RENT has to be the best musical I have ever seen. An excellent story with a fantastic cast worldwide.
I first saw the show in Australia and found it so compelling that I had to go back for more two days later.
After spending six months continuing my travels and wearing out my soundtrack CD I finally returned to the UK.
Yep you guessed it 1st month home I was on my way to the Shaftsbury Theatre London, where RENT was rumoured to be playing.
3 shows later and I was called by a friend only to be informed that RENT was closing (AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH)!!!
As quick as I could I was on the phone to procure my ticket to that show.
Tickets in hand I made my way to london at 9am. My hope was to queue for a £20 matinee ticket....But alas...Two people to late.
Evening came and the foyer of the Shaftsbury begins to fill with Rentheads. I can see about 30 Marks and goodness knows how many Maureens (stuffed cows in hand). The curtain rises and the biggest cheer I have ever heard goes up.
The atmosphere was incredible, the whole audience singing and dancing. But all good things must come to an end and after 3 reprises of NO DAY BUT TODAY, the curtain fell...............
But it does'nt end there. After a run to the stage door (followed by the whole audience)! The cast start to hang their heads out of the window and begin 1/2 an hour of singing and dancing in the streets.
Since the last Westend show I have since seen RENT twice on UK regional tour and will one day see the Broadway show. (Anyone who wishes to subsidise this trip pleas mail me!)
However until then enjoy my RENT page
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