- And The Wardrobes of the Dark Side
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Masks & Capes is a listing of fans with a love, obsession, and/or fascination with men in maks and capes, devoted to one darkside or another.

Fandom of both the Phantom of the Opera and Darth Vader is unnecessary, but always welcome. In truth, you need not like either.

If you have a site, please add one of our buttons to it, linking back to the fanlisting. Your own site will not be linked to in the listing if the button is not somewhere on your site. You do not need to have a home page to join the listing.

You will not be e-mailed when you are added to the list, but be assured, you will be added whenever I am next online (which tends to be quite frequent).

Note: When joining, do not forget to hit the Add to Guestbook button on the Confirmation Page. You will not be added if you skip this step.

11 Members
? Pending

Lastest addition: Donald K.

Last updated: December 9, 2006

Masks & Capes is the fanlisting of Angel of Music:Angel of Darkness

Fanlisting created January 1, 2006



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