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My Blog
Thursday, 18 December 2008
Well I know this was supposed to be a pro and con list...

I'm updating again, at the request of my illustrious friend Anne.  And because I can't just let this thing collect dust - it needs TLC too!


So, lets see.  Nothing new.  Still no job, although my friend Emmy advised me that the 2010 US Census is hiring like 2,000 people for various positions including DATA ENTRY.  So I need to get myself signed up for that.  It would be a great opportunity, for at least a year or so.  Hiring starts in January so I'm going to get started on that now.


I took my godson out for portraits.  He does not take direction well, but he sure is one hell of a cute kid!  He's already taken up two picture frames on the piano!  My parents gave him a Spongebob stocking with little gummi crabby patties in it, and a large metal sponbebob tin filled with popcorn.  Dino loves spongebob just like his nouna.


Scott is still Scott.  Relatively foul-smelling, and his life revolves around the lodge.   He calls me a pest whenever I tell him the truth.  But I love him.  I don't care if no one understands why.  Yea he's a jerk and has the attention span of a pigeon, but I see deeper qualities.  And I hang up on him about twice a week.  Yay!


Christmas is less than one week away, and I am not done shopping.  This should be interesting.  I only have two or so things left to get, but they aren't cheap.  Oye.  


Well that's about it for now.  Sorry if this isnt as glamorous as usual, but I don't have much to say lately.



Posted by music6/lauraismad at 11:34 PM EST
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Sunday, 30 November 2008
Blogging. Because it's almost as good as flogging.
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: The sound of tires hydroplaning.

As if I didn't have enough blog-like forums to spout my opinions, I decided to add another one.  But this one is more or less not going to be read.  I have my livejournal still,

I also have a blog on my Facebook, and on my Myspace.  Really, I should condense, but each one reaches a different audience.  So I'm just going to refer to this blog as "life".

 I'll give a breif background, so that fewer questions will be asked.  I was born at Passaic General Hospital in late 1983.  I was raised by both my mother and father, and baptised Russian Orthodox.  I had every childhood illness by the age of 4, and also developed asthma.  Both Grandfathers had passed away before I was born, and my Grandma S passeda way when I was 5.  My Mom's mother chose the alternate to dealing with familial issues and wrote us off, thus making it true that I have no living grandparents.   I got average grades throughout my public education, but excelled in spelling.  Finishing things I started did not come easy, and during high school I found my niche in the music department.  Although I had determined the course of the rest of my life in 7th grade, I didn't truly earn the respect and admiration I craved until marching band in high school.  My father was diagnosed with prostate cancer during my high school career, but since then has been "cancer free".  I went on to a university where I majored in music education, but that dream was dashed by a horrible flute teacher (physical therapy and surgery are needed to fix the inflicted issues) and a bout of near-fatal pneumonia mixed with the already existing asthma and a dash of bronchitis.  I met my long-term boyfriend at the university, and had dated what most would consider "on and off" for 5 years.  Our first date was in May of 03, and we broke up in September of that year.  We will be celebrating our 4 year steady anniversary in July of 09.  My current home situation is exceedingly strained, at best.  Dad has been out of work for nearly 2 years and I just recently lost my job.  Mom is working very hard to support three people and a household on under $50k a year.  The unjust stress on her has caused several ulcers in our family.  Guests can feel the tension simply by walking into our house.  There is no shortage of love, however, a shortage of funds.  My parents have recently asked me to consider moving out, due to the fact that they cannot float me any longer, and that the constant fighting is wearing on everyone.  

 So this is where I am right now.  I hope this blog was enlightening.  In my next blog:  To move or not to move:  the pros and cons.

 Until next time, stay safe and love thy neighbor.


Posted by music6/lauraismad at 3:00 PM EST
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