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The Scarlet Pimpernel

Original Broadway Cast

Starring Douglas Sills, Christine Andreas,and Terrence Mann
Music by Frank Wildhorn
Lyrics by Nan Knighton
25 Tracks
Read my Synopsis of the show as represented by this CD. Read my Synopsis of the show as it stands now.

This is the most fantastic and wonderful show ever, and this CD is one of my absolute favorites. After reading the book The Scarlet Pimpernel in English, and really enjoying it, I remembered that I'd seen an ad for a musical version a while ago. So I checked it out online and listened to a couple of sound clips. I liked what I heard, so I went to the local Barnes & Noble and bought the CD, and I never for one moment regretted it. That was the best $17.99 I ever spent. Needless to say, I was hooked! (On a humorous side note, I went skiing the next day, and every single run I would spend the whole time belting out the few lines that had stuck in my head… hopefully no one heard! :-)

The cast is impeccable. Douglas Sills really invented the hilarious Percy we all know and love. But he's the best of both worlds, too – his gorgeous voice really comes through on the more serious romantic and adventurous songs. Doug also has an absolutely perfect "fop laugh." Listen at the end of the song, "The Scarlet Pimpernel," and also during "Creation of Man." The latter song is hilarious. I don't know how he pulled off all those tongue-twisters every night with a straight face.

Christine Andreas's voice is just right for Marguerite – beautiful and clear. At first her French accent kind of bothered me, but I got used to it fast, and now I wouldn't have it any other way. Check out "Only Love" and "You Are My Home."

This CD was my introduction to Terrence Mann, in the role of Chauvelin. I am now a huge fan and have endless debates with my family over why he is better in some ways than Philip Quast as Javert… but that's neither here nor there. Mann is terrific in this role. His voice is powerful and smooth at the same time during "Falcon in the Dive," clearly expressing Chauvelin's rage and determination without losing musicality by shouting. "Where's the Girl" is everything it needs to be, a compelling and seductive performance. (Hmm… what I wouldn't give to be Marguerite right then, eh?) Anyway, allow me to stop before this turns into a review of Terrence Mann. :-)

Gilles Chiasson gives a wonderful performance as Armand. His duet with Christine Andreas, "You Are My Home" is incredibly moving. I wish I'd seen the original show, I would love to see this scene – it must be amazingly poignant. I like this version of "You Are My Home" ten thousand times better than the "pop version" that made the top 40 charts (see my review of The Scarlet Pimpernel, Concept Recording.)

Songs? What, you want me to pick a favorite? How?

Well, I love "The Riddle," which begins as a duet between Marguerite and Chauvelin, then adds Percy about a third of the way through for a truly spectacular number. The music and lyrics fuse perfectly in this song, and the three performers get all the timing perfect. I suppose I'll say that's my favorite, because that way I don't have to pick a favorite lead… J Demmit, this is difficult… it's no use, you will hear me mention every song!

"Into the Fire" performed by Percy (Sills) and his men (known collectively as the Bounders) is one of the most beautifully inspiring songs I've ever heard. When I'm nervous or scared, I remember this song and it always helps. "Prayer" is simply heartbreaking. It also drives home something about Douglas Sills. While there may be a few better voices out there – not a whole lot, but some – there are very few men with Sills' vocal expression and vocal acting ability. I read somewhere that there's a difference between having a beautiful voice and singing really well. Sills's voice, perhaps, is not the most gorgeous in the world (though it's close IMHO), but he sings well. Really well - better than most if not all actors that may have better voices. To put it plainly, he was born with a nice but not exceptional voice, but he does more with what he has than any man living. If you don't believe me, listen to him.

Back to the songs. "She Was There" is one of the most beautifully triumphant pieces I've ever heard. The song "Vivez," sung by Christine Andreas, was unfortunately later cut from the show, is lovely. It's an incredibly charming song with a beautiful soaring melody, and it also establishes the character of Marguerite early on, something which is a bit lacking in later versions of the show. At first listen, Christine Andreas's French accent (which sounds a bit fake, because it is) is slightly annoying, but once I got used to it I actually liked it. Andreas has a truly lovely voice; it's a shame she's not more well-known.

I've already mentioned how much I love Terrence Mann. It was this CD that made me love him, and it is the best recording there is of his voice. "Falcon in the Dive" and "Where's the Girl" remain two of my favorite songs of all time; I refuse to attempt to choose which of the two I like better! (The answer is, it depends on your mood.) "You Are My Home" is a song you actually might've heard before on the radio. The version sung by Linda Eder and Peabo Bryson made the top 40 charts. This OBC version with Andreas and Gilles Chiasson is ten thousand times better. Trust me. (Why does Peabo Bryson think he can sing?)

"The Creation of Man" never fails to inspire me with gales of laughter, as Percy and his men (the Bounders) try to convince the Prince of Wales that men were created solely in order to wear nice clothes. The chorus gets to show off its talent in "Madame Guillotine," which will chill your spine, and the incredibly amusing "The Scarlet Pimpernel."

All right… I didn't mention every song… but that's enough. This is one of those CDs that I am afraid I will actually wear out. It lives in the CD players; it never goes into its case. It comes out of the stereo and goes into my Discman; it comes out of the Discman and goes into the CD player in the car. :-D

To sum up: this CD is pure magic. I do mean magic. It will forever be my favorite musical of all time, because it touches my heart. I am usually more attracted to "darker" musicals – POTO, Jekyll & Hyde, Sweeney Todd, and the like. But this one, a somewhat happier show, rises above the rest because it is touching, and ends happily without being at all corny. The Scarlet Pimpernel is what musical comedy really should be. It is funny and moving, but it also contains darker themes which give it a serious side. The dark themes are always there, reminding you that life isn't all frou-frou and fancy clothes (LOL), but the ending is ultimately a happy one.

This is the CD I am going to say you absolutely have to buy if you like musical theater. You have to. It's that simple.

Also see my reviews of The Scarlet Pimpernel Encore and Concept CDs.