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Matchbox 20-I got a Diesease, Deep Inside Me...

Untitled Document

August 15, 2004
Hey...I'm sorry again for not updating but, I've been busy with my Birthday, School shopping and School Starting back and trying to get all organized again and stuff...but here's an update for ya...I'm working my butt off on the "About Me" section of the site...So, it should be up within the next few days...unless I've got a lot of homework and then it'll be, yea, I'm gonna get back to working on that, so...Ttyl, Byes!! -Bethany <33

July 17, 2004
Hey all!! I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while but I've been a little busy!! but I don't really have much to add right now cuz I'm still workin on that about me section...It might be awhile before that ever makes it up...but that's okay...none of y'all really care about me anyway so like what's the point so yea...anyways...I better go, k...ttyl...byes!!!

July 3, 2004
New Layout!! It's still not a Matchbox 20 layout but it's a lot better than that other one that was on here!! But anyways, I left the pic of the beautiful boys down there so you can still see it!! I'm adding a section that has a little info about me, but it's still under construction...Well, I guess that's it for now, k, I'll talk to y'all next time!! Bye!!

* My Stats *
name: Bethany Faith
birthday: August 12
email address:
screen name: beth_212000 (yahoo)
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